The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 502

"My sweetheart is watching. I can't be ashamed. I must make Shikamaru look at it with admiration!" There was a fierce pain in her abdomen. She knew the power of Rouquan and knew that she was injured very seriously, but in order to change herself Hinata didn't plan to surrender!

Qin Zheng's bringing, changed not only Ino and Dingci, but also the people and things around him, such as Hinata!

In the original book, Hinata likes Naruto, and he was encouraged by Naruto during the Chunin test, and then bravely fought with Neji. Although the final result was still a loss, this is a big step to change himself, and now , Hinata did not like Naruto, but fell in love with Qin Zheng!

Hinata likes Naruto because Naruto, like Hinata, exists at the tail of a crane, but Naruto has qualities that Hinata does not have, persistence, and bravery. Only in this way will Hinata pay attention!

However, Qin Zheng went further than Naruto. Naruto’s efforts were not rewarded, and Qin was rewarded. The Nara family where Qin Zheng was born is very ordinary, compared to the Hyuga and Uchiha families. The status of the Nara clan can be said to be very embarrassing, but Qin Zheng, through his own efforts, is the number one every time. Unlike genius, it is the result of persistence and hard work!

Originally, it’s nothing great to stay first in the ninja school, because the strengths of many people are not much different. After Uchiha and Hyuga’s geniuses exert their power, Qin Zheng will definitely not be able to keep up. Those who are in school Experience can only be regarded as ordinary conversation!

But the facts are surprising!After graduating, Qin Zheng received the excellent evaluation of Asma, which was better than all the Xiannin. Then, when he arrived at the Nation of Waves mission, Qin Zheng assisted Asma to kill and never beheaded. Dadao, afterwards, Qin Zheng invented the four generations of Ninjutsu Helix Pills, which made Qin Zheng's reputation reach its peak!

In the end, after the Death Forest, Qin Zheng also killed Shangren in Yinren Village, all of which reflected Qin Zheng's extraordinaryness!

The extraordinary in the ordinary is the result of hard work and perseverance. Before going to school, Qin Zheng began to practice. After attending the ninja school, Qin Zheng only took notes and practiced, and rarely went out to play. These things, youngsters. Tian has always been watching, and since Qin Zheng's practice when he was a child, Hina Tian has been paying attention!

There is a gain if you give. Hina Tian witnessed Qin Zheng's giving, and naturally saw Qin Zheng's gain!

Nowadays, even Hyuga Ningci is not his opponent, so she also firmly believes that as long as she persists and pays, then she can achieve the same results as Qin Zheng, plus Qin Zheng is strong in character and appearance. Yu Naruto, so Hinata has a rumorous affection for Qin Zheng!

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Hinata put aside the pain caused by the wound on his body, and rushed forward first!If other candidates were present, she might give in with her character, but she has her own sweetheart who is paying attention to her silently, so she must stick to what she says!

But the gap is not that human will can be transferred. Hinata has worked hard and yearns for change, but in many cases, the reality is cruel.

Ning Ci's training since childhood, coupled with his talent, Hinata is no match for Ning Ci at all!

Ning Ci naturally wouldn't keep her hand, and he beat Hinata with every palm, but Hinata seemed to be very strong and stood up every time, but her injuries were getting heavier!

"Miss Hinata, hurry up and give up!" Seeing Hinata still wanting to fight himself, Ning Ci stretched out his palms, his eyes became very sharp!

"Bagua Sixty-Four Palms!" Ning Ci's aura changed, and a blue chakra was enveloped all over his body, and then, a yin and yang balance picture appeared on the ground!

"No!" Qin Zhenghe Hongqing couldn't help but yelled. Then, Hong came to the back of Hina Tian first, and rescued Hina Tian!

"I'll go and take a look!" Qin Zheng frowned, turned over the fence, and then came behind Hina Tian!

Hinata didn't seem to have any wounds on his body, but from the blood vomiting out of his mouth, Hinata suffered a very serious internal injury!

Hina Tian hadn't fainted. He looked around, as if looking for something. When he saw Qin Zheng, his eyes lit up, and then weakly said, "I'm doing well!"

"You did a great job!" Hong didn't know that Hinata was not asking her, and then nodded quickly!Hina Tian didn't react, and after seeing Qin Zheng nodded behind Hong, Hina fainted!

Qin Zheng frowned again, and then said aloud: "I can medical ninjutsu, give her to me!"

"Lumaru!" Before Qin Zheng finished speaking, Qin Zheng found a palm on his shoulder. At the same time, a heavy voice came and said: "You still don't waste Chakra. These things Just leave it to the medical staff to do it!"

Qin Zheng turned his head and saw Asma pointed at the medical staff who had arrived, and then said, "There are only five people left, you, Li Luoke, Ding Ci, Jian Meicheng, and Sha Ren, you and Ding Ci’s classmate , It is impossible to face off. Therefore, except for Jian Meicheng, the other two are candidates that should not be underestimated!"

Qin Zheng also nodded!Hinata was seriously injured and injured internal organs, but there were people in the medical team, and his life was not in danger. After simple treatment, Hinata was carried away by the medical team on a stretcher!

Under the orders of Moonlight Hayate, a new round of duel list began on the bulletin board!

"Gaara vs. Qiu Ding times!" Qin Zheng was stunned when he heard this. History has gone wrong. It wasn't that Xiao Li played against Gaara!However, Qin Zheng also knows that there will be changes. In the original work, the three people in Otonin Village passed the second round of examinations, but the three people in Otonin Village have been defeated by Ning Ci, and it is not surprising that there are changes now!

"...!" Asma took a cigarette, her face a bit heavy!

The expressions of Ding Ci and Ino were not very good either, you know, Gaara was pointed out by Qin Zheng that it was an extremely dangerous underdog!

"'s better to admit defeat!" Ino hesitated for a moment, and then spoke!

Hearing this, Ding Ci looked at Qin Zheng and Asma, hoping they could give an opinion!Qin Zheng smiled bitterly. If Ding Ci surrendered without fighting, it would be very bad for Ding Ci’s future ninja path, and Asma as a guide for Shinobu, naturally it is impossible to persuade her students to surrender. of!

Gaara saw that he was not fighting Qin Zheng, and while disappointed, he was also impatient!

Now he can no longer suppress his killing intent, he needs blood to liberate his killing intent!

"Ding Ci, what do you want?" Asma groaned, then looked at Ding Ci!He himself is not optimistic that Ding Ci can defeat Gaara!

"I...!" Ding Ci became silent, and finally said with firm eyes: "I want to try!"

"Good!" Asma looked at Ding Ci with satisfaction. It seems that Ding Ci's xinxing has also grown a lot during this time!

Dingci and Gaara both came to the examination room, but Asma was already watching there closely, as long as Dingci was in danger, he would immediately take action!

At the beginning of the game, Ding Ci used a meatball chariot, which turned into a round ball, and then smashed into the past, quite imposing!

Gaara was unmoved, the sand in the gourd consciously defended the attack!

"There is no chance to win!" Qin Zheng and others who are familiar with Ding Ci's tricks flashed such a thought in their minds, because the meat bomb chariot is Ding Ci's strongest attack method, and this has not achieved any results. There is no chance of winning!

"It's so strong! What does that kind of sand come from?" Ino was very surprised!

"It should be a kind of blood follower!" Asma was not sure, "I don't dare to have that kind of defensive power. In the end, few people can break it!"

"Ah! Then if Shikamaru meets him, isn't there no chance of winning?" Hearing this, Ino Ino asked!

Qin Zheng shook his head, "My movement speed is very fast, and I can break through his defenses of strange sand. This is not a problem!"

"Not good!" Suddenly, Asma was shocked, because Dingci's meatball chariot was wrapped in Gaara's sand!

"I surrender!" Dingci shouted suddenly after being wrapped!Of course, Gaara is not a player who plays cards according to the rules. After Dingci surrendered, Gaara insisted on wrapping Dingci and crushing the bugs in front of him with sand!

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"I surrender!" Dingci shouted suddenly after being wrapped!Of course, Gaara is not a player who plays cards according to the rules. After Dingci surrendered, Gaara insisted on wrapping Dingci and crushing the bugs in front of him with sand!

Dingci has already given up, and the ninjas of Shayin Village are still not forgiving. Konoha's Shangren will naturally not sit back and watch!

Asma acted decisively, dispelled the sand and rescued Ding Ci, because Asma acted in a timely manner, Ding Ci objected to the least injured one!

Gaara's eyes were so murderous, and I even wanted to kill Asma here. Asma is a Shinobu, naturally not afraid of Gaara. On the contrary, he hoped Gaara could take action. As a result, he can attack Shayin Village's talented ninja, even kill and weaken Shayin Village's power!

But Maji naturally couldn't make Asma's wish. When Gaara wanted to do something, Maji immediately appeared next to Gaara and stopped Gaara!

Maji appeared. After Asma knew that the plan was frustrated, she returned to the tower with Ding Ci, and then Maji also took Gaara back to the tower!

Then, Moonlight Hayate coughed and coughed a few times, and a new round of duel list appeared on the bulletin board!

"Li Luo to Nara Shikamaru!"

Facing Li Luoke, Qin Zheng had nothing to worry about. Suddenly, Ino felt a gust of wind, and Ino saw that Qin Zheng used the instant technique to reach the center of the field, and Li Luoke also jumped and appeared in Qin Zheng. opposite!

"Shikamaru, I want to fight you for a long time!" Li Luoke was very happy: "I will definitely defeat you!"

At this time, Akai also came to Asma, he gave a thumbs up, and then said: "Asma, I heard that you and Kakashi boast that your disciple Nara Shikamaru is the strongest to bear!"

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