The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 47

A few people went to the hill behind the school, in the small park surrounded by green trees, and they could see a gray building turned into ruins, which was the purpose of their trip!

"Senior, where do you live with Xuecai and others?" Nasha asked!

"Well, at sea!"

"At sea? Can people live in the sea?"

"We live on a ship at sea!" Xia Yin said corrected!

"The boat! It must be very beautiful! Senior, can I go and play?" After hearing this, Naisha looked at Qin Zheng!

"of course can!"

"It should be like this!" Qin Zheng said, looking up at the sign of the "Leading Staff" on the roof of the building.

"I was taken care of in this monastery when I was young." Xia Yin looked at the disrepaired courtyard, seemingly nostalgic. There were flowerbeds buried in weeds and rusty tricycles.

"Hmm!" Knowing Xia Yin's past, Qin Zheng nodded slightly, and put his hand to the door of the building, the hinge creaked and the damaged wooden door was pushed open.

"So many kittens!" Xuecai looked into the dilapidated building and screamed happily. Her eyes were bright when she turned her head excitedly, and her eyes rarely showed innocent emotions that match her age.

When Xia Yin came, a dozen young kittens swarmed towards Xia Yin like chicks returning from a migratory mother bird.

"Xia Yin, are you raising these cats?" Xuecai was a little curious!

Xia Yin expertly prepared cat food and nodded: "They are all abandoned kittens, so I just...!"

"Brother, why don't we take these cats back!" Xia Yin suggested!

At the same time, Xue Cai also hopes to look at Qin Zheng!

"Okay! Then adopt it back!" Soon, the beginning of the alchemist's chapter will start from here, and this place will become very dangerous, so Qin Zheng doesn't want Xuecai to come here frequently to feed the cats!

Item 0075

After Qin Zheng agreed to Xia Yin, the four left the monastery contented!

And the ancient city far away from the school is tangled!Time goes back an hour ago!

"Gucheng, what did the teacher talk to you that month?" Yaze asked with Gucheng!

"I was scolded by the teacher!" Hearing this, the ancient city said in a languid!

"What's the matter, it's not a regular thing!" Yaze curled his lips and said!

"I'm not talking about this, I'm very worried about Asal!"

"Worried about Shallow?"

"Yeah! I met Qin Zheng just now, and he admitted that he was going to attack Qian Cong, damn bastard, how could I let that demon approach Qian Cong!" Gu Cheng said angrily!

"Then what's a good way for you?"

"I don't know this either!"

"No, you can't defeat Qin Zheng with your current strength. Instead of blaming yourself here, it's better to strengthen your strength, and then just grab the light spring onion!" Yase enlightened!

"Yes! I don't know if Qin Zheng told Qian Cong about his affairs!" Gucheng sighed again!

"You are worried that Qian Cong will be involved in a meaningless battle, right!" Yaze thought for a while and said, "But with Qin Zheng's character, I guess Qian Cong already knows who you are!"

"That bastard, he is lawless in doing things, and he always involves some insignificant people!"

"But compared to Qian Cong, your sister Naisa is the problem!" Yase's conversation turned to Naisa!

"What! What's wrong with Naisa!"

"Look at it for yourself!" Yaze said, pointing downstairs!

Hearing that, the eyes of the ancient city moved down, and you could see the middle courtyard of the middle of the country under the sunset. From the school courtyard and other school buildings, behind the buildings that would become blind spots, there happened to be a familiar female student, Nasha. And the boy next to him was the demon in the mouth of Gucheng, the fifth true ancestor Qin Zheng himself!

Seeing that scene, the consciousness of the ancient city was instantly wiped blank by anger and panic.

"No, Naisa is in danger!"

"Gucheng, what are you doing?" Yaze quickly stopped the ancient city who wanted to jump from here!

"Why Naosha will be with the devil, no, I must go to rescue Nasha!" Gucheng said tensely!

"Calm down, Gucheng, look at the two girls beside Naosha, Xia Yin and Xuecai. I don't think your sister will be okay!"

"But I don't worry!" Gucheng still said nervously!

"Why don't it be better, I will first check the situation and see what they are talking about, and then we can intervene!" Yase said: "But don't be impulsive, you are not Qin Zheng's opponent now!"

"Yeah! I know!" Gucheng was about to nod his head, and suddenly said: "Yase, come and have a look. Just now Naisa sent a letter to Qin Zheng. What's in it?"

"If you ask me, there will be no answer!" Yase shook his head!

"Why is this!" The ancient city is extremely distressed now!It doesn't matter if Qin Zheng took aim at Light Onion, he had to stretch his magic claws towards his sister!

"It will be a love letter!" Yase finished guessing, and the ancient city suddenly collapsed!

"Your sister is cheerful and cute, easy to talk to, cares about others, and has many friends, but she is also a nice girl!" Yase praised!I completely forgot about being caught and preaching by Nasha for several hours!

"You are here to beat me!" Gucheng was in a trance listening to Yase's words.

"Gucheng, they are gone!" Yase said again!

"Ah! What are they going to see? And it's the three girls together. I heard that Qin Zheng's private life is extremely corrupt and he often sleeps together. Could it be that Nasa is also...!" Gucheng quickly gave up his miss and faced the arrow. Sase said, "Yase, let's follow too!"

"Don't worry!" Yaze murmured. He is an adaptable person, and he has a good surveillance!

The two of Gucheng followed, and after seeing a group of wild cats, they felt relieved, but Gucheng was still worried!

Gucheng decided to find an animal-loving classmate in the class to adopt a kitten, and then intervene in their conversation, not to give Qin Zheng a chance to approach Naisha!

Chapter 0076

The next day, after school, Yase found an animal-loving boy and took Yase to the junior high school building in a hurry!

"Yase, hurry up! I saw Qin Zheng and Naisa go up to the top floor just now!" Gucheng said dissatisfiedly when he hurried upstairs!

"I said Gucheng, you think everyone is so perverted with you! You rushed to the fifth floor in one go! This is terrible!"

"Gucheng, your stamina is really good!" said the handsome boy beside Yase!

"Uchida, needless to say, let's hurry up!" Yase waved his hand!

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