The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack-Chapter 472

"Naturally! Whether it is in strength or in thought!" Asma analytically said: "You should remember the test I told you before! Shikamaru can make Ino and Dingjiliang People are completely obedient to him, and based on this alone, Shikamaru is not something that can be accommodated by a Shinobu!"

Hearing that, Kakashi was silent. In a small team, it is very difficult to get peers to identify with you. I think at the beginning, the relationship between him and Taitu was relatively tense. After he became Shangnin, Bringing the soil did not completely obey him. From this point of view, Qin Zheng's ability to do it is indeed commendable!

"This doesn't mean anything!" Xi Rihong said again!

"Actually, I didn't tell them that the Zhongnin exam is only valid for three people, but I am not worried, because Kamaru is there, Ino and Dingci will definitely go to the competition!" Asma's face was taped. With a smile, he seemed to be very proud of the disciple Qin Zheng: "There are quarrels in the class you lead!"

Chapter 0054 The strongest to bear (2)

Hearing that, Kakashi and Yurihong were stunned!

Kakashi smiled, Naruto and Sasuke were like enemies in the previous life, arguing non-stop. Of course, they can still be united at critical times. This is also Kakashi's peace of mind to let them see Zhongnan The reason for the exam, if even Unity can't do it, then you are not eligible to take the Zhongnin exam!

Yurihong also remembered his three subordinates. Hinata, who had no opinion, had always been so-so, and Inuzuka was so arrogant. Although Yuzino was silent, she was surprisingly strong. Although the two did not have Naruto and Sasuke. So noisy, but also quarrel!

"Our tenth class is different. There is no fight!" Asma laughed again: "This is all Kamaru's credit. Kamaru is in this small team, and what Kamaru said is even more useful than my teacher! Compared to my friends, I think Shikamaru is more like Ino and Dingji’s superior! Shikamaru has always taken care of Ino and Dingji, and can give full play to their advantages when doing tasks! That test, I lost to three and endured it!"

"When Shikamaru fights against the enemy, he always counts as an exhaustive strategy, and the strategy formulated has never failed!" Asma said again!

"The most obvious thing is that I played chess with Shikamaru. I have never won! He always fights every step and kills every step, so as not to give the enemy any chance to comeback. To be honest, in forbearance, I am the most The person who is optimistic is Shikamaru, and at the same time, I am very confident in him!"

"No wonder, no wonder you will hand the decapitation knife to Shikamaru!" Kakashi squinted!

"Yeah! Shikamaru wanted a chakra metal weapon, so I helped him!" Asma said to the two of them without mind!

"In terms of strength, Kakashi has also seen Shikamaru's strength. I should know that he has enough strength to serve as Zhong Ren!"

"Hmm!" Kakashi nodded!I have to say that if you pass the psychological barrier, Qin Zheng's becoming a Zhong Ren is an ironclad thing!

"This is not the scariest part of the child. He is like a monster, with sufficient energy to maintain, and seems to have a persistent pursuit of ninjutsu and power!" Asma remembered Qin Zheng's mission in the country of Bo. During that period, Qin Zheng didn't give up any time to practice. Then, he remembered Qin Zheng learning medical ninjutsu from Yao Shi Yan. He was never tired of absorbing knowledge!

Kakashi was moved by what Asma said, if nothing else.Sasuke is definitely not Qin Zheng's opponent!

Kakashi frowned, thinking of Kai who had been aiming at herself and flashing a row of white teeth, and finally chuckled: "Asma, I heard that Kai's subordinates will also take the Zhongnin exam!" Ningci has white eyes, can gossip palm, and acupuncture points. Naturally powerful!Moreover, Xiao Li, like Kai, is purely physical, and seems to have learned Kai's Lilianhua, absolutely terrifying!

"Oh, you are talking about Xiao Li and Ning Ci! It is indeed trouble!" Although Asma said there was trouble, the expression on his face did not change much!

Asma thought of Qin Zheng's figure, and his superb movement speed made him seem to see a golden flash!That kind of speed alone can suppress most ninjas!

"Kakashi, do you remember the last time Shikamaru subdued Naruto by only relying on the instantaneous technique!" Asma continued, "His current instantaneous technique has reached a higher level. That's it!" Asma remembered after seeing Qin Zheng's movement speed by chance, "If I want to make an analogy, maybe the speed I can reach with the instant technique is not as fast as Shikamaru!"

"How is this possible?" Upon hearing this, Xi Rihong and Kakashi were both surprised!The instantaneous technique has very low requirements for the amount of Chakra, but it has good control requirements for Chakra. Asma's words show that Qin Zheng's ability to control Chakra exceeds Shangren!

"Hey, I taught a genius!" Asma felt it from the bottom of his heart. He remembered the man who saw his father a few years ago, but under his expressionless face was hiding a pair of ninjutsu and strength. The fanatical heart of constant pursuit, now Qin Zheng gives him the same feeling!

"Shikamaru, you must be more powerful than the fellow Oshemaru!" Asma thought in her heart!

Qin Zheng didn't know that Asma compared him with Da She Wan, and now he is meeting Xiao Li from the Kai team!

The sudden footsteps made Qin Zheng frowned!

"Konoha Tornado!" Xiao Li's voice came from behind, he jumped up, and then swept out towards Qin Zheng!

"Shikamaru!" On the one hand, Ino squinted at the attacking Xiao Li, and suddenly exclaimed!

Xiao Li was a sneak attack, and the speed was fast. The target was not only Qin Zheng, but also Ino and Ding Ci. Qin Zheng frowned, looked at the swept thigh, stretched out his palm, and caught him!

"You're Nara Shikamaru, I am Xiao Li, who came here to ask for advice!" He was caught in the leg, and Xiao Li maintained a volley posture. After speaking, he kicked out again!

But Qin Zheng's speed was even faster. After catching Xiao Li's foot, he hit Xiao Li's abdomen with a kick!

Xiao Li is a ninja of pure physical art, so he naturally reacted, and touched Qin Zheng with his back foot, and then flew out easily!

At this time, there were already a lot of ninjas in the corridor. Originally, they saw two ninjas who are also Konoha clash, and they were gloating, especially after seeing Xiao Li’s speed, they were all on missions. The guy in the Yushen Robe was going to suffer, but he didn't expect that the guy in the Yushen Robe easily resolved the attack and was able to fight back!

"Strong!" This thought came to their minds!

Item 0055

Xiao Li was very surprised that Qin Zheng was able to block his own attack. He was a pure physical ninja, even the ordinary speed was faster than the average ninja, but he didn't expect Qin Zheng to block it!

"Could it be that Shikamaru is also a physical ninja?" This idea was denied as soon as he came up, because he had heard the rumors of Qin Zheng that he would use ninjutsu, not a pure physical ninja, but That's why he was surprised that Qin Zheng's physical skills could keep up with his own strength. A genius is a genius!

On the one hand, Tian Tian and Ning Ci both frowned. They knew how fast Xiao Li was!

Xiao Li just landed on the ground, raised his head, revealing a row of shiny teeth, and said at the same time: "It's really my opponent in this life!" But he was greeted by the speeding shuriken, which was very accurate. When Xiao Li landed, Shuriken flew towards his face door, only one meter away from him!

"Not good!" After all, Xiao Li is a physical ninja, rolling backwards, dodge the attack!

"A lifetime rival!" Qin Zheng thought of Kakashi and Kay. Kakashi is the object Kay has always surpassed, but now, he seems to have become the object that Xiao Li wants to surpass!The two masters and apprentices who always put youthful blood on their lips like nervousness, no matter who they are, will feel helpless!

"Time is well grasped!" Ning Ci saw Qin Zheng's power for the first time. "It's a genius ninja, but I won't lose!"

"Let's go!" Seeing Xiao Li avoiding his own attack, Qin Zheng didn't plan to fight Xiao Li to death. What's more, Konoha's senior management would definitely appear to mediate their dispute, so Qin Zheng didn't want to pass it either. What a waste of time!

Ignoring the person who slowly pondered his own strength, Qin Zheng led Ino and Ding Ci into the classroom!

There are some ninjas sitting in twos and threes in the classroom, but there are no ninjas from Konoha Village. In other words, Qin is the first group to arrive!

The three of Qin Zheng found a place and sat down. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Zheng observed the surrounding Xia Ren. There were some strange behaviors in Xia Ren, touching his nose, wiping the palms of his hands, etc. As long as he observed carefully, he would find something strange. , After remembering the behavior of these people, they may have unexpected effects in the next game!

Because of Qin Zheng’s request, Ding Ci’s backpack was naturally full of snacks. After sitting down, he opened a pack of snacks and ate it by himself. Ino was holding his chin, just like Qin Zheng, and then looked at it. Looking at the ninjas around, or secretly looking at Qin Zheng, who looked serious next to him, his white cheeks were faintly flushed!

Although Ino confirmed the relationship with Qin Zheng, he was thin-skinned and naturally did not dare to look at Qin Zheng openly!

As time went by, the number of ninjas in classroom 301 began to increase. Some ninjas from the outer village and ninjas from the village came in, but none of them knew Qin Zheng!

"Shikamaru, I finally saw the three of you! You really have come to take the Zhongren exam!" At this moment, a voice came from behind Qin Zheng. Qin Zheng turned his head and saw that he was wearing a white coat with a pattern on his face. Coming up with a puppy's teeth on his head, Shino, who is wearing sunglasses and high-necked sleeves, is next to him. At the end is Hinata with short hair and a nervous and shy look!

Hinata kept lowering his head, not daring to look at Qin Zheng!

"So it's Ya you!" At this time, Ino also greeted the three Ya!"Are you also taking the Ninja exam?" In Ino's impression, it is natural for them to take the Ninja exam. After all, Qin Zheng is a genius. As for Gaga and Shino, they were only at the upper middle level when they were in Ninja school. almost!

"Of course!" Ya seemed to be very excited about the next Zhongnin exam, and then said: "I have worked hard, and I will definitely win you in the competition!"

Ino curled her lips, saying that it was impossible to win them. Unlike Ya and them, she was with Qin Zheng all day, and naturally knew how much Qin Zheng had made!

"Ya, you are trying to get the attention of others!" Shino said coldly!

Toga looked at Shino a little displeased, but did not speak. In front of outsiders, he did not want to argue with Shino. Now, he looked around and continued: "It is said that all nine of us from the Ninja School will come to participate. Shinobu test, why haven't I seen Naruto and Sasuke yet!"

Both Ya and the puppy on his head looked at the classroom carefully, but they didn't find Naruto!

"Naruto is here or not!" Qin Zheng said lightly!"Ok?"

Seeing Ya's doubts, Qin Zheng explained: "With Naruto's character, you will definitely not be at peace!"

"That's what I said!" Ya Tan spread his hands. Now there is no movement in the classroom, so that means, Naruto and the others have not come yet!

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