The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 477

"Huh!" Hongdou then glanced at the number of candidates, and then said: "Ibizi, left 24 groups of candidates, what are you going to do?"

"Um!" After hearing this, Ibis smiled, could have eliminated a large number of people, but after thinking of Naruto's solemn declaration, Ibis said: "There are many excellent candidates in this year. !"

"Excellent candidate?" Hearing this, Mitarai red bean waved his hand, not listening to Ibis' nonsense, and then sneered: "I will eliminate half of the people in the second round of the exam!"

Qin Zheng, who is familiar with the plot, naturally knows that the second round will really eliminate half or even more, because the second round is to snatch the task book, and the powerful team can get more task books. In this way, the eliminated ones will at least be eliminated. More than half!

"Come with me!" After Mitarai Red Bean waved to the crowd, he ran towards the village first, and then the candidates followed!

"Shino, where are we going?" Kawa Shino asked as he hurried along!

"The direction should be outside the village. There is a forbidden area outside the village. If you guess right, our destination should be there!"

"Ah! You mean the death forest?"

"Yes, it is estimated that the second round of testing will also be held there! The next step is probably the actual combat!"

"The actual combat is good! What I like most is the actual combat!" Ya nodded with a sneer, "Those ninjas from the outer village I have long been displeased!"

"And...!" Then Ya's eyes fell on Qin Zheng who was walking in front of him, "Take this opportunity, I can also fight against Shikamaru!" Qin Zheng didn't expect Ya to fight against himself, but from the original work It seems that Ya's overall strength is worse than Naruto's, and he will not be his opponent at all!

"It's best not to do this!" After hearing this, Shino shook his head coldly, and then reminded!

"Why, do you think I will lose? I tell you, I have gone through hard work!" Ya's face flushed, and he said coldly!In fact, he knew in his heart that if he was facing Qin Zheng, he would not be his opponent!

"It's not a question of winning or losing!" Shino said very wisely: "Didn't you hear the examiner say that this is only the second round of exams? There will be exams next. Unless you can quickly solve Shikamaru, otherwise, your ability and intelligence Then they will be taken by other ninjas, and they will be prepared!" Still still, Shino added: "Moreover, I don't think you can beat Shikamaru!"

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"You guy!" Ya was very dissatisfied with Shino!

"Well, I’m telling the truth. Unless you can defeat Shikamaru in an instant, otherwise, other ninjas are likely to get your situation, and in the collision with Shikamaru, if you get hurt, At that time, we will all be the targets of other Xiaren's shots. After all, our performance is very eye-catching!"

Hearing this, Ya was taken aback, yeah!When they were discussing loudly just now, they attracted a lot of hatred, and Naruto’s little ninja village even offended a large number of ninjas!

"Then what should we do now?" Ya asked!

"Let's see how Shikamaru does it first!" Shino paused, then said!

Soon, the army slowed down, and the destination was about to arrive!

Hinata pointed to the forest in front of him, and said to Shino Kazuto, "Hurry up and look!"

"Sure enough, it is the Death Forest!" Shino pushed his glasses, and said!The ninjas of Konoha Village knew that it was a dead forest, but the ninjas of the outer village didn’t know what forest they were in front of. They looked at the huge forest in front of them with a bit of amazement. They seemed to have a gloomy feeling. There were many fences around the giant trees. Enchantment with a seal on it!

"Well, here is the venue for the next test!" Adzuki beans stopped at the forefront, and then said: "This is the Dead Forest!"

The death forest seemed very quiet and dark. With the words of Red Bean, many candidates felt bad!

"Hey, Naruto, Sasuke, it seems horrible inside!" As a girl, Sakura's voice trembled a little!

"Sakura, rest assured, I will protect you!" Naruto said bravely immediately!

"Huh, who wants you to protect it!" Xiaoying snorted, and her eyes fell on Qin Zheng. Then, she looked at Ino who was leaning on Qin Zheng's side. Ino and Qin Zheng were already holding hands, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Lost!

Although Ino was also scared, with Qin by his side, he felt relieved!

"Hey, look, the relationship between Ino and Shikamaru seems to be very close!" Ya looked at the two of them almost sticking together, and said unexpectedly!

"I guess Ino has become Shikamaru's girlfriend!" Shino said lightly, "After all, he's a good friend from childhood!"

"Really!" Hinata also looked over, with unconcealable loss on his face!

"You will soon realize the horror of the Death Forest!" Hongdou sneered, and glanced at everyone!

"Huh!" Naruto murmured dissatisfiedly. It was probably because I was frightened by Ibis the first time. He finally found out that it was also a false alarm. Naruto who tasted the sweetness thought it was the same this time, and then said: "Come on. Well, I am not afraid of you!"

"Little devil!" Hongdou looked very relaxed when he saw the crowd. Originally, he thought which of the thorn-headed candidates would stand up, but now someone came out and was overjoyed, and then a kunai shot out, kunai very quickly, and scratched Naruto's face. A red mark appeared, and immediately afterwards, Kumo flew away to Ding Ci, who was eating snacks behind Naruto again!

"Bump!" Qin Zheng appeared in front of Ding Ci instantly, and then blocked the Kuwu!

"Huh?" This is Konoha, who Asma often talks about, is the strongest forbearance, it really has some strength!

"So fast!" After seeing Qin Zheng's speed, the other Xia Ren was very surprised!

Shino looked at Hongdou in astonishment, and murmured in his heart: "This examiner definitely killed someone!" Because he saw that if the Kuwu was stopped by no one, Ding Ci would die. However, from Qin Zheng Qin Zheng's strength is very powerful!If you want to defeat Qin Zheng, you must start with his short-skilled illusion, but illusion is not one of my expertise!

The blade struck Naruto's cheek, and Naruto's grinning face finally converged!

"Tell you guys, don't try to challenge my bottom line, I will kill!" After the red bean was established, he continued: "Don't think of a little bit of strength and show off in front of me!" After speaking, the red bean appeared in Qin instantly. Behind him, then he hugged Qin Zheng's neck with one hand, his tongue licked Qin Zheng's cheek, squinted, and continued: "A powerful person like you will die in the Death Forest!"

Hongdou let go of Qin Zheng, and then said to Ding Ci: "Pay attention to what I say!"

"Yes!" Ding Ci was surprised and quickly collected the snacks!

Qin Zheng subconsciously touched his cheek. When the soft tongue licked over, he felt an electric shock!

"Before the second exam starts, I need you to sign an agreement!" Hongdou took out an agreement, looked at everyone's puzzled expressions, and continued: "Because this exam is going to kill people, and I As your examiner, if you don't sign this agreement, I will be responsible!"

"What if we don't sign?" an examinee asked immediately!

"Naturally be treated as giving up the exam qualification!" Hongdou said lightly!"If you are afraid of death and want to give up, you can not sign!"

Many candidates have gone through the first test, and their minds are relatively firm. Moreover, ninjas are inherently a high-risk profession. They are already psychologically prepared, and they also believe that their strength can survive, so everyone No objection to signing this death agreement!

Soon, everyone wrote their names on the agreement!

"Let me talk about the rules of the second exam!" Hongdou squinted, then smiled: "You must fight a survival battle within the stipulated time! Use personal ninjutsu to fight the rest!" After speaking, Adzuki took out two scrolls from the ninja bag, and then said: "Based on the competition for these two scrolls, we will fight for the scrolls!"

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"There are two scrolls here!" After speaking, Hongdou took out two scrolls, one black and one white, and continued: "The black one is the scroll of the earth, and the white one is the scroll of the sky. Every team of you will receive the sky. Then you have to collect the two scrolls. As long as you get both scrolls and successfully reach the central tower, you will be considered to pass this assessment!"

"You have to be careful, this test will eliminate twelve groups or even more people!" Hongdou sneered, "In addition, I will give you five days, if you have not reached the central tower within five days. If you give up your qualifications for the exam, of course, if someone dies in the process, then their group will be eliminated! Remember, you can’t watch the contents of the scroll under any circumstances!"

"The above are the rules for the second test! Come over and get a scroll and enter the Death Forest!" Hongdou rubbed his forehead, and then continued: "Also, good luck to you!"

"Ino, let's go hurry up!" As soon as Hongdou said to get the scroll, Qin Zheng took Ino and walked over with Ding Ci, be sure to get the scroll first!

"Why?" Qin Zheng did not explain. Although Ino and Ding Ci were very confused, the habits they had cultivated over the years made them choose to believe in Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng and several people entered a small black room, which was blocked by curtains at the front and back, and then took the scroll and went out!

They were the first to get the scroll, and after Qin Zheng went out, he saw Gaara team second, but this is nothing surprising, Gaara itself is a monster in strength, naturally fearless , In addition to being a little slower than Qin Zheng who was interested, he also got the scroll quickly!

Of course, Gaara does not have the complicated mind of Qin Zheng!

After Gaara came out, I met Qin Zheng and others, but to Qin Zheng's surprise, Gaara didn't go crazy, but instead nodded at him as a greeting!

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