The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 441

After Tokisaki Kakuzo shot himself, all his injuries recovered!

"Haha! Playing with you took me too much time! Let's play with you later!" Tokisaki Kumazo narrowed his eyes and shot himself again. Then, Tokisaki Kumazo's figure disappeared!

Seeing Toshizaki Kakuzo leaving, Toiichi Origami was relieved. In this way, his parents are safe!

Yuanyi Origami came to the sky above her home, where her parents took good care of her!

My parents are still alive, that is to say, I changed the past!

In fact, Qin Zheng was also wrong. Since he can change the original path of Yuanyi Origami, the ending of Yuanyi Origami's return to the past may also be different. Just like now, the parents of Yuanyi Origami are still alive instead of Killed by her own wrong hand!

Confirming that his parents are alive, Yuiichi Origami's eyes are set on him again!

She has become an elf, so she can take this opportunity to get the mysterious guy out!

After Yuanyi made sure his parents were safe, he flew again and came to Wuhe's home!

She once heard Qin Zheng mentioned that Wuhe Qinli seemed to have become an elf during this time!

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After flying out of this residential area, Yuichi Origami began to fly slowly!

Yuanyi Origami frowned while looking down at the surrounding scene!

This is a very strange feeling. Ten minutes ago, she was just a human, but now she has become an elf, and she still hates the existence. Now she also understands the gap between humans and elf, she just now Finished the things she couldn't do as a human, and repelled Tokizaki Kuzou!

No wonder my brother would give up his human identity, Yuichi Origami thought in her heart!

"Found it!" Origami came to Qinli's house. Only Qinli was in the house, and he was still fainted. But Shidao was not there, and my brother was not there. He probably hadn't arrived yet, but Qinli was standing beside a mosaic The mysterious person is the one who gave her gems before!

In an instant, Yuiichi origami moved, and a light burst from the front of the extinction angel towards the phantom standing on the ground. However, just before the light hit the phantom, the phantom moved slightly and then disappeared from the ground. .

"I said who attacked me, it turned out to be you!" Phantom looked up, looked at Yuiichi origami, and said, "I give you strength, don't you know how to be grateful!"

"I didn't want to hurt you, I just want to be sure of your true face!" Yuichi Origami said lightly!

"Sorry, I don't want to show my true face yet!" Phantom said with a smile!

"Lightsaber!" Yuichi Origami stretched out her hands completely, and then the extinction angels that became flying wings in accordance with her movements spread out in the air, with the front end facing the phantom.

"In this case, after I knock you down, let's see how you really look!" All the front ends of Yuiichi Origami projected light towards the Phantom.

Phantom couldn't help holding his breath, and continuously slid through the air to avoid Yuichi origami's attack.

"I'm self-inflicted now!" Phantom dodges very easily, but Yuichi Origami's attack is getting more and more fierce!

Phantom frowned, realizing that she would be hit sooner or later if this went on, so she ran through the gap between the extinction angels and fled behind Yuiichi Origami, and wanted to escape from Yuiichi Origami like this.

"I won't let you run!"

Yuanyi Origami showed a sharp gaze, and let the Extinction Angel stay in the unfolded mode to fly behind the Phantom.

Toiichi Origami traced the phantom flying in the air in a complicated trajectory while emitting light.Although the Phantom avoided all attacks, the distance between the two was greatly shortened.

"Really, it's troublesome!" I don't know how long it took to catch up, Phantom said helplessly while avoiding the light in the air.

"You can't escape!" Yuichi Origami said from behind!

The extinct angels scattered in the air fired light at the phantom at the same time, but the phantom dodges all of them with superb movements.

Toiichi Origami has seen through the phantom avoidance habit in these few minutes of offensive and defensive battles, so she deliberately emits light that she can easily avoid.

Toiichi Origami's purpose is to construct a cage.This cage can only hold for a few seconds, but this is enough.

While the light trail is still in the air, Origami gathers all the extinct angels and turns into a crown on top of the phantom, as if to shoot the phantom from the air to the ground, from the front of the extinction angel towards the ground. There was a huge light from below.

"Unexpectedly, you can manipulate the Extinction Angel so skillfully!" For the first time, Phantom showed an embarrassed side!

Yuanyi Origami was overjoyed and thought she was going to succeed, but Yuanyi Origami was too happy!

The phantom slammed towards the cage of light, dodged the light emitted from the top of the head by a few centimetres, and gathered a large amount of origami spiritual power to kill, and the target that lost the attack was shot directly on the ground.

At the same time, after the spiritual barrier surrounding the phantom touched the cage of light shot by the extinction angel, it sputtered spiritual power around like a spark.

However, Mirage did not take this opportunity to attack origami.

He just stayed there and said softly, "It's great!"

At this moment, Yuichi Origami couldn't help frowning. The Phantom's voice could not be distinguished by gender so far and it was difficult to hear clearly, but now it suddenly became clear. Yes, it was a young female voice.

The figure of the mysterious figure is not mosaic, only the face is mosaic, but Yuiichi Origami can be sure that it is a woman, not just a voice, as can be seen from her wonderful figure and graceful long hair!

For a while, Yuiyi Origami felt that the sound was a bit impressed!

Suddenly, Phantom's body disappeared like an atom!

"Hey, he escaped!" Yuanyi Origami was a little helpless!

In reality, Qin Zheng and Shizaki Kuangsan are waiting!

"You said, Yuanyi origami will succeed!" Tokisaki Kuangzo seemed to be very bored, and he kept jumping around in Qin Zheng's eyes, then said!

"Yes!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"Really? The world is quite solid, it's not just a girl's wish, just be crushed!" Tokisaki Kuang said again!

"Then wait, Origami will be back soon!" Qin Zheng smiled faintly!

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In the sky, the high-hanging moon emitted a weird red light, and then, the moon was gradually engulfed by black energy!

Suddenly, Qin Zheng and Shizaki Kuangsan looked at each other, thinking they had such a memory in their minds!

In the Tiangong City fire five years ago, Qin Zheng still went to Wuhe’s house to put the piano in it, but before that, he could perceive the strangeness of the sky. It was the fluctuation of the spirits, but maybe he wanted to find the piano earlier. He didn't go there himself. Thinking about it now, the fluctuation should be caused by the origami Yuiichi returning from the future to the past!

No wonder I didn't see the mosaic when I went to Wuhe's house, it turned out to be because Yuyi origami!

Tokisaki Kakuzo knew that five years ago, he seemed to have a fight with Yuanyi Origami, and then Yuanyi Origami turned into an elf, and forced himself back!

Tokisaki Kakuzo was a little funny, he sent her back to save her parents, and the past self almost broke her good deeds!

Of course, Toshizaki Kakuzo is not sure whether Touichi origami is successful!

Both Shiqi Kuangsan and Qin Zheng paid attention to the sky, where power began to emerge.

Qin Zheng also sighed, the past has not been changed after all, Yuanyi Origami discovered that he was the murderer who killed his parents!

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