The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 497

"Why did you kill your father and mother!" Sasuke asked every time in his heart!

"In order to test my Nindo skills!" Hearing Uchiha Itachi's indifferent answer, Sasuke was puzzled. What the fuck was that!"For the sake of a powerful force, do you even want to kill your own parents!"

"Itachi, I will definitely kill you!" Sasuke clenched his fists, his heart firmer!

"Sakura, to me, it is not important to be a Zhongnin. What I want is to prove my strength from this test. I want to revitalize the Uchiha family. I want to tell others that even if the Uchiha family is only left I am alone, and I cannot be defeated by ordinary people!" After that, Sasuke's eyes were placed on Qin Zheng in front of him, and he continued: "I just want to fight against them! It proves that my many years of hard work have not been in vain, and that my strength is better than that. Others are stronger!"

"But...!" In Sakura's eyes, although Sasuke's strength is strong, he will not be Qin Zheng's opponent!"Why is my teammate Sasuke, and Ino is so lucky to be with Kamaru!"

"There's nothing more!" Sasuke waved his hand, then closed his eyes, the pain in his heart that he ignored!

In the distance, Kakashi looked at Sasuke worriedly. Although there is no way to eliminate the curse mark, it is still possible to suppress the curse mark. But now that the exam is about to come, Kakashi can't deal with the curse mark on Sasuke's body, but as long as the next step, Sasuke If you don't use the power of the curse seal, there is no problem!


"It's really not easy!" In addition to Kakashi's attention to Sasuke, another middle-aged man with unusually fair skin and cold eyes looked at Sasuke, with a sneer on his mouth!

"It can withstand the erosion of the curse!" The Osnake Maru disguised as Konoha Kamino licked his lips, "His appearance surprised me! Sasuke, let me see where your potential is reached. !"

"But...!" Oshemaru's gaze then fell on Qin Zheng, "It's not easy for this kid to be able to kill Shangren!" Although Oshemaru left the village, he can still get some information. of!After all, Dashemaru had a huge reputation and many followers in Konoha Village before the mutiny!

Moonlight Hayate took a playful look at the many candidates, and found that when no one gave up, he was about to nod, only to find that the white-haired man with eyes stood up!

Qin Zheng was also taken aback, he had forgotten that in the original book, Pharmacist would voluntarily give up the exam, and now it is no exception!

"Examiner, I want to quit the exam!" The pharmacist pushed his glasses around and said!

Chapter 0098 The third round begins (3)

Hearing that, Moonlight Hayate glanced at Pharmacist in surprise, but it is not surprising, because Pharmacist had given up the exam in the third round several times before!

Moonlight Hayate is an examiner, but he is also a member of Anbe. Because of the strange behavior of Yakushi Tou, it is enough to give up the game once, but abandoning the game many times makes him suspicious. Then, he once investigated the Yakushi Tou, but the result of the investigation was It proved that the pharmacist's pocket was innocent. He wanted to investigate the pharmacist's pocket again after the exam, but it was this idea that killed him!

He learned about the relationship between Yakushidou and Maji and the purpose of the big snake pill, but he was killed by Maji in the end!

"Pouch, why did you give up the exam!" Naruto asked angrily!For a passionate fool who never gives up, it is shameful to give up the exam!

The pharmacist will naturally not say, "I am a spy, and my task is to observe Sasuke. Now that the task has been completed, it is natural to retreat!"

Pharmacist smiled bitterly, pointed to some wounds on his body and ears, and then said: "Naruto, I actually have wounds all over my body, and in the previous conflict, my ear was hit by a ninja from Otonin Village, what? I can’t hear anymore, the next exam will definitely be more dangerous, and I didn’t get enough rest time, so I really can’t take the exam again!”

"You...!" Naruto still wants to say something, but since Yakushitou has said so, if he persuades him again, he will be hiding evil!

Moonlight Hayate naturally heard what Yakushidou said. After thinking about it, I still can’t figure it out. Although these factors are in it, those who passed the second round of the exam were all the best in Ninja. How could they give up the game so easily? There must be a problem with the pharmacist pocket!

After the pharmacist left, Moonlight Hayate looked back, and then said to many candidates: "Next will be a one-to-one assessment! There are not many rules for this exam until one of them falls. If you don’t want to be killed, Then surrender immediately! Of course, if the situation is very obvious, I will stop you appropriately!"

Those who can get to this point are the best in the ninja. It is only a treasure to the village of Konoha, and most of the ninjas in the village of Konoha. If they are not prevented, casualties are likely to occur. Ye Cun didn't want to see it!

"Wait a minute, what should I do with the extra person?" Ino noticed this problem very carefully and asked immediately!There were originally 18 candidates, but now that the pharmacist gives up, there will be one more candidate!

"Many times, luck is also part of strength!" Moonlight Hayate squinted, and then said with a smile: "The ninja in the bye will advance directly!" Hearing that, many candidates are very excited and hope that the bye's place is themselves!

"Then how to determine the candidate's duel list!" one of them asked again!I have to say that this question is the concern of most candidates. Seventeen Ninjas have strengths and weaknesses. If you arrange a duel against a strong one, you have little chance of winning!

"Look!" Moonlight Hayate pointed to the wall in front, and Red Bean pulled the curtain at the right time. Then, an electronic screen appeared, and Moonlight Hayate smiled and said, "Your destiny is on it, and the bulletin board will be random. Draw two dueling ninjas for a duel! If you have no problems, then the match will officially start!"

After seeing that the candidates had no doubts, Moonlight hurriedly coughed and coughed a few times to signal the candidates to pay attention to the bulletin board!

Soon, the name on the bulletin board began to beat, and finally fixed to Naruto and Inuzuka tooth!

"The first one to appear is Naruto!" Seeing that it was Naruto, Sakura was a little worried. After all, they didn't have time to rest and recover Chakra after they arrived at the tower, and the strength of the tooth is much stronger than Naruto. But Sakura's worries are unnecessary. Naruto has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, and his physical strength recovers faster than anyone else!As for Sakura's concept of strength and weakness, it was derived from the ranking in the Ninja School!

In fact, this is inaccurate. Naruto's current strength has surpassed some people, especially after fighting Oshamaru, his growth is even more amazing. In the original book, even the strongest Ningci is not Naruto's opponent!

"Haha, I didn't expect my first opponent to be Naruto!" Ya laughed loudly, as if seeing Victory beckoning to him, and Akimaru also yelled a few times!In his memory, Naruto still didn't work well with the clone technique, and he only shot the tail of the crane that Kumu hit once!After seeing Qin Zheng's strength, Ya also knew that he couldn't beat Qin Zheng, so he refused to fight Qin Zheng!

"Ya, don't be careless!" At this time, Shino reminded Ya: "Naruto's strength has become very strong. I heard that he once defeated Zhongnin!"

"Huh? Who said it!" Ya touched his nose, a little curious!

"Naruto himself said it!" Shino thought for a while, then said!

"Huh, it's just a lie!" Ya didn't believe that Naruto had defeated Zhong Ren!

Shino didn't speak. In his heart, Ya's strength was not weak, and he was given sufficient rest, so that he would not lose to Naruto!

"Then Naruto Uzumaki and Inuzuka, please come to the front and stand face to face!" After seeing the two standing up according to his method, Moonlight Hayate nodded in satisfaction and continued: "Then the first round of the exam officially begins. Other candidates are requested to follow the staff to the high platforms on both sides, and do not affect the competition between the two!"

Qin Zheng followed the candidates to the high platform on both sides, and the candidates came to the instructor in twos and threes!

"Naruto, I didn't expect this to be better than you!" Ya sneered!

"Hmph, Ya, I will knock you down!" Naruto said with high spirits!

After Qin Zheng came up, he found that Xi Rihong had come!

It was the first time that he saw Xi Rihong, the Royal Sister Xi Rihong up close, with long slightly curly hair, a pair of crimson eyes, a white one-piece dress, and a tall figure!

"You are...!" Qin Zheng was a little confused!This beauty seems to be hostile to herself!

Chapter 0099: Xi Rihong's Inexplicable Hostility

Xi Rihong’s appearance is not accidental. I heard Asma say that Qin Zheng is in the sky, and there is nothing on the ground. What is the strongest to endure? After all, together with Qin Zheng, his student is a straw bag. Therefore, Xi Rihong thought of Qin Zheng. Up!She didn't pay much attention to Qin Zheng before, and after Asma's rhetoric, Xi Rihong began to pay attention to Qin Zheng, who is the next person. Of course, this attention naturally brought inexplicable hostility!

Qin Zheng didn't expect that it was Asma's hatred for himself. Before that, Kakashi was also very uncomfortable. After all, no one wanted his students to lag behind, but in terms of strength, Qin Zheng did. Very good, Kakashi also knows this, so I had to keep this suffocation in his chest, expecting Sasuke to open Qin Zheng!

While Qin was looking at Xi Rihong, she was also looking at Qin Zheng, wearing a white imperial robe, with a smile on her face!

"You are Nara Shikamaru, Asma often mentions you!" Yurihong grunted and said!"I look forward to your next performance!"

"Um!" Qin Zheng was a little dazed, and then looked at Asma!

Asma also shook her head helplessly, then after smoking a cigarette, she smiled bitterly at the back of Yu Rihong's departure!

"Teacher Asma, who is this beauty?" Ino asked curiously!

"She, the instructor of Class 9 Shangnin! His name is Yurihong!"

"Ah! Isn't that the teacher from Shino's class?" Ding Ci also said!

"It's her!" Asma nodded!

"But how do I feel that she is hostile to Shikamaru!" Ino gave Asma a suspicious look, and then said!

"Really? You should be mistaken!" Upon hearing this, Asma smirked, and then staggered the subject: "Shikamaru, tell me, who will win next!"

As the protagonist of the original book, Naruto has the character of a tendon, and the strength of the nine-tailed man. Even if Ya has an advantage over Naruto, although Ya will have the upper hand in the early stage, Naruto has good perseverance and checks Kara is huge, as long as Ya's physical strength and Chakra are almost consumed, Naruto will fight back!In the original book, Naruto was once at a disadvantage, and finally turned defeat into victory!

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