The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 486

A cold light appeared in Qin Zheng's eyes, and the Kumo who inserted his heart stirred a few more times. After he was sure to mash his heart, he pulled out the Kumo!

Looking at the dead man who could not die, Qin Zheng sneered. A ninja can't be so careless!

From the beginning, he never thought of restraining men by relying on shadow restraint technique. After all, men are upper ninja, not comparable to those who are novices under ninja. Moreover, shadow restraint technique is also very restrictive. After using it, the body cannot move at all. It can be said to be very troublesome ninjutsu!

So Qin Zheng's last killer is the Blade of Chakra. In the end, Qin Zheng succeeded!

Qin Zheng knew that although the man said that he was the Shangnin of Otonin Village, his strength was not as powerful as Shangnin, at least worse than Asma, and far worse than Kakashi, but this was regarded as an official kill by Qin Zheng. The Shangren, although Ding Ci and Ya and others have helped in this process, they are just a harassment!From the time the man gave up and escaped, Qin Zheng knew that he was dead, and without the help of Fang and others, Qin Zheng could kill the man in the same way!

After Qin Zheng killed the man, he was abandoned by Qin Zheng on the grass, and the grass was immediately stained with blood!

"Send a worm!" At this time, Shino also appeared beside him, spreading his hands, and with his movements, his head and palms were covered with worms!

The worms continued to continue. After the gathering was completed, Shino pointed to the man in the pool of blood and issued instructions. The worms quickly flew up, and then covered the whole body of the man, crawling and crawling constantly. The scene was frightening. Endless!

Qin Zheng knew that Zhi Nai was only confirming the death of the man, and did not stop it!

"Finally dead!" After putting away the bugs, Shino sighed after a long time!

After putting away the bad bugs, Ding Ci also went to call Ino and the others. Hinata was already awake, but he blushed when he looked at Qin Zheng!

"Shikamaru, thank you so much. Without you, we would have been killed!" Being rescued by Qin Zheng's team, even the arrogant tooth is grateful to Qin Zheng!

"It's okay!" Qin Zheng nodded!

"Shikamaru, what do you think of this person's strength?" Shino paused, and then asked!

"It's very strong, it doesn't look like Xia Ren!" Qin Zheng thought for a while, then walked behind the man, rummaged through the man's body, and continued: "Come and take a look!"

After seeing Shino and others walking up, Qin Zheng lifted the man's metal mask. Underneath the mask was a delicate face, not as hideous as Ya and the others thought. Of course, what they are not paying attention to now is At this point, it was the slightly rolled-up piece of meat under the delicate face!

"What is that?" Ya asked very curiously!

"Just look at it!" After speaking, Qin Zheng began to pull the piece of meat upwards!

"Hiss!" Qin Zheng tore his face apart, the man's appearance changed again, his delicate face was gone, but an adult, strong man!

"This is a human skin mask!" Shino was surprised, and at the same time he was more sure of his guess!

"He is not an examinee!" Qin Zheng paused, then said in a deep voice!

"Not a candidate?" Hearing this, everyone was taken aback!

"Yes, because I don't have the impression of this person in my mind, and he is bald, if there is such a person with such obvious characteristics, I will definitely pay attention!" Qin Zheng said lightly!

"Could it be that you didn't pay attention?" Ya said hesitantly!

Hearing this, Qin Zheng shook his head, he was still very confident in his memory!

"I believe what Shikamaru said, he is not an examinee!" At this time, the silent Shino supported Qin Zheng and said, "Have you forgotten what he said? At the time I asked him to let us go at the cost of the scroll, but he refused. He also said that he didn't come for the scroll. If it's an examinee, how could he not come for the scroll!"

Hearing that, everyone fell silent!They didn’t come for the scroll but got mixed into the exam. Could it be a spy sent by the other Shinnin to get rid of some excellent Shinnin. No matter what the purpose, this is not something they can handle. All they have to do is Give this corpse to Konoha, and let Konoha come to deal with it!

Although the man is dead, those who do intelligence can still get a lot of useful information from the dead!

"In any case, we must go to the central tower as soon as possible, and then report this to the chief examiner!" Shino said!

"Don't attack other teams anymore?" Ya said!Now the Qin Zheng team is here, as long as they work together, they can definitely eliminate many teams!

"We consumed a lot in this battle, Hinata was also injured, and there will be exams next, so we are no longer suitable for intensive battles!" Qin Zheng shook his head and continued, "I will give The Hinata treatment will cost a lot of chakras, so we don’t have to fight again!"

"Moreover, I have extra scrolls in my hand, which means that I can eliminate the players of the two teams. This is enough!" Qin Zheng said!

Ya glanced at Qin Zheng, and wanted to say something, but Shino patted Ya on the shoulder, and then said: "Ya, we killed him, but we don’t know if he has any companions, if he still has a companion. , We will definitely find out the fact that our companion was killed, then our situation is really dangerous!"

Hearing this, Ya nodded helplessly!

Qin Zheng also nodded, and then said: "We will report this matter as soon as possible, and Muye Village will definitely punish those who break the test rules!"

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"How to take this corpse away?" Ya asked curiously!They didn't expect to take the corpse away. Naturally, they didn’t take the seal scroll. Shino didn’t expect to encounter this situation either. However, Qin was ready for everything. He took out the seal scroll and sealed the corpse. The three of Ya said: "Let's find a place, I want to treat Hinata!"

Afterwards, several people searched for a relatively secret place!

"Actually... Actually, I don't need...!" Seeing Qin Zheng's solemn face, Hinata lowered his head, pursed his mouth, and shook his head!

"Okay, Hinata, don't say it, hurry up and follow Shikamaru!" Shino frowned, but seeing Hinata's weak character, he couldn't bear to shout loudly, "You and we are the same team. Yes, if the injury recovers, it will help us too!" Shino once again Hinata just doesn't want to cause trouble to everyone, but Hinata drags the injury, that is the real trouble!

Qin Zheng led Hina Tian into a small open space!

Qin Zheng asked Hina Tian to sit on the stake, and he slowly squatted down!

Hina's face was flushed, her head was lowered, her little hand was placed on her knees very well, and she squeezed slightly, as if very nervous!

"You...Where are you hurt?" Qin Zheng asked with a smile!

"I...I...!" His head was like steam, and the blood kept pouring up, Hinata felt that he was about to faint!

Qin Zheng glanced at Hina Tian, ​​and then picked up the soles of her feet. Then in Hina Tian's shy and scared eyes, Qin Zheng slowly got out of her socks, and suddenly, the crystal clear, delicate feet appeared in front of Qin. before!

"It's here!" Qin Zheng looked at the place where his feet were red, and slowly covered his hands!

A slightly cold feeling came, and Hina Tian looked at Qin Zheng's green palm, feeling that he seemed to be in the cloud, very happy!

"Alright!" Soon, Qin Zheng let go of Hina Tian's feet, and then smiled!"Let's go out!"

"Shikamaru! I...!" Behind, Hinata called Qin Zheng!

"Huh? Hinata, what's the matter?" Qin Zheng smiled slightly!

"I... my back still... still has injuries!" Hinata mustered up the courage and said!After speaking, Hinata began to take off his white coat!

"Huh?" Qin Zheng didn't expect that Hina Tian would take the initiative to ask Qin Zheng for treatment!But Qin Zheng shook his head, and then smiled: "Don't be so troublesome, you turn around!"

Hearing that, Hinata turned around obediently, leaning forward slightly, Hina's back is not big, very petite!

Qin Zheng's palm was close to Hinata's back again, and then slowly output Chakra!

There was a tingling feeling, very comfortable, Hinata screamed subconsciously!

"Okay!" After treating Hina Tian's back, Qin Zheng patted Hina Tian on the shoulder and motioned to follow him out!

After Qin Zheng and Hina Tian walked out one after another, Ino immediately walked up!

"What are you doing? Ya and Dingci and the others?" Qin Zheng asked puzzledly without seeing Ya and Dingci!

"Ya and Dingci went to ambush a team to endure it!" At this moment, Shino shook his head helplessly, and said!

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