The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 491

"Let's go!" Qin Zheng and others walked out, but when Qin Zheng and others were walking into the tower, Kuwu Wu shot over from behind Qin Zheng, the target was Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng raised his brows, and then avoided Kuwu's attack, Kuwu fell at Qin Zheng's feet!

"You are Shikamaru?" Kuwu landed, Ning Ci also jumped out, and then Tian Tian and Xiao Li came out!

"Ning Ci!" Qin Zheng naturally recognized Ning Ci, and then sneered: "You are challenging me!"

"Of course! I need to see your strength!" Ning Ci nodded!Qin Zheng did not expect that Ning Ci would be so impulsive. If the two of them were to do something here, then there would be a victory or defeat. Qin Zheng would consume most of his physical energy. When he next played Gaara, Very unfavorable!

"Ning Ci, right? You are also a ninja. You should know the rules of this test. We don't have to single out with you!" Qin Zheng didn't speak, and Shino spoke. He naturally knew that Qin Zheng and Ning Ci were fighting here. It would be very beneficial to them, but Zhino was not that insidious person, let alone Qin Zheng saved him!

"Why, don't you dare to face my challenge?" Ning Ci raised his brow and looked at Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng also frowned. He could not accept the challenge, but it would leave a bad impression on Ino and Ding Ci, and it would also be an impact on his status!

"If that's the case, let's do it!" Qin Zheng finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared!

"Fast speed!" Qin Zheng moved, everyone was surprised, Ning Ci's pupils also shrank!

Ning Ci rolled his eyes, and he could see Qin Zheng's movements clearly. Qin Zheng had already appeared in front of Ning Ci, raised his foot, and then drew towards Ning Ci!

Qin Zheng's physical skills have been tempered and tempered, and it is no longer inferior to Kaili Lianhua and Xiao Li in front of Bamen Dunjia!

Ning Ci instinctively raised his elbow, trying to block Qin Zheng's attack!

Qin Zheng used his approach to run up with great strength. After Ning Ci blocked Qin Zheng's attack, his figure still flew out!

"A strong physical skill!" At this time, Xiao Li also became interested in Qin Zheng!

Before Ning Ci flew out before he had time to adjust his body, Qin Zheng's figure appeared on top of Ning Ci's head again, "Ning Ci, take it to death!" Qin Zheng already had a small blue ball in his hand, exactly like a spiral. pill!

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Qin Zheng’s instantaneous speed was used in front of Ning Ci for the first time, and it had an unexpected effect, and Qin Zheng also wanted this effect. He was familiar with the plot. He knew that after this round of testing, there would be a one-on-one match. If more stamina and chakra are consumed here, it will be very detrimental to the subsequent games!

However, he can beat Ning Ci quickly now because he was surprised. If he knows his speed and adds part of the information he has, it will be difficult to manage the next game, so Qin Zheng is going to eliminate Ning Ci here, together with him. Xiao Li's teammate was also eliminated!

Ning Ci looked at Qin Zheng's speed, his pupils shrank, and then his body flew upside down. When he was about to adjust his body to maintain his balance and land on the ground, Qin Zheng had already appeared above him!

Ning Ci with white eyes can clearly see that the Chakra in Qin Zheng's hands is very powerful!

"That's Helix Pill!" Ning Ci was sweating coldly. If he said that he was hit, he would definitely be seriously injured or even killed. This is the second round of testing. If he dies, then Xiao Li and Tian Tian will be killed because of him. Lost qualification for the exam!

"Can't lose!" Ning Ci's eyes were calm, and Chakra released Chakra acupuncture points in his body!

The blue chakra emerged, and Ning Ci turned his palm against the ground and hooked hard, and the entire fallen body rotated!

"Back to Heaven!" As Ningci rotated, the chakras around Ningci began to form a round ball!Huitian is a secret technique passed down by the Hyuga clan family. At the moment of an attack, a large amount of chakras are released from the chakra acupoints in the body, and then rotates in a circular motion like a top, which can rebound all physical attacks. It can be said to be another absolute defense.

"Boom!" The ball kept rubbing against the ground, and the rubble on the ground was immediately knocked off, and at the same time, smoke and dust filled!

"It's useless!" After Ning Ci used Huitian, Qin Zheng's attack also arrived. Helix Pill is an A-level ninjutsu. Even Gaara's absolute defense can be broken. Huitian is formed with Chakra. Defense is naturally not as powerful as Gaara’s sand. Helix pill and Huitian collide, and they are all round balls, but when the two touch, Qin Zheng feels a rotating pulling force, presumably the inertia of Huitian It worked, and Ning Ci's face didn't get better, because he found that Huitian's spinning speed had slowed down!

The sound of friction between the two is getting louder and louder.Discrete Chakras splashed out constantly at the collision!

"So strong!" The people around were dumbfounded, especially Shino and Ya, who were even more surprised!

"I didn't expect Shikamaru to be so powerful!" Shino murmured. From the pharmacist's pocket, he had heard the name Ningci. Ningci was Konoha's number one in the previous session. He has the same reputation and reputation as Qin Zheng. Achievements, but now it seems that even with the same reputation, there is a big difference in strength!

"Is that guy Neji that weak?" After a brief surprise, Ya returned to his senses, with a look of disdain on his face, and Akamaru, who was lying on top of his head, also yelled a few times, seeming to agree with Ya. practice!

Zhi Nai looked at Ya, but did not speak. He knew that Ning Ci was not weak, but Qin Zheng was too strong. Judging from the moves just now, Ning Ci’s move back to the sky, even if it is Ya Tong's ninjutsu Ya" couldn't break Ningji's defense. In this way, Ningji was invincible. Moreover, based on his understanding of Hyuga's family, their soft fists were particularly terrifying!And Qin Zheng's words would be even stronger, the speed alone would not be something they could contend!

Usually Ino and Ding Ci have been training with Qin Zheng, and they are not too surprised at Qin Zheng's strength!

"Disappear!" The power of Helix Pill is huge. It can be seen from the original work. Now Qin Zheng has touched the threshold of adding attribute changes. The power of Helix Pill is even higher. Only a moment later, Chakra formed a return. The sky was full of cracks, and then it shattered like glass. At the same time, Qin Zheng's offensive continued unabated, and then he pressed down on Ning Ci's abdomen!

"Ning Ci!" Xiao Li naturally saw the extraordinary way of Qin Zheng's moves. If that move hits Ning Ci, Ning Ci's life would be in danger!

At this moment, Ning Ci couldn't take care of that much. He rushed forward at a very fast speed. Instead of attacking Qin Zheng, he kicked Ning Ci away!

Xiao Li's move was only a momentary matter, and Ya and others did not react!

"Boom boom boom!" Qin Zheng's spiral pill bounced on the ground, the whole ground began to be covered with cracks, and then it was sunken in a large area!

"It's so mean!" Ya suddenly became annoyed. Didn't he say that he was one-on-one?Unexpectedly, that watermelon peel was shot!

"Ya, wait, let's see what Shikamaru said!" Shino hurriedly stopped Ya, and there were more and more candidates around. If there is a conflict with Xiao Li's group here, it is likely that others will have the opportunity of!

"Ning Ci, are you okay!" After Ning Ci was safe, he walked up every day!

Qin Zheng came to Ning Ci, but unexpectedly, Xiao Li and Tian Tian stood up, and then stood in front of Ning Ci!

"I won't allow you to hurt Ning Ci!" Xiao Li shouted, as if expressing his awakening!

"No, I have no plans to continue fighting!" Qin Zheng shook his head, then squinted, and said, "I'm just here to tell Ning Ci, don't think that he was the first when he was in the Ninja School. I was the best. Be strong! And he disappointed me too much!" If Ning Ci can be eliminated, Qin Zheng will definitely do it, but after he is rescued now, Qin Zheng has no plans to continue!

And Qin Zheng still has a plan. Although Ning Ci is not as good as himself, he has extraordinary potential. Maybe he will be his own help in the future!

Qin Zheng waved his hand at Ino and Ding Ci, and then led a few people into the tower, and the candidates who watched these battles in hiding were very surprised!That kind of destructive ninjutsu really can be mastered by Xia Ren?At the same time, they are also discussing Qin Zheng's identity!

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Qin Zheng and others can be said to be the first people to come to the tower. At this time, the door of the tower was still sealed!

"Fragrant Phosphorus, after entering, you just ask the examiner to explain the situation, and then give up the exam!" Qin Zheng thought for a while, and then said with a complex expression to the Phosphorus behind him!In Qin Zheng’s mind, Xianglin’s ability to perceive is still very helpful to Qin Zheng, but because Xianglin is a ninja from the outer village, Qin Zheng cannot keep her, unless he rebels on Ninja Village, but he is still There is not enough strength to betray Ninja Village, so I have no choice but to let Phosphorus leave, but according to the plot in the original book, Phosphorus will not die, and you can still meet again in the future!

"Yeah!" Xianglin nodded, glanced at Qin Zheng, his red lips moved, but he didn't know what to say, turned around and took two steps, then turned back, bowed to Qin Zheng and said loudly, "Thank you You saved me, thank you for helping my comrades take revenge!" After Xianglin finished speaking, he didn't wait for Qin Zheng and others to speak, and then left. It seemed that he was looking for the entrance to the tower!

"Hehe, it seems that the ninjas in the outer village are not that annoying!" Ya touched the tip of his nose, and smiled!Although Phosphorus is said to be a ninja from the Outer Village, he is more well-behaved and obedient, and because of her abilities, they can avoid a lot of unnecessary battles. In addition, Phosphorus is a girl, which adds a lot to this. Several people also changed from being vigilant to accepting!

"Okay, let's go in too!" Qin Zheng waved his hand, then smiled!

"Shikamaru, shall we enter the gate together?" Shino hesitated, then asked!Shino has a deeper consideration, "Our two teams join forces, shouldn't we violate the rules!"

"Zina, you have thought about it!" Qin Zheng said lightly: "We don't know the questions of the exam in advance, but the strategies are formulated after the exam, but every rule in the exam rules cannot be combined!" Qin Zheng laughed I laughed, I feel more at ease about this!

"Yeah!" The problem that Zhi Nao worries about is also a problem that everyone is worried about. Now that Qin Zheng has finished speaking, everyone is at ease!

After Qin Zheng and the others came in, there was an empty corridor, and on the wall directly opposite the door, there was a huge writing board, which was very eye-catching. After noticing the content on the banner first, Ya whispered the content on it, and then asked strangely: "'This is the ultimate' of what'? What is written in this, I can't understand it!?"

"If there is no'Heaven', one needs to increase wisdom with knowledge and prepare for the arrival of opportunity. If there is no'Earth', one needs to drive in the wilderness to pursue its benefits. If the book of heaven and earth is opened, the dangerous path will return to the right path. It is the ultimate human being and can be a leader!" Qin Zheng also read it, then muttered, "This is written by three generations!"

"Then what does this sentence mean?" Ino asked curiously!

"It means that if you don't have talent, you should study diligently to make up for it for future use. If you don't have practical experience, you need to practice more to enrich yourself!" Qin Zheng paused, then explained!

"Oh, what does that have to do with the exam!"

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