The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 475

"He doesn't seem to be able to practice other ninjutsu except physical skills!" The pharmacist paused, and continued: "And his teammates are Tiantian and Ningci!"

"Here, I have to talk about Neji!" Yao Shidou knew that Dashewan wanted to see Sasuke's potential, so he determined to stimulate him and said: "Neiji and Shikamaru are both Konoha's number one genius. He With white eyes, the soft boxing is very powerful! You should also know! The Zhongnin exam is not only a simple exam for promotion, they are also a stage for competition for national strength!" Yakushi said nothing wrong, because the ninja decides everything!

"All countries will send elites to practice Ninjin, they will receive the attention of ordinary people, and in Konoha Village, everyone is optimistic about Neji and Shikamaru, the two of them, who is the strongest Ninja!" Yakushi After looking at Sasuke, he found that his face was a little hard to look at, and then continued: "In contrast, we are not concerned by others!"

Sasuke felt extremely uncomfortable as if the words of the pharmacist were bombarded in his heart!

"To tell you the truth, the purpose of my coming to take this Zhongnin exam is to challenge Neiji, and even if I fail in the end, there is nothing to do!" Sasuke was even more unwilling to say what Yakushi said. He remembered that the watermelon head had treated him before. Speaking of which, the strength of the watermelon head is so powerful, but it is also said that taking the Zhongnin exam is just to get a platform to fight Ningci, so how about himself!

Not to mention the man who became the captain of the dark part at the age of thirteen, even now, he is not favored by others. If this goes on, when will he get revenge!

Sakura who was on Sasuke's side quickly noticed Sasuke's ugly face!

Sakura naturally didn't know what Sasuke was thinking, and then asked, "Sasuke, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine!" Sasuke waved his hand, said in a cold voice, and then left straight away!

"Not to mention Shikamaru and Neji, even the ninjas of Otonin Village are very powerful!" Yakushi said with a smile, "It's just that I don't have any information about them!"

"Powerful?" Hearing that it was a small Shinobu village, Ya suddenly laughed, with a contempt in his tone, and then said: "It's just a little bit, don't worry at all!"

Without restraining his voice, his words were naturally heard by the three of Sack!

"Hey, we will be very distressed if we say that!" Sack sneered and crouched: "If we don't show our strength, they really think our strength is terrible! After all, we are only three in Otonin Village. individually!"

"It's true, Sack, don't they have my information? Why don't we help them fill it up!" Toss sneered!

"Good idea, but if you want to play, let's play it cruelly!" Sack pondered, then sneered!

Although it was Xing Ren, the three of Sack had gone through the battle of life and death, so they felt that they were no worse than the others. When they were observing Qin Zheng, they found that Qin Zheng was strong, but still very arrogant!

"Ya, are you an idiot?" Shino snorted coldly. He felt that Ya always said such things without thinking through his brain!

Pharmacist Dou shook his head helplessly, and then said: "That sentence just now probably caught Otoninbu's attention!"

"What's the matter then?" Ya muttered, but the three of Sack had already found the chance of a sneak attack, and rushed towards several people!

Zack jumped up from his seat, the target was the pharmacist's pocket who had just turned around, and Kumo in his hand shot at the pharmacist's pocket!

"The action is too big!" Seeing Zack's action, Sasuke snorted coldly. Sure enough, the pharmacist leaped lightly in his pocket, and then avoided the attack of Kuunai. Then, Toss next to him took advantage of others not to Pay attention, and then attack the pharmacist, and the attack time is just right, it is the time when the pharmacist has gone to the old power and the new power is not born!

Toss pulled up his black robe, revealing a ninja that resembles that of Sack. The ninja is equipped on his arm, and there are many small holes on it, which looks a little weird!

"Too slow!" Ya also said, and as expected, Toss' attack was also avoided by the Pharmacist!

Seeing both of them besieging Pharmacist's pocket, Sakura screamed in her heart. She wanted to remind her that she was relieved when she saw Pharmacist's pocket avoiding!

The pharmacist was able to avoid Tos's attack, but the glasses on his face suddenly exploded!

"It turned out to be a voice attack!" Pharmacist sneered, but he saw that Toss was also sneer, his face changed, his stomach twisted, and then he threw up on the ground!

"Haha, it seems that you, a ninja who has participated in four years, are not so good!" At this time, Zack walked to the front of the pharmacist's pocket and said: "Then you should have our information now! Tell you, we The three people in Otonin Village will definitely become Zhongren in this exam!"

After speaking, the three swaggered and left!

"You bastard!" The bloody Naruto was about to fight Sack!

"Naruto, wait a minute!" Shino hurriedly called to Naruto!

"What's the matter?" Naruto said dissatisfied!

"Naruto, we have to figure out their strength first, or else they will be like Duo-senpai!" Shino said calmly. Indeed, just now I saw Yao Shi Duo avoiding, but now he is still lying on the ground like a salted fish. I know there is a problem!

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Qin Zheng, Ino and Dingci naturally saw the clash between Naruto and Otonin!

"Shikamaru, those guys are really arrogant!" It is also Konoha Village, and Ino bullies Naruto from the people in Otonin Village, and Ino also snorted coldly!

"Shikamaru, what was the attack just now? Didn't you avoid it?" Ding Ci was concerned about this issue!"Is there any mechanism on that strange ninja?"

"Yes!" After Ding Ci said that, Ino was also very curious!

"It should be a close-range attack!" Qin Zheng smiled. He doesn't remember the attacking tricks of the three Zackers, but the three of them are just scum. As long as they are taken down in one effort, there is no problem at all. As long as you don’t bring them close, or you don’t need your companions to attract others’ attention!"

"Then we are going to help Naruto and the others?" Ino said again!

"No need!" Qin Zheng shook his head."Shino and the others can handle it, and fighting is not allowed in the classroom!"

Sure enough, after Shino analyzed Naruto, Naruto was about to fight with the three of Sack, hehe, a rough voice came over: "You bastards, don't give me back to my seat!"

Naruto and the others were taken aback for a moment, and then looked over, and on the podium, a burst of white smoke appeared. With the sound of silence, a tall man in a black jacket appeared in front of the candidates!His face is full of scars, his hands are behind his back, and the cold look in his eyes puts a lot of pressure on many candidates!

"What's the matter?" The man first saw the ninjas of Otonin Village and Kinha Village facing each other!

"The three guys in Otonin Village, you clashed before the exam, do you want to lose the exam qualification?" the tall man said coldly!

Hearing this, Sak spread his hands, then returned to his seat and said, "I'm sorry, I'm more excited because the exam is approaching!"

When the tall man saw that the three of Zack’s clothes were soft, he did not continue to pursue them for hurting Konoha Ninja, and then continued: "Dear candidates, I am the examiner in the first test of Zhongnin exam. My name is Morino. Ibis!"

Hearing this, everyone was startled and fell silent. After all, if you offend the examiner, there will be a lot of trouble in the next exam. No one wants to do that!

"I'll make it clear to you here! In this test, no one can fight without the permission of the examiner, otherwise they will lose the qualification for the test! Did you hear that?" After Ibis finished speaking, he looked and looked. After walking around and seeing everyone bow their heads, they seemed very satisfied with this effect!

"If you don't compete, this Zhongnin test is too easy!" Sack sneered!

Sark hadn't finished speaking, Ibizi's Kuwu had been thrown out, and it happened to be wiped from Sack's cheek!

"Didn't you say it, don't violate the examiner's words, or you will immediately lose your qualification for the competition!" Ibizi snorted and then continued: "Now, you submit the application form according to yours, and then receive the grades according to the number of grades. According to the seat, we will send you test papers!"

"Ah! There really is a written test!" Immediately, Ding Ci wailed. Among the three, his theoretical level was the worst!

"Ding Ci, don't worry, you didn't say that you can't cheat!" After saying that, Ino looked at Qin Zheng beside her. Her theoretical level was good, but she certainly couldn't compare with Qin Zheng!

"Great talent, the next exam is up to you!" Ino said with a smile!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded!

As for the others, they were very flustered after hearing about the written test, but soon calmed down!

"What to do? This will be dead!" Naruto was very anxious!

After Qin Zheng and the three of them received the numbers, they prepared them according to their positions. Ino and Ding Ci were right in front of him, and there were some unknown candidates around him!

"Okay, you all listen to me!" Ibis knocked on the blackboard, attracted the attention of the candidates, and then continued: "Before the exam, you have three points to follow: 1. Each candidate has a full score of 10. There are a total of ten questions in the exam, 1 question and 1 point. If you answer a few wrong questions, you will be deducted a few points, and the deduction will be calculated. 2. This exam is a team battle, which is based on a three-person team (full score of 30 points). Competition, 3. When it is found to have committed [cheating or being recognized as cheating], two points will be deducted every time it is found. 4. After the exam, all scores will be lost due to cheating, and candidates who have not answered any questions correctly will lose Qualifications and the group members to which the candidate belongs will be jointly disqualified!"

When she heard that it was group scoring, Sakura immediately stood up and asked, "Why do we need group scoring?"

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