The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 461

"Mr. Dazna!" Qin Zheng looked back and saw Dazna leaning at the door with sad eyes looking forward. He seemed to recall: "The country of Poland was not like it is now! At that time, people didn't say anything. Very wealthy, but self-sufficiency is enough! Later, Cardo came!"

"After Cardo arrived, he exploited us and we became poorer and poorer!" Dazna said again: "Now, everyone has become like this!"

Qin had no expression on his face, he must be sure that it was not accidental that Dazna appeared in front of him!Then he said these things to himself in order to win his sympathy!

Chapter 0034 Complete task (2)

Seeing Dazna say so much, Qin Zheng's expression remained unchanged!

"Hey!" Seeing that Qin Zheng was not tempted, Dazna sighed slightly. Yes, he came here to win sympathy and hope he can do more for the country of Poland, because he really has no extra money. Go hire a ninja!

Logically speaking, Asma’s strength is the strongest. He should go to Asma, but Asma’s is a famous ninja. Even if he is so hysterical, Asma, whose worldview has been formed, will definitely think about the intention behind it. , Only these young ninjas who live under the sun and have not touched the dark side too much will help him!

As for Ino and Dingci, their abilities are not good, even if they have the intention, they cannot help themselves!

He can see the various battles that have taken place from Konoha Village to here. The boy in front of him is very powerful and has the ability to change the decision of Shinobu. Only he can help himself, but this boy seems to see himself. The intention, and did not speak!

After Qin Zheng didn't answer the call, the atmosphere was a little dull for a while!

Qin Zheng didn't care about Dazna. After closing his eyes, he let Chakra cling to the soles of his feet and walked slowly to the surface of the river, very smooth!

Dazna was very surprised, this method of Qin Zheng was amazing in the eyes of ordinary people!

"Mr. Dazna, I know what you think, you want me to help you kill Cardo, right!" Qin Zheng said without looking back!

Hearing that, Dazna's face blushed, he did have this idea, in this way, their country of wave would not be oppressed!

"But have you thought about it? We ninjas can't live here forever. Even if we kill Kado, others will come to exploit you in the future. Killing Kado is not your first problem!" Qin Zheng named the country of wave The existing problem said, he then turned his head and looked at Dazna coldly, "You are too weak!"

"But we can't resist at all!" Dazna blushed, then defended!Seeing Dazna, Qin Zheng remembered Dazna’s grandson. In the original book, he was always afraid of Cardo. This fear has been passed on to the next generation. It is really sad because they cannot overthrow Cardo’s rule. All future generations will be oppressed by Cardo!

"Even if you have built the bridge, but what's the use!" Qin Zheng shook his head, and sneered in his heart!"Do you think you can guard the bridge? Cardo will send someone over to snatch it away! Then why does he suppress you and not let you build the bridge! Because of courage, if you successfully build the bridge, it means resisting His courage, this is not allowed! You have seen this too!"

Hearing that, Dazna was taken aback. The people in Poland were already desperate. Poland is an island country, but overseas trade has been controlled by Cardo. Even when going to sea, Cardo must be paid, so Dazna I just thought of building this bridge, no longer being oppressed by Cardo, and at the same time letting people see hope!

"Your starting point is good, but they won't understand everything you do!" Qin Zheng said calmly!

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and it is also the root of human inferiority. If you can save your life, who wants to sacrifice!

"Adhere to it!" Qin Zheng sighed!

"Perhaps we should unite and fight against Cardo's rule!" Dazna murmured. He now realized that he built the bridge to make people resist. It would be better to take action and look at the five thousand years of Chinese civilization. In every uprising, a leader plays an important role!

Seeing Dazna hurriedly leave, Qin Zheng didn't care about that much!

The next day, while eating!

"Mr. Dazna, how long will it take you to build the bridge?" Asma said with a cigarette in her mouth and said very comfortably!After killing No More Cut and Shui Wuyuebai, Dazna was no longer in danger of life, and the only one who threatened Dazna was Kado!

There is no such thing as concrete to build a bridge, just some solid wood, but it can't be completed in a short time!

But Dazna thought for a while, and then replied, "The bridge is almost finished!"

Asma didn't mean to be surprised. Qin Zheng went out to practice, and Asma naturally followed out. He was naturally clear about the conversation between Dazna and Qin Zheng!

The bridge is not a material bridge, but a spiritual bridge. After Dazna was enlightened by Qin Zheng, he went back to contact all the households and prepared to resist Cardo's rule. Although the effect was not ideal at the beginning, More and more people joined the resistance team, and soon, they could overthrow the rule of Cardo!

At this point, Asma's mission was completed, but Asma did not choose to leave. As a righteous ninja, he also wanted to help the Namibia solve the problem here!

As for the best solution, Qin Zheng has already done it for him, so just kill Cardo!

Cardo's residence is in a very secret forest, surrounded by some of his thugs!

At this moment, Cardo walked out of the room very angry, and the maid next to him shivered!

"Damn it, if you don't cut any ghosts, it will be rubbish. This will be killed by the enemy, and my money will be wasted!" Cardo yelled!

"It seems that I still have to go out by myself!" Cardo sneered, looking at the two samurai around with sabers and acting very casually, and said: "You bring everyone here. I need to personally suppress this time. Rebel!"

"You don't need to go anywhere anymore!" At this time, a young man appeared at the gate, wearing a white imperial robe, and a black shadow stretched on the ground!"Because you will die here today!"

"Who are you? How did you get in?" When Qin Zheng appeared, Cardo was taken aback, but he was not much afraid, because there were dozens of warriors guarding him behind him!

"Boom!" There was a thunder in the sky, and within a moment, the boy had walked out again. There was no trace of blood on his body, but behind him, the blood seemed to stain the entire ground!

Item 0035

Back in the house, Qin Zheng didn't spend much time, but as soon as he entered the house, Qin Zheng met Asma!

Although there is no blood on Qin Zheng, because he killed a lot of people, there is a bloody smell that has not disappeared!

"Shikamaru, did you kill Kado?" Asma leaned on the edge of the door, took a deep cigarette, and asked!

"Well! I haven't played against the samurai yet, I want to know their strength!" Qin Zheng nodded, and he directly admitted!He knows that this is not in line with the rules. Ninjas are prohibited from causing trouble during the mission. The protection of Dazna may still be within the scope of the mission, but if Kado is killed, it is seriously beyond the scope of the mission!

The village made this rule not to be afraid of things, but to worry that the ninja will provoke a ninja who is stronger than himself during the mission. In the end, if he loses his life, the gain will not be worth the loss. Now, although Cardo is not a ninja, but a businessman, the rule is The rules will not change because of one person!

But Asma didn't stop him, which is his default behavior!

"When the profession of ninja did not rise, samurai was the mainstream. Later, ninjas appeared, but they did not rise. Those wars depended on samurai leading a group of ordinary people to fight. As for intelligence and assassination, they will Hire ninjas to execute them. Later, the ninjas tried to join the frontal battlefield. In the end, the ninjas gradually acquired the samurai, and the samurai then decayed!” Upon hearing this, Asma described it plainly!

Ninjas must be better than samurai, otherwise, ninjas won't be able to rise up!

"But even if you kill Cardo, we still need to stay here for a while and wait for the bridge to be completed!" Asma patted Qin Zheng on the shoulder, and then smiled!He did not pursue Qin Zheng’s fault. In his eyes, Qin Zheng’s personality has always been calm, and he strictly followed the village’s rules, and his thoughts were deep. It gave people the impression that he was like an old man in his twilight years, but since Today, it seems that Qin Zheng still has the blood and impulse that young people possess!

This is naturally nothing to Qin Zheng. The death of Cardo means that the dragons have no leader, and even if there are samurai, they will not come to trouble them!

In the following days, Asma taught Qin Zheng and Ino to practice!

A few people benefited a lot from the battle with No More Killing or White. Of course, it was Qin Zheng who had the most benefit when he faced him straight away!

Asma began to teach the four people the skills to control Chakra, and to improve Chakra's control, you must start by stepping on the water and climbing the tree!

At first, both Ino and Dingci were puzzled!

Asma's cold face was enveloped in smoke, then pointed at Qin Zheng, and said, "You have also seen Shikamaru's movement speed!"

"Yeah!" Both of them nodded. After seeing Qin Zheng's movement, both of them were very envious and wanted to learn this movement!

"Actually, this kind of movement is a skill that all ninjas can learn!" Asma said again: "Move the Chakra to the feet, and then use the explosive power for a moment!"

Ino and Dingci tried to move Chakra to their feet, but found that even though Chakra moved to his feet, they couldn't move at the speed of Qin Zheng!

Ino's face flushed, looking at Asma very puzzled!

"Don't worry, it's difficult to do it at your level!" Asma spread her hands and said calmly: "If you want to do this, you must conduct special training!"

"Special training?" Upon hearing this, Ino and Ding Ci were taken aback again!

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