The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 459

Some people might say that as a ninja, resources are ninjutsu. You have learned ninjutsu when you don’t cut it at school. Resources have little influence on him. In fact, this kind of argument is very one-sided. To help Kadoo, it’s more for money. Money represents resources. Everything is a resource. Ninjas in Ninja Village don’t need to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. They undertake tasks because the operation of the village requires funds. But at the same time, they can also exercise themselves. Rebellion needs to consider this kind of thing, and after they solve this kind of thing, how much time is left for cultivation!

Some people also ask that if you don’t take on a task, you are training yourself, but that is no longer exercise, because that kind of task is something that can be solved easily without cutting it, and it will not help your strength at all, as in the current situation. , If Zhongren escorted to Zina back, they can easily be killed without cutting them, and the training gained is minimal!

Of course, unless the kind of shadow-level ninja, they will not be controlled by resources!

Asma also knew that Qin Zheng would be the target of no more cuts, so when he didn't cut any more actions, Asma moved too!

Ninja is an efficient profession. How to solve the opponent in a short time is the primary goal of ninja. If you don't want to defeat Asma, it is very difficult to do it even without knowing Asma's cards. But if you can catch those rookies in order to threaten it, Asma can only catch it!

Don't kill Qin Zheng again, let out the murderous aura!Although the murderous intent is not as shocking as the murderous intent, the general shinnin would feel afraid. Ino and Dingci looked at the look of no longer being fierce, and there were some flashes in their eyes. Big impact!

In the original work, Sasuke is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered when he does not overcome his fear of Oshemaru!

Naturally, Qin Zheng would not be affected by the murderous aura of No More Killing. He stared at No More Killing in the air, looking for his flaws!

"There is a flaw!" Qin Zheng murmured, and he couldn't use any force if he didn't cut it in the air. The old force was gone, and the new force was not born!

Qin Zheng's right hand placed behind his back suddenly waved, and the three shurikens were thrown out, and he went straight to the point where he didn't cut it!

"Little devil, you are too naive!" Although he couldn't use the force, he didn't cut the knots on both hands again. With a bang, a clone appeared on his side. At the same time, he also held a pirated decapitation knife in his hand, and then took the shuriken. Sweep down!There are many magical uses of the avatar technique. When it was impossible to borrow force in the air, Qin Zheng did the same!

In the battle of Shinnin, shuriken played very little role, it only played a role of harassment!

"Shadow avatar technique!" Qin Zheng also began to seal, and an identical Qin Zheng appeared, holding Kuwu in his hand, and the two looked at each other, both of them were not beheaded!

"Ino, Ding Ci, knock that clone out!" At the same time, Qin Zheng shouted at Ino and Ding Ci!

"Yeah!" Hearing Qin Zheng's shout, the two of them shook their bodies and immediately got rid of their fears. After reacting, both shot Kuunai, whose goal is not to be slashed again!

"Bang!" The clone can't borrow, and it doesn't have the strength of the main body, so there is no one. The clone is immediately destroyed. If it is not cut, it does not pay attention to the situation of the clone. It is just a little surprised what Qin is going to do. Maybe he can play a good role in harassment!

He has set his sights on Qin Zheng!

"Courageous brat, then I'll give you a ride!" If you don't cut your face again, the beheading knife in your hand swept over, no matter which one is the real body in front, which is the clone, it will be cut off!

"Lumaru!" Seeing Qin Zheng advancing like this, Asma sweated for Qin Zheng and rushed to deal with the emergency!

"Die!" No longer saw Qin Zheng standing in front of him with Kuwu!

If you don't sneer at it, it's impossible for that kind of thing to block your beheading sword!

Sure enough, the decapitation sword was extremely sharp, along with Kuwu, as well as the shadow clone were slashed. At the same time, Qin Zheng had already crossed and never slashed, and when he arrived, he did not slash again!

"Want to attack from behind?" Without cutting his head, he saw Qin Zheng shot Kuwu at him, and there was a detonating talisman on it!

"Small bugs!" No more snorted coldly, and then shot it flying, but when Yu Guang saw the place where the clone was exploded, his pupils shrank slightly, because there was a detonation talisman on the back of the clone!

"Not good!" Because the clone exploded, white smoke would rise temporarily, so the detonating talisman was hidden, and Qin Zheng attracted the attention of the detonation talisman. By the time the detonation talisman was discovered, it was too late!

Of course, an upper ninja will not be solved so easily, not to mention the super fast reaction ability of this upper ninja!

"Boom!" With a sound of "Boom!", the body of No. No. was shocked, but No. No. did not suffer serious damage, because at the moment of the moment, No. No. held the beheading knife horizontally in front of him, blocking the power of the detonation talisman!

Chapter 0031 Killing and not cutting (3)

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, a huge fireball appeared out of thin air, the tongue of fire erupted, a piece of mist from the explosion also evaporated at high temperature, and the strong air current crushed and smashed the big tree that was cut by the decapitator. When it fell, the mud was splashing, and Qin Zheng and the others only felt that the ground was shaking!

At this moment, although he didn't suffer any damage if he didn't cut his body, his body was pushed toward Qin Zheng by the strong air current!

There is a color of praise in Asma's eyes that cannot be concealed. First, he hides the detonation talisman behind the clone, and then attracts the attention of the non-cutting, and finally gives the non-cutting blow, layer by layer, one after another. Ring, fortunately Qin Zheng's strength is not strong, if Qin Zheng has the strength of Shangren, it is estimated that he will be a corpse if he does not cut it!

However, if Qin Zheng had the same strength as No. No., he would be a lot more vigilant when he did not. Naturally, he would not succeed so easily!

Qin Zheng sneered, the lion fights the rabbit, especially doing his best. If you don't underestimate yourself, you will have to pay for it!

At this time, Asma had already killed him. He first shot Kunai at No. No., interfered with No. No.'s action, and then waited for Qin Zheng to give No. No. a lethal attack. He believed that Qin Zheng had done so much work, absolutely not. It will be useless, and there must be something to come!At the same time, Ino and Dingci also shot kunai at No More Cut!

The body that was no longer cut was pushed towards Qin Zheng, and he almost avoided the kunai of a few people, and then looked at the culprit that caused him to be so embarrassed!

At this time, Qin Zheng had completed the seal, and there was a blue water ball in his hand, which was the spiral pill. This was the first time Qin Zheng had used it against the enemy after learning the spiral pill!

If he doesn't cut his pupils, he shrinks again, because he can feel that the energy contained in that sphere is absolutely fatal to him!

Asma was also very surprised. He was surprised because the sphere in Qin Zheng's hand was the A-level ninjutsu, Helix Pill, created by the fourth generation of Naruto and Fengshuimen!

"Did Jiraiya teach this to Shikamaru?" Asma frowned, thinking in her heart!He never thought that Qin Zhenghui would develop this thing himself!The reason for his frown is because Qin Zheng's early exposure to advanced ninjutsu is not good for his growth. In the original book, when Jilai also taught Naruto Helix Pill, Kakashi also opposed it!

In Asma’s eyes, mastering a high-level ninjutsu is equivalent to having a powerful hole card. This will make some ninjutsu who have not yet firmly established their foundation too rely on high-level ninjutsu and ignore the basics, but if the target is For Qin Zheng, there should be no problem!

"Damn devil!" Qin Zheng didn't retreat, but instead pressed the spiral pill up, toward the point where he wouldn't cut it again!Xia Ren's movements are very slow in Shang Ren's eyes. It is even more likely that Qin Zheng is about to launch Helix Pills with obvious shortcomings. If Asma and Ino were not buying time for him, Qin Zheng might not be able to use Helix Pills!

But the spiral pill has been used, the next step is how to hit it without cutting it!

It is not difficult to hit him if he doesn't cut the ground yet!

I was very embarrassed if I didn't cut it anymore, I had to put the decapitating knife to my chest to block the attack of Helix Maru!

The powerful pulling force of Helix Maru immediately flew the decapitated sword, and then, the body that did not cut was also blasted out by Helix Maru. Shangren was Shangren, and the distance between Qin Zheng and Qin Zheng was very close. Grabbing Qin Zheng's hair, both of them flew out!

"I'm going to kill you little devil!" At this time, Don't Cut and was thrown next to a small lake. He chose to do something in this place because there is a small lake here, so that he can better display his strength. Zhan's right hand caught Qin Zheng's neck, and Qin Zheng would die with a little effort!

"Lumaru!" At this moment, Asma saw Qin Zheng being captured, and was shocked!

"Sarutobi Asma, you can't save this kid!" Don't cut a grinning smile!

"Damn it!" Asma immediately threw the Chakra Blade out of her hand, taking it straight without cutting the face!

"Haha!" It seemed very excited not to cut anymore, and the palms suddenly exerted force!

"Huh? It turned out to be a clone!" With a bang, he was not stunned anymore. He didn't expect that he would catch a clone. He couldn't believe it. One Xia Ren was so bold and used the clone to attack. You know, the clone It is not the main body, as long as it is slightly damaged, the attack will end without any disease!

Asma was also stunned, and then she was overjoyed. He didn't expect Qin Zheng to bring him so many surprises!

"Feiyan." The thick mist was cut, and it instantly hit the body that was not cut again, and the body that was not cut again seemed to move, and finally turned into a pool of water!

"Konoha's ninja really should not be underestimated, especially you kid, who reacts quickly and makes a decision... But what about the reaction of these two kids!" Asma looked back and found Ino and Dingci behind , I have already picked up the decapitation knife, and then said to Asma harshly: "I accept the head of this old man, including the lives of these two little ghosts!"

"Sorry, I can't let you do what you want!" At this time, Qin Zheng's real body appeared, and his real body was not far from Ino and Ding Ci. At the same time, this is where the decapitation sword fell!

After Qin Zheng’s true body was not beheaded again, he was lurking near the beheaded sword, because he knew that he would definitely come to get the sword if he didn't beheaded again. After all, no longer beheaded. Hands, no matter how confident they are, Qin Zheng determined that he would come and take the knife if he didn't cut them!

Sure enough, when he was about to kill Ino and the others, Qin Zheng launched the shadow restraint technique!

Chapter 0032 Killing and not cutting (4)

"What!" I didn't want to cut it anymore, but found that my body couldn't move!

"How could it be like this?" No longer saw Qin Zheng squatting on his body, holding the appearance of Jieyin with his hands, and the shadow under his feet stretched out infinitely, and then connected with his own shadow. Muye Village is one of the five great forbearance villages. , So it has attracted much attention, and although the Nara clan is not as famous as the Uchiha clan, the pig, deer and butterfly trio are still relatively famous!

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