The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 456

Hearing this, the three quickly calmed down and confronted the three of Qin Zheng!

"It's a girl!" The four criminals quickly noticed the tight-looking Ino next to Qin Zheng. The slender eyebrows were slightly puckered, the lips were tight, and the white skin looked extremely transparent under the bonfire. I knew it was a beauty!

"I don't know how to live or die!" Qin Zheng saw the criminals greedily looking at Ino, his face was cold and he didn't know what they were thinking, and then said, "Do it!"

Qin Zheng's body moved first, and he stepped on the ground with his feet, and came to the criminal leader's side with Kuwu in a moment!

The criminal leader's skills were extremely extraordinary, and his reaction was quick. Seeing Qin Zheng approaching, he immediately took out his big knife and slashed at Qin Zheng!

It is a pity that Qin is a ninja, so naturally he will not be afraid, and his reaction is much faster than this evil ordinary person. Qin Zheng is very flexible to avoid his attack, and the kunai in his hand is very precise and pierced out, facing the heart, suddenly, blood Flowing out like a fountain, the criminal looked at Qin Zheng with eyes wide open, as if he wanted to remember Qin Zheng's appearance, and finally fell down unwillingly!

After Qin Zheng solved one person, the other three were panicked. Under the tremendous pressure, they also broke out unprecedented courage!

All three rushed up together. One of the criminals took a short knife, saw the timing, and charged forward with all his strength!

Fast, accurate, and ruthless, this is somewhat useful to ordinary people, but to Qin Zheng, it is not very useful!

Qin Zheng exerted his strength on his feet, and when he saw the criminal rushing up, he jumped up, and then knocked him over with one kick!

Ino and Dingci each faced a criminal. Among the criminals, there were strong and weak. Ino faced the weakest, so she solved the opponent the fastest!

At this time, Ino saw a criminal approaching her in panic. It was the criminal who was kicked over by Qin Zheng. Ino subconsciously pinched Kunai!

"Spare!" Ino didn't expect that the criminal did not attack her, but begged for mercy like her!

At this moment, Ino couldn't help it. She killed a criminal just now, but he resisted. Now that the criminal has surrendered, then she doesn't want to kill!

While Ino was thinking about it, the criminal immediately violent, and the short knife in his hand stabbed out. He already knew that even if the little girl wanted to let herself go, the cruel fellow would not let her go. The only way was to hold it. This little girl, let that guy throw a rat!

Ino didn't expect this criminal to attack suddenly, and when he reacted, the short knife in his pupils kept expanding!

"I'm going to die!" At this time, Ino only had this thought in his mind!

"Ino, what are you doing!" Suddenly, Ino noticed that the criminal's movements suddenly stopped, and then heard Qin Zheng's voice. Then, as the criminal fell softly to the ground, Qin Zheng also appeared from behind!

"Thank you!" Ino lowered his head and said to Qin Zheng!

"Well, didn't you remember Asma's words? You can't feel pity because the other person is an ordinary person!" Qin Zheng waved his hand and said, "You kill him!"

Qin Zheng pointed at the criminal who fell to the ground!

"He's not dead yet?" Ino was taken aback!

"Of course, I didn't kill him, he just fainted!"

Ino biting her teeth and seeing the fainted criminal, his breath suddenly became heavy, but in the end, the kunai in his hand stabbed!

"All the criminals have been killed, our mission has been completed! Let's go!" Qin Zheng waved his hand and left with Ino and Ding Ci!

Ino and Dingci are formally murdered, I believe they can be cruel and kill them after encountering this situation in the future!

Within a day, Qin Zheng returned with the three of them, which made Asma very satisfied. Although the criminal was not handed over to the town for execution, the officials also gave an A-level evaluation, the first C The level task is a complete success!

With this evaluation, Qin Zheng and others returned to the village.

Item 0025

After each mission, Asma would ask Qin Zheng to go to Yile Ramen. This seems to have become a habit. After a few people came back, they first went to the mission delivery hall to hand over the task, and the four of Asma came to Yile Ramen Restaurant. !

Just when the body and mind are exhausted, and there are free meals, none of the three will refuse!

"Your mission is outstanding!" Asma took a deep breath of cigarette, then smiled, exhortingly said!Although Asma scolded Ino harshly before setting off, he still separated a shadow clone and followed Qin Zheng to make sure that he was safe, and naturally knew the situation of Qin Zheng and the three of them. Especially in the end, Ino was able to take his heart down. Killing, but the most surprising thing is Qin Zheng, he kills like water, without even frowning!

"Shikamaru, after you go back, write down the outline of the task!" Asma seemed to remember something, and said to the three!

After hearing this, the three nodded. Simply put, this kind of overview is like a task report, which is convenient for future queries!

After completing this C-level mission, Qin Zheng and others had a few days to rest.Ninjas are not robots, they need rest time, otherwise, no one can stand the high-intensity work, especially the high-risk occupation like ninja!

In the next few days, Qin Zheng was busy cultivating Helix Pills. With Qin Zheng's perseverance, Qin Zheng finally achieved little success, and the power of Helix Pills was very objective!After a few days of rest, the three of Qin Zheng gathered again. Of course, they also took up the task. In the peaceful age, a ninja took up tasks in addition to training. One task was related to the cost of a village!

Even if the three Qin Zheng have experience of C-level missions, they will still receive D-level missions, but occasionally they will receive C-level missions again!

All the tasks were successfully completed, and they were all A-level evaluations. As the seventh class of Naruto in the same period, Qin Zheng naturally knew their progress!

Qin Zheng didn't have any thoughts to show off, but Ino was different. She is still a child, and seeing that she is so much better than her peers, she naturally wants to speak out!

On this day, when Qin Zheng and others delivered the task, they once again met Naruto and others!

"Good morning!" Qin Zheng said hello with a smile!

"Morning!" Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all greeted each other one after another, because everyone came from the same class and there was no deep hatred between them, so they would naturally say hello after meeting, let alone Qin Zheng's Sakura also likes Qin Zheng!

"Shikamaru, have you completed a few tasks now?" Naruto seemed to have some stench, which made Qin Zheng frown, and the ninja would naturally receive the task of digging the dung, but luckily, Qin The three of them have never received it once.

Qin Zheng subconsciously took a few steps away from Naruto. Naruto seemed to know his problem, and instead of moving forward, he asked, "Shikamaru, tell me!"

Looking at Naruto's deliberately pleasing face, Qin Zheng thought for a while, and then said: "C-level missions 6 times, D-level missions 15 times!"

"Wow!" After Qin Zheng finished speaking, Naruto was immediately exclaimed. Then, he came to Kakashi's side with a bitter face and said: "Kakashi-teacher, look at Shikamaru and they all did 6 C-level It’s a mission, we didn’t have it once. Can you tell them that we don’t want to take these D-level missions anymore!"

Kakashi seems to be uncomfortable with Naruto’s pitiful appearance, closes the intimate heaven in his hands, and then says: “Naruto, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but you can’t even handle the D-class tasks. , The employer’s evaluation is so low, I can’t help it!"

"But... but I want to become a Hokage person, I wasn't born to do such a low-level task!" Naruto curled his lips and said again.Obviously, Kakashi’s reasons cannot convince Naruto!

"But the past generations of Hokage also started from low-level tasks!" Kakashi spread his hands and said!

No matter what Kakashi said, Naruto was still very dissatisfied, and then went to Hokage, and Qin Zheng and others followed along to watch the fun!

From Qin Zheng’s eyes, in fact, Kakashi’s class is fully capable of undertaking C-level tasks, at least in terms of strength. The D-level task is to exercise one’s patience and will, Naruto and others have not yet After receiving the C-level mission, it shows that Naruto and others' dispositions are not enough. The C-level mission is to expose the ninjas to killing and let the ninjas accept the cruelty of the ninja world!

Starting from the C-level mission, Ino and Dingci seem to have realized this and started to work hard!

Qin Zheng has seen both of these points, but Qin Zheng feels that it is not enough. At least he still wants to fight against a stronger opponent. And the mission of the Nation of Waves is a good opportunity for training. Although the ghost will not be killed. Said to be Shinobu, but with Asma’s cooperation, he feels that he has a great deal of confidence in killing him. Based on these, the Nami Nation mission can exercise him more and will make his reputation in the village of Konoha a big name. As for how to grab this task, Qin Zheng also has a headache!

Qin Zheng knew that as Naruto, no matter how he made trouble, three generations of Hokage would tolerate him!

Asma has always been silent, smoking a cigarette quietly, watching Naruto's mischief, and for the son who saved the village of Konoha with his life, no matter who it is, he will give a certain tolerance!

The three generations of Naruto thought for a while, and thought about it in their minds. Now Naruto has done a lot of D-level missions. Although the evaluation is not high, but he barely passed, he can touch some C-level missions!

Thinking of this, the third generation of Naruto found Zhongren, and then let him find out some suitable C-level tasks!

Soon, Zhongren came in with an old man who was full of alcohol but was very sloppy!

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up, he didn't expect to meet this person here, because this person is the Dazna of Poland!

Item 0026

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