The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 489

"What a fool!" Toss sneered, two-on-one, this ninja in Konoha Village was looking for death!They all crawled out of the dead man's pile, and they were all confident that their strength would not lose to any one!

"Sack, let's solve this kid together!" Toss shouted while stepping back!

"Innocent, do you think your companion still has the strength to attack me with you?" Ning Ci sneered, the speed of sprinting unabated!

"What do you mean!" Toss couldn't help looking at Zack's side, only to find that although Zack escaped from Ning Ci's attack, he had enough of Ning Ci's high-five. It is destroying the internal tissues of the body. At this time, Sack has suffered serious internal injuries!

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"His palm... his palm!" Sack didn't expect that he would suffer such an injury, and the blood he coughed up contained visceral debris!

"Palm?" Hearing this, Toss subconsciously looked at Ning Ci's palm. Could it be that his palm was also equipped with a special device like ours, but there was nothing on Ning Ci's palm, nothing weird!

As soon as Toss looked at Zack, Neji moved again, and two kunai shot out from his hand!

"Damn it!" Toss backed away, then came to a big tree, and quickly flashed into the big tree, avoiding Kunai!

"Huh!" Ning Ci sneered. His white eyes could sense the Chakra in the human body, and those big trees couldn't block his sight at all!

Toss rushed out from the other end of the tree, and Neji also saw the timing. The tree was not a hindrance to Neji, but it was a hindrance to Tos. So Neji shot the shuriken, but Tos didn’t notice. !The moment Toss rushed out, the shuriken also followed. Toss was taken aback, but the shuriken had already flown over!

In desperation, Toss could only raise the hand with the air hole device and use the metal block in his hand to block it!

"Bump!" With a crisp sound, the shuriken was blocked by Tos!

Toss couldn't breathe a sigh of relief, because Ning Ci had already cheated on him and hit him with both palms!Although Toss doesn't know the secret of Ningji's palm, it can be seen from Sack's serious injury that Ningji's palm is definitely not easy!

"Thos!" Seeing that Ning Ci had already attacked, Jin Qing couldn't help but yelled. She didn't expect the ninjas of Konoha Village to be so powerful. They were all trained by Oshemaru, and their strength was far superior to ordinary people. Killing is commonplace. The flowers growing in the greenhouse are definitely not their opponents, but I did not expect that the guy in front of them is so powerful, not only severely wounded Zack, but even the leader, Tos, seemed to be at a disadvantage!

"Damn it!" Jin whispered secretly in his heart. When Ning Ci turned his back to him, he realized that this was a good opportunity.Then he shot a few thousand shots at Ning Ci, as long as his own one hits, then Toss can turn defeat into victory!

"Flap!" With the sound of metal connecting, Jin found that the thousand shots he shot had been knocked down by the shuriken!Jin looked up and found that the girl next to her was staring at her. It was their companion!She didn't expect the woman to be so powerful, Qianben's small size, and high-speed movement, can hit with a shuriken, this hidden weapon throwing technique is very difficult!

Tian Tian had helped Xiao Li to lie down under a big tree, and when he looked back, he found that the enemy was against Ning Ci. Then, Tian Tian shot down Qianben!In the original book, Tiantian’s family sells hidden weapons. Tiantian naturally has a deep research on hidden weapons. It is not surprising that he can hit the fast-moving Qianben!

"You woman, you are really nasty, let me be your opponent below!" Tiantian opened the scroll, and with a "bang", the scroll disappeared, but a nunchaku-like weapon appeared. This is Tiantian's One of the commonly used weapons!

"Smelly woman, come if you want to fight!" Jin said in a disdainful tone, but leaned forward and was already on guard!

Ning Ci knew what was coming from behind, but after realizing that Tian Tian had also shot, he ignored it and tried his best to deal with the place in front of him!

Tos found that he had no time for Jieyin to use ninjutsu. In desperation, he had no choice but to use physique. However, because Toss was too dependent on the mechanism, his physique was not strong. After the arm was smashed down, Ning Ci hid lightly. opened!

Ningji's palm changed and his fingertips fell on Toss's shoulders. Toss found that his shoulders hurt, and then he found that his shoulders and arms were weak, but he didn't pay attention, and continued to swing another fist. How did he know that Hyuga's soft fist was good at sealing The enemy's Chakra acupoints, as long as they are hit, the Chakra will not work!

Ning Ci was hailed as the No. 1 in the last session of Xia Ren, and he was already proficient in acupuncture points!

Ningci dodges Toss fist again, his body turned, and his fingertips continued to fall on Toss arm. In this way, the Chakra in Ningci's hand was completely sealed, and Chakra could not flow onto the arm with the mechanism. It can be said that Toss's special weapon is no longer usable!

After a short fight, Ning Ci has discovered that the three guys in Otonin Village have poor physical skills and rely on the magical device, but now that Chakra is sealed, then the outcome is already obvious!

"Why is this... Chakra..." Toss distanced himself from Ning Ci again, trying to use his own tricks, but found that the Chakra inside his body was very blocked, and Tos couldn't figure it out, Ning Ci How did this happen!

"You have already lost, and the price of losing is... death!" Ning Ci snorted coldly, leaning forward again, his hands changed palms again, and he kept banging on Toss!

Hyuga’s soft fist can destroy the ninja’s internal body and cause internal injuries. Now that Toss has been hit by Neji in succession, Toss has felt that his internal organs have been disturbed, and the pain is very terrible. The fire was as hot as grilling, and then, a sweet in my mouth, blood surged, and then spewed out!

Neji had stopped and did not continue to attack. Toss pupils kept dilating, looking at Neji in disbelief!

"Little Ninja Village is Little Ninja Village. A ninja like you will never defeat me!" Ning Ci sneered!

Hearing that, Toss opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but because he was seriously injured, he fell to the ground without saying it, completely dead!

On the other side, Tiantian and Jin’s battle is also coming to an end. Compared with Tiantian, Jin has some skills in Chibon’s throwing and knows how to use sound to interfere, but Tiantian throws hidden weapons out of his brain. There is no interest in ninjutsu’s gold. Fortunately, it can be said that the demise of Jin is inevitable!

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"So strong!" Sakura looked at Ning Ci and killed the three of Otoninbu like clouds and flowing water, her mouth was slightly open, she was very shocked, but she personally fought with Naonin, their strength was very strong, but she did not expect. After Ning Ci appeared, he wiped out all the opponents in the blink of an eye, leaving none of them alive, and there were no wounds on his body!

"Compared with Shikamaru, that one is stronger!" The strongest Xia Ren Xiao Sakura has seen is Qin Zheng. Now that Ning Ci is so powerful, she naturally compares the two with each other in her mind. You know, the two The reputation and performance of Ning Ci are very similar. Ning Ci was the first in the last year of Xia Ren, and Qin Zheng Ninja School was also the first. He was very famous in the village, not only Sakura, but also the people in the village. I was thinking, Qin Zheng and Ning Ci, these two Kings of Ninja, who is the strongest Ninja!

Ning Ci sneered, folded his hands on his chest, looked arrogant, jumped, and then landed next to Tiantian, and then helped Xiao Li up!He didn't get close to Toss, looked at Toss with savage eyes, and then saw that it was the same scroll as his group, he couldn't help but shook his head in disappointment, that scroll was useless for his group!

Ning Ci didn't pay attention to Sakura. He was the last student, and they were not familiar with Sakura and Naruto. If it hadn't been for Xiao Li to be defeated, he wouldn't come to destroy Otonin!

Ning Ci was supporting Xiao Li, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt that not far behind him, a huge and unknown Chakra kept coming out!

"Huh?" Ning Ci was a little surprised, turned his head, then looked at Sasuke and stood up with a slight tremor. It seemed that he was very tired at this time because of the previous battle, but the chakra erupting on his body was actually very rich. The speed that was visible to the naked eye increased, and then it dazzled Sasuke's body!

"Sasuke, you're awake!" Sakura was very happy to see Sasuke waking up, but after seeing it, her face was stunned, because she could not help being stunned when she saw that Sasuke's face was constantly appearing black moiré. What's more, the almost black Chakra that appeared on her body shocked her, with a cruel and tyrannical sneer on her face!

"Sasuke, are you all right!" Sakura couldn't help but cried out worried!

"I'm fine!" A hoarse voice came from Sasuke's mouth, with a hint of joy in his expression!"I feel that I am full of power now!" Sasuke twisted his body a bit, the bones all over his body seemed to be snapping, and the chakra that emerged was more dense, which is far different from what I thought before. !

"Is this the power that the man named Oshemaru gave me!" Sasuke thought in his heart!

"This feeling is so good. With such power, I can kill that man!" Sasuke didn't know yet. Even the Oshimaru was defeated by Itachi. It wouldn't be Itachi for him to find Oshemaru to gain power. This is true of the opponent's. Sasuke can't beat Itachi at all if it is not for Itachi's ambition to fulfill his brother!

But defeating Itachi was not his primary idea. What he wanted now was to use this power to defeat Qin Zheng and defeat Ning Ci!

"Sasuke, what's on your body...?" Moire covered Sasuke's face, and his originally pretty face became extremely hideous!

"This... is the source of strength!" Sasuke's voice was cold and cold, and then said, "I finally understand now that the power that the man gave me is really strong!"

"Sasuke, don't do this!" I don't know why, Sakura feels that Sasuke is very strange in front of her!

"Sakura, I once told you that I bear the blood and blood of the Uchiha clan. As long as I can kill that man, I will abandon everything about myself!" Sasuke looked at Sakura!

"Sakura, what's the matter with you?" Sasuke didn't say anything in his heart, but still cherished the friendship between the three of the eighth class. Now seeing the injuries on Sakura's body, he couldn't help but feel angry!

Sasuke looked around, then his gaze fell on Neji, "You wounded Sakura?"

"Sasuke, it's's not like that, they are Xiao Li's team members!" Sakura saw Neji's strength, fearing that Sasuke and Neji might conflict, and then said hurriedly!

"Xiao Li's team member!" Suddenly, Sasuke remembered what Yakushi had said. Among Xiao Li's team members was Ning Ci, the strongest of the last session!

"Are you Neji?" Sasuke's eyes were filled with madness!

"I am Ning Ci!" Ning Ci's expression remained unchanged, he was confident in his soft fist, not to mention the amount of Chakra did not mean everything!

"That's it! Let's fight!" Sasuke has already assumed a fighting pose!

"You can't help yourself!" Neji is now only a dozen meters away from Sasuke. If a stand-off occurs, he can rush up in the shortest time and then solve Sasuke!

"Nenji!" Tiantian on one side was a little worried, and she felt the huge chakra on Sasuke too!

"It's okay!" Ning Ci shook his head, and then said, "You are optimistic about Xiao Li, don't let him get hurt!"

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