The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 448

The Ninja School also conducts examinations, but Qin Zheng has already prepared for the three generations of basic ninjutsu, transformation, stand-in, and avatar, but Naruto, who is a crane tail, decisively mixed with Mizuki in order to graduate. Yes, of course, the purpose is to seal the book, but Qin Zhengke dare not play the idea of ​​the seal book, at least not yet, and every move of Naruto and Mizuki is under the supervision of the three generations of Hokage, if there is no third generation of Hokage With his acquiescence, Naruto could not steal the book of seals at all!

There are many taboo ninjutsu transcribed in the book of seals, and Qin Zheng's heart touches the space ninjutsu the most. Only when he masters this can he have the capital to compete with others such as Heban and Daitu!The best time to steal the Book of Seal is when the Osnake Maru invades Konoha, the third generation of Hokage is killed, and Konoha Village is in chaos again when it is the best time to start!

Although Qinzheng has always maintained the number one position in the Ninja School, it is only a foundation. The three generations of Hokage and other high-level figures will naturally not take it to heart!

After successfully graduating from the ninja school, that was only the first step, because to become a ninja, you also need a guide to perform the assessment, for example, Kakashi used the method of grabbing a bell to test the three Sasuke!However, Qin Zheng's guidance is not Kakashi, but Asma. The original work does not release Asma's assessment method, but it must be different from Kakashi's!

Although the purpose of the assessment is teamwork, each teacher's exam questions will be different!

Back home, Yoshino had already prepared dinner and Lujiu was at home. Over the years, the world was temporarily peaceful, so Lujiu didn't have to go out to perform tasks every time!

"Lumaru, you are going to graduate tomorrow!" Lu Jiu looked at his son calmly, and finally mentioned it a little!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded. The three basic ninjutsu is naturally not stressful for him, and he who is familiar with the core of the exam will definitely become a ninja!

"Time flies!" Lu Jiu sighed, then said, "Are you going to leave with Ino and Dingci tomorrow?"

"Of course!" Qin Zheng didn't know what Lu Jiu wanted to ask, so he nodded honestly!

"That's good!" Lu Jiu only needs to push sideways and understand the three-person relationship of their team is enough!Lu Jiu also rose from Xia Ren, but he couldn't open the exam questions to Qin Zheng openly. This would be extremely detrimental to Qin Zheng's growth, so he just asked a side question!

In the original book, among the students, there is no shortage of wealthy children, but they also did not tell them the content of the assessment. For example, Hinata, after the death of the Uchiha clan, her Hyuga can be said to be the largest family, but she I also don’t know the content of the assessment!

After dinner, it is the constant practice of thunder. Of course, this practice is mainly based on the speed of Jie Yin. You must know that the faster the speed of Jie Yin, you can take the initiative on the battlefield. If you can Jie Yin with one hand , Or without Jieyin, the advantage will be more obvious!

In my impression, there are very few ninjas who can Kujiyin with one hand. Mizumusuki Shiro should be one, and Uchiha Itachi seems to be even more powerful. You can use ninjutsu without Kyouji!

Practicing mudra is very boring. If it weren’t for Qin Zheng’s behavior as an adult, many guys who were the same age as Qin Zheng would definitely not be able to sit still, but as they get older, they will understand that in order to increase their strength, Experiencing boring penance is a must. Ninja ninja lies in the word forbearance, which means being able to endure these boring lives!

After returning home again and washing his body, Qin Zheng lay on the bed. If it were left in normal times, Qin Zheng would have fallen asleep. Because of such a large amount of practice, he was tired and he must have enough sleep. Qin Zheng thought more late in the evening. With the help of this overweight fellow, Mizuki, Naruto should have successfully graduated, and he has strengthened his path!

Data 0010

The next day, Qin Zheng finished preparations early in the morning. At this time, Qin Zheng was wearing a loose high-necked white imperial robe with a pure black long-sleeved shirt and black loose-fitting trousers. Of course, for action Conveniently, Qin was tying his calf, stepping on a pair of black rubber shoes, and then tying the ninja’s forehead to his right arm as in the original, and after checking his ninja bag again, he talked to Yoshino and went out. Up!

As a member of the Nara clan, Qin Zheng did not wear the ponytail unique to the Nara clan. In the eyes of everyone, Qin Zheng looks very strange, but he does not have that strange hairstyle, and Qin Zheng wears better than the original. Many, and his approachable temperament, many girls like him in school!

Qin Zheng and others graduated yesterday, but the reason they still go to school today is to group the students!

The village is just that big, and the time is almost the same, so after Qin Zheng went out, he soon met a few close friends!

Dingci and Ino were among them, and Shino and Ya were among them. The five talked and laughed and set off for the school together, because they just graduated, like after the college entrance examination, everyone seemed very relaxed!

"Shikamaru, do you think the three of us will be grouped together?" The palm of the tooth, which is inseparable from the ninja dog, rested on Qin Zheng's shoulder, and said with a smile!He can't see clearly that Ding Ci, who has always been only nonsense, always eating, and poor in strength. In contrast, he is strong, popular, and has a good personality, Kamaru, who is usually calmer, but occasionally talks back to himself. Zhi Na is more agreeable, and the teacher will notice this too!

Hearing this, Ding Ci stopped the snacks in his hand and looked at Qin Zheng, and Ino was also very worried about looking at Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng smiled, because in Qin Zheng's eyes, this is impossible. He and Ding Ci and Ino have been playing together since they were four years old. Although it was deliberately arranged by the three families, the purpose is to cultivate the next generation. The pig, the deer and the butterfly, the relationship between the three is very harmonious, as long as they are not fools, the high level of the village will not separate them!

"Ya, you are dreaming!" What Qin Zheng noticed was also noticed by careful Shino: "The Nara clan, the mountain clan, and the Qiudo clan are family acquaintances, and Mr. Luku, Mr. Haiichi, and Mr. Dingza are People are called the pig, deer and butterfly trio. Their children will definitely be put in a group. Don't think about it!"

"Ah!" Tooth's face changed, and he was slightly hot. Obviously, he didn't know that this happened, but Ino and Dingci didn't know their father's plan. Now they heard Shino say that, they also remembered it. That’s why my father let the three of them together!

"Ya, I think it's very likely that you will be in a group with Zhina!" Qin Zheng smiled intently, and then said!In the original work, Gawa Shino is a group!

"Me and him, why?" Ya suddenly curled his lips. He was a little dissatisfied with this guy who often talked back to him!

"Your physique is very good, but the theoretical results are relatively poor, and your personality seems to be impatient, while Shino is the opposite of you. His physique is not as good as yours, but his theoretical results are very good and he is calm. You are in a group. Learn from each other's strengths!" Qin Zheng briefly thought about it, and then said his own analysis. It was because of this consideration that the high-level Konoha team put the two in a group!

"It turns out I still have this advantage!" Ignoring Ya, Shino looked at Qin Zheng in amazement, the authorities were fascinated, and the bystanders were clear. Although Shino was calm, he was not very clear about his own strengths and weaknesses. More importantly, Shino didn't expect Qin Zheng to have this kind of observation power that surpassed his peers!

The school is not far away. With everyone’s footsteps, a few people soon arrived at the school!

"Naruto, you haven't graduated, how come you came here!" Sure enough, when he came to the classroom, Qin Zheng saw Naruto who had come here early, and Ya asked in surprise!

"Hehe, I also graduated successfully!" After hearing this, Naruto proudly took out his forehead and said with a smile!

Seeing that Naruto took out his forehead protection, Ya didn't know what happened, but he also knew that Naruto had graduated!

"Ya, I learned a lot of ninjutsu!" Naruto was still showing off!

"Very powerful ninjutsu?" Fang raised his brows, and then sneered: "The tail of a crane is a crane tail even if you learn a great ninjutsu!" After speaking, the ninja dog lying on the head of the tooth also screamed. Agree!

"You kid, it looks like you want to fight!" Naruto was very high-spirited, and he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to do it!

"Ahem, Naruto, you guys, you still want to make trouble!" At this time, Qin Zheng saw Icaru coming in with a notepad, he first gave Naruto a glance, and then said!Qin Zheng could see that Icaru's face was pale and he seemed to be seriously ill. It would not be easy to come to the battle last night!

After the incident last night, Naruto seemed to have a closer relationship with Icaru, and Naruto gave Icaru a lot of face, so he obediently returned to his seat!

"First of all, congratulations on my successful graduation, and the next step is to group! Below I read the name is a group!"

Everyone is looking forward to the grouping!

"Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto!" Haruno Sakura hates Uzumaki Naruto just like in the original book, and Uzumaki Naruto is very excited because he is teamed with Haruno Sakura, but doesn't like the cold Sasuke, so both People are arguing.Xiao Sakura was also disappointed that she could not be with Qin Zheng, but the list is fixed, and naturally it will not be changed because of someone!

"Autumn Dinji, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru!"

The pig, the deer and the butterfly were indeed a group. Although Yamanaka Ino was sure to be with Qin Zheng, after confirming it, he let out a sigh of relief!

But in a corner of the class, there was a shy little girl who looked melancholy, because she also wanted to be with Qin Zheng!

Chapter 0011

After the grouping, Asma appeared, as in the original book, they took Qin Zheng to the school's rooftop!Asma looked very decadent, but in Qin Zheng's eyes, he was at least more reliable than the weird and lazy personality Kakashi!But Ino and others don't think so. Asma looks sloppy, and it is indeed easy to disgust a girl like Ino!

"First introduce myself. My name is Sarutobi Asma. You can call me Teacher Asma. Starting today, I will be the instructor of your tenth class!" Asma spoke to the three of them. Briefly introduce yourself, and then picked up the cigarette, wanted Meimei to smoke, but saw Ino staring at him!

After smirking, Asma added again: "As for the things that I like, smoking, and hate not being able to smoke, the thing I want to do most is to beat my dad!" Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes. Asma's father is three generations. Now, there is a big gap between him and the strength of the three generations, at least one level!

"You guys also introduce yourself!" After Asma finished speaking, she leaned on the railing and began to say to Qin Zheng!He can see that Qin Zheng is the core of this small team, so his eyes are on Qin Zheng!

"My name is Nara Shikamaru. I like thinking and hate noise. My ideal is to be Hokage!" Qin Zheng also put Hokage's slogan on his lips like Naruto. It was not Qin Zheng's passion, but pretending to be seen by others. Presumably Asma, who inherited the will of Naruto, will be more concerned about Qin Zheng!

"Hokage!" Asma sighed, smiling at the corners of her mouth, as if she was laughing: "That's not an easy thing!" Sure enough, even though Asma spoke sarcastically, Qin Zheng's gaze was too much. One layer of kindness!

Ding Ci and Ino were not surprised, because when the three of them were getting along, Qin Zheng also told them that they would become Hokage!

When Ding Ci arrived, Ding Ci did not forget to take out the snacks from the ninja bag. After a few bites, he swallowed the jujube and said, "I like snacks and hate not being able to eat snacks. The ideal is to eat snacks every day!" Simple, he didn't regard Hokage as his goal, but he has a great pursuit of snacks, but this is his pure side!

Ino was very embarrassed. Her face turned red at first, and then quietly glanced at Qin Zheng, who was very handsome in a white imperial robe, and said after pouting, "I like Shikamaru. Shikamaru together!"

Hearing this, Ding Ci glanced at Ino in surprise, and then continued to eat snacks. Qin Zheng was also surprised. He did not expect that Ino would say these things aloud, and now he is still in front of Qin Zheng. This is a disguised form. Confessed!

Asma shook her head, Ding Ci is a foodie, and Ino is a girl in love. As for Qin Zheng, he has ideals but lacks talent. But seeing that Qin Zheng is able to maintain the first place every time, he must have been very Practicing hard, he still has small expectations for Qin Zheng. The talent does not explain much. His father did not have a blood heir, and eventually became Hokage, but Qin Zheng's first place in the Ninja School does not mean much. , At this stage, the gap between everyone is not obvious. After becoming a Xiannin and experiencing several tasks, the Zhongnin exam will be announced!

Asma looked at Qin Zheng and thought to himself: "You who have the name of genius, can you still keep the name of genius after the Zhongren exam!"

"Haha, then let's stop here today. It will be this time tomorrow. Bring the ninja and gather at the gate of the village. I want to conduct a small test on you!" After that, without waiting for Qin Zheng to speak, With the sound of the air bursting, Asma disappeared!

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