The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 433

"As long as it's your order, I can knock down the apple in my head!" Shen Wuyue lowered his head without hesitation, the crew swallowed their saliva and started to operate according to Qinli's order.

"Well, although I want to have a good fight with you, unfortunately I am very busy!" Holding Shixiang's neck tightly, Ailian said quietly, and then raised the huge laser sword in her right hand. , Against Shixiang's cheek.

"Yeah!" Shixiang struggled desperately!

"It's useless, go to sleep!" As she said, Ailian raised her sword!

But at this time, a strong turbulence of light descended in the sky.

"Wha...!" The light turned into a straight line and shot up to Ailian's head. When it touched Ailian's random area, it burst out with a spark of magical light. Even Ailian did not expect this. Zhao, Ailian showed a painful expression on her face for the first time, perhaps because she had not had time to react after she was surprised, Shixiang felt that the power that hindered her random realm suddenly diminished.

Shixiang seized the moment of the flaw and turned around, and escaped from Ailian's confinement.Then he concentrated his strength on the hero, and suddenly he waved it down, but the next moment, Ailian caught Shixiang's palm and threw it out!

Ailian, who blocked the blow of the magic cannon, frowned and looked at Shixiang with a hateful expression. The line suit from the chest to the abdomen was chopped, revealing white skin and terrible scars, although the bleeding has been completed in the random field. , But the blood stains from the time of injury stained the platinum armor.

Ailian pointed the sword at Shixiang and sneered, "Now let you see our latest achievements!"

"The latest results?" Shixiang was even more vigilant after hearing this!

A faint white light exudes from Ailian's sword, and then slowly thickens until it dazzles!

"Die to me!" Ailian waved down!

Shixiang's complexion changed, and he immediately blocked him, but after the white energy was thrown out like a magic cannonball, it destroyed Shixiang's Jisha Gong like a rotten weapon, and stunned Shixiang!

"It's not good, Shixiang has been captured!" Latatosk entered, and suddenly heard Hinako's shout in the piano who wanted to come for a shot!

Qinli put his gaze on the screen and saw Aaron wearing platinum and flying in the sky holding Shixiang.

Shixiang didn't know if she had lost her consciousness, and she collapsed in her hands weak and motionless.

After holding Shixiang, Ailian looked around and looked around to confirm the surrounding situation, and disappeared with Shixiang.

"Quickly, notify Qin Zheng immediately!" Qin Li couldn't, and said again!

Here, Qin Zheng immediately received the communication!

"What, Shixiang was captured?" Qin Zheng was taken aback upon hearing this!

"Yes, she was taken away by Ailian!" Qinli gave a wry smile!

"What about the other elves?" Qin Zheng asked again!

"The other elves are fine!"

"That's good, I'll go and rescue Shixiang immediately!" Qin Zheng said immediately!

"Eileen has brought Shixiang back to DEM. Wouldn't it be reluctant if you are alone?" Qinli said worriedly!

"Don't worry!" Qin Zheng smiled, Shidao can hit him alone, and DEM is no difficulty for him!

Qin Zheng took Meijiu to Wuhe’s house, placed Meijiu, and then went to DEM, but at this moment, the shadow that filled the dim room was about to move. From there, a young girl suddenly crawled out. Wearing a dress made of blood-like red and night-like black, tied into black hair with unequal hair volume on the left and right sides, the clock casting plate that appeared in the left eye, and regularly engraved every minute and second Hour hand.

Then, the upright face that looked like an artificially carved face was embellished with a touching smile with joy and ridicule.

"Hehehe, your expression looks so gloomy." Tokisaki Kuangsan squinted his eyes!

"Tokisaki Kuangsan, what are you doing here?" Qin Zheng stared at Toki Kuangsan and asked!

"Hehe, aren't you going to make a fuss about DEM? Bring me too!" Tokisaki Kakuzo said again!

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"Yeah!" With a little hum, Shixiang opened her eyes and yawned. While still in a daze, she realized that she couldn't move as she wanted.

I wanted to wipe my wet eyes to confirm the status quo, only to realize that I couldn't raise my hands.

I felt strange when I lowered my head and looked down. I realized that I was sitting on a chair made of metal. My hands and feet were handcuffed by things like sturdy handcuffs, and there were drips in my hands, with stickers on my head, hands and feet. There are many things like electrodes.

"This is...what...!" Surprised, Shixiang twisted his neck and patrolled around. There was a high school classroom the size of it, but only inorganic floors and walls.Moreover, as far as the line of sight is concerned, let alone a door that can be entered and exited, even the window is not seen, it is a strange space.It's just like what I saw on TV some time ago, the single-person cell where felons are held.

"Here...what the hell is it?" Shixiang blinked repeatedly to make her consciousness clear, and she kept recalling.

Then after a while, Shixiang finally remembered. She seemed to have been caught, unexpectedly there was a noise from the front, Shixiang raised her head, and a rectangular crack appeared on the wall where there was nothing until now. Sliding horizontally like a door, the light from the four corners is shot into the dark space, and the outside scenery can be seen a little.

Then, a person entered the room through that door.

The long pale blonde hair that was combed upwards, and the white skin, in contrast to the black suit worn on her body, it was Ailian!

"You guy!" At the moment that he confirmed that face, Shixiang tightened his body and wanted to rush towards Ailian, but the metal wheels that handcuffed his hands and feet were too strong to move.

"Please calm down, Miss Shixiang. You can't break the handcuffs with your current strength!" Ailian said as if to calm Shixiang, but the calm handling attitude stimulated Shixiang's nerves.

"What a joke! What do you want! Hurry up and let me go!"

"After you let go, what do you want to do?"

"Asking knowingly! I want to return to Qin!" Shixiang shouted loudly.

"Qin Zheng will come to rescue me!" Shixiang said again!

"I know, but before Qin Zheng arrived, we had achieved our goal!" Ailian sneered!

"Well, I will ask you a few questions below, you have to answer me honestly!" Ailian continued!

Time goes back half an hour ago!

"Let me accompany you to make a fuss!" The girl who emerged from the dark shadow said with a strange smile!

Qin Zheng heard Tosaki Kuangsan's words, his eyebrows twitched slightly and shrugged.

"Are you trying to rescue the second elf?"

"Yeah!" Tokisaki nodded three times!

"Whatever!" Qin Zheng spread his hands and did not object to Toki Kuangsan's joining. Then, the two came to a corner of the office street in Dongfang Jingshan City, Tiangong City. It was already night, coupled with the geographical location, the flow of people Not much. The sparse lights are lit on a few tall buildings, giving people a wonderful feeling.

Looking up, at the end of the road, there is a very large tall building.

"Shixiang is there!" Qin Zheng smiled!"Then rush over in one breath!" After speaking, Qin Zheng wore a military uniform, which was also silvery white. Through, like a streamer, Qin Zheng's figure flashed across the sky and went straight to the end. Building!

Oh oh oh!At the moment Qin Zheng acted, the alarm sounded!Afterwards, a number of white robots rushed out, blocking the front of Qin like the sky!

The robots aimed at Qin Zheng with the laser cannon in their hands and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Huh! It's useless!" Qin Zheng seemed to be enveloped in a layer of energy, and those shells couldn't harm Qin Zheng at all!

"What a fool!" Tosaki Kuang spread his hands, leaped, and the magic beam of light exploded on the ground, causing a small explosion!

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