The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 44

Seeing that Qin Zheng's gaze fell on Sayahua, Xuecai felt uneasy in her heart!

"You and Saya Ka are good friends. If I torture Saya Ka, you will definitely feel distressed, so that my goal will be achieved, and I will be compensated!"

"No! You can't do this!" Xuecai was shocked when she heard Qin Zheng was about to go to Shayahua, and said quickly: "You and I have an agreement!"

"Promise! The most valuable and the least valuable thing!" Qin Zheng sighed and said, "At the top of the Pagoda of Gold, I don't have to follow a promise made with a disobedient woman!"

"Ah!" After hearing this, Xuecai was even more flustered. She had forgotten that the senior in front of her was the demon king who wanted to do what she wanted. Wasn't she just taking possession of her body unscrupulously? Now it's her good friend's turn. Do you have room for resistance?No, the power gap let Xuecai know that she has no room for resistance at all!

"Saya Hua, I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you!" Saya Hua was captured by Qin Zheng because he saved herself, but she couldn't protect her!

"Saya Hua! Come with me!" Qin Zheng said without turning his head looking at Xue Cai, who was depressed!

"Sayahua, don't go!" Sayahua looked at Qin Zheng's back and hesitated. At this time, Xuecai spoke!

"You leave here quickly, I'll stop the senior!" Xueca suggested to Saya!

Hearing that, Saya Hua smiled slightly, shook his head, squatted down and hugged Xuecai in her arms, and said, "Xucai, I already know everything! Let me protect you now!" Cai was more sensible. From the conversation she had just contacted, she contacted the actions of the Lion King's organs and found out that the actions of the Lion King were definitely not righteous!

"Ah! Don't you mind?" Yukina stared at the smiling Saya Hua, for a moment!

"I can only be with Xuecai, I don't mind!" Saiya Hua shook his head!

"Okay, we will be the women of the true ancestors from now on, please advise!" The two were silent for a long time, and finally, Saya Hua still smiled!

This night, both Yukina and Sayahua were awake at night. Yukna blamed herself, and at the same time worried about Sayahua. However, Qin Zheng was tossed her down all the way by Qin Zheng. She did not sleep at all for the first time forbidden fruit!

Item 0070

The next day, the refreshed Qin Zheng looked at Saayaka who was still sleeping curled up on the bed, and after a slight smile, he put on his clothes and went to school!

"Xuecai, what are you doing?" Qin Zheng came out, and Xuecai was ready to be fully armed!

"Of course you went to school with your senior!" Xuecai said solemnly!

"Ah! Going to school?" Qin Zheng thought that Xuecai would be hostile to him, after all, he took away Xuecai's best friend!

"Yes!" Xuecai nodded, "If you are in trouble, I will be in trouble if I'm not with the senior! Senior, you can't do anything!"

"Uh! Alright then!" Qin Zheng was really surprised when he saw the usual Xuecai!In fact, Xuecai thought about it all night and figured it out. The Lion King agency asked herself to monitor the senior. Isn’t it just the plan to make herself the senior woman? Even if she protects Saiyaka, it is only for a while. In the Lion King, Saya Ka may be sent to serve the fourth true ancestor. Instead of this, it is better to let Saya Ka also become a senior woman, so that the two of them can be together!

"Senior, Sayahua is all right!" Seeing Sayahua who is still sleeping through the open door, Yukana asked!

"It's okay, I should be too tired!" Qin Zheng thought of the madness last night, and smiled again!

"Yeah!" Xuecai didn't say anything!

"Brother, let's go quickly!" After a rough dressing up, Xia Yin said to Qin Zheng!

Several people rode on the flame hoof and soon came to Haicai Academy. When they parted, Xia Yin pretended to be mysterious to Qin Zheng and said that he would take Qin Zheng to a place after school!

Qin Zheng agreed and came to the class!

"Good morning, classmate Qin Zheng!" When she came to the classroom, Qian Cong just appeared, and after yawning, she said to Qin Zheng!

"Qian Cong, do you look so sleepy?" Qin Zheng smiled while looking at Qian Cong, who was in a state of depression while holding a mobile phone!

"Yes! There was another big explosion yesterday, and after that I received a call from the artificial island management company, saying that because the host for disaster countermeasures was blown up, he called to reinstall the system!" Qian Cong said while using The mobile phone replaces the mirror to play with his bangs, and said!

"That's it! That's really hard for you!"

"It seems that there have been a lot of recent explosions! I'm so busy!" Qian Cong glanced at Qin Zheng and said!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!"Then I am here, including all the residents of the island who have received your help and thank you!"

"Ah! It's not as exaggerated as you said!" After hearing this, Qian Cong's face was slightly ruddy, "I just hope that some people can stop for a while!" Since knowing the identity of Qin Zheng and Gucheng, Qian Cong changed her view of Qin Zheng, and she was also slightly curious while frightened!

"Can I ask you something?" Qian Cong hesitated for a long time before saying!


"Are you and Gucheng really the true ancestors in the legend?"

"You know!" From the conversation just now, Qin Zheng knew that Qian Cong should have known something, probably because of his appearance, but this kind of insignificant matter was not within Qin Zheng's consideration!

"Mo Guwai told you!" Qin Zheng said with a smile!Moguwai is the strongest artificial intelligence on the island. A series of major events on the island can't escape his eyes and ears, so Moguwai must also know the identity of Qin Zheng and the identity of the ancient city, but I don’t know why Moguwai Will tell these things to Qian Cong!

Qian Cong glanced at Qin Zheng in surprise, and said, "You also know that Mogu is crooked? Yes, that's what it told me!"

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"Then Qin Zheng, are you a resident of Xian Shen Island?" After learning about Qin Zheng’s identity, Qian Cong, who was a little curious, used the Internet to search for Qin Zheng’s information, but found that Qin Zheng’s information was blank. The ID cards are only recently registered!

"No!" Qin Zheng shook his head!

"Then why did you appear here! Do you have any purpose lurking here?"

"It's an irresistible factor for me to appear here!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly, and he wanted to understand why he crossed into this world!"As for lurking, I can't say it!"

"Did you do the latest explosion? The giant that day...!"

"You know it!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly: "That is also a helpless act. I don't know why, there are always some flies flying around in front of you, wanting to disgust you, so I just...!"

"Flies!!" Qian Cong was stunned, using flies to describe human life doesn't just show his disregard for life?Sure enough, he is a very dangerous person!No wonder the teacher asked me to monitor his every move that month!

"Student Qian Cong, do you have any questions?"

"Ah! No more!" Qian Cong shook his head quickly, and then said: "By the way, I saw Teacher Nayue just now, and she said that you want you to come and find her!"

Chapter 0071

"That Yuechan let me go there?" Thinking of that petite and lovely figure, Qin Zheng's heart was hot!

"Huh, won't you go there yet?"

"No hurry!" Qin Zheng smiled, "Student Qian Cong, can you lend me your homework and copy it?" Qin Zheng didn't come to Haicai Academy for learning, of course, he already had it above everyone else. The power above, naturally, will not engage in learning things. Originally, Qin Zheng had always been in charge of Xuecai's homework, but because Qin Zheng followed Saya Hua last night, he naturally forgot about it. !

"Homework? Okay!" Then Qian Cong thought for a while, then nodded, and muttered: "Are all the real ancestors stupid?" At the same time, she was also surprised. She usually doesn't borrow homework. Now But lent the homework to the man in front of you!

Looking at Qin Zheng's smiling face, Qian Cong's face blushed instinctively, and then he was a little flustered but said with certainty: "Make a relationship, I must think so!" If you want to complete the task assigned to her that month, you must be with Qin Zheng has a good relationship, Qian Cong has found a crappy excuse for himself to convince himself!

"By the way, Qin Zheng, who is the girl who showed up with you last night? Is she also a student of our Haicai Academy?!" Qian Cong asked with some curiosity when thinking of the girl who appeared with Qin Zheng last night!

"Xuecai!" Upon hearing this, Qin Zheng glanced at Qian Cong and said: "She is a student in the junior high school, but why are you inquiring about her? Do you like me!"

"Who...who likes you!" Her face flushed, and Qian Cong shook her head quickly!

"Sure enough!" Qin Zheng said decisively!

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