The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 510

"Immediately...prepare the report immediately, the highest level!" Yamanaka Kaiichi hurriedly said before he was relieved: "You must tell Master Naruto that Osake Maru has returned, and you must destroy Konoha Village!" His tone was very solemn. He had experienced the glorious era of Sannin and knew the strength of Oshemaru. As Oshemaru said, the current Konoha village could no longer resist him!

In Konoha Village, three generations are old, but there are not many high-end combat power!

Yamanaka's assistant didn't know the horror of Oshemaru. Although he didn't know why Yamanaka was so solemn, he still wrote the report obediently!

"It's an eventful autumn!" Shan Zhonghai sighed!

How to resist the invasion of Dashewan!At this time, the third generation of Hokage also sighed in his heart, he has received a report from Yamanaka Kaiichi!

He is old and has been famous for decades, his body is gradually going downhill, facing the former disciple, the disciple who once made him proud is now going to destroy the place where he was born!

"Oshe Maru, why do you want to do this!" Sometimes, the third generation of Hokage can't help asking themselves!Soon, the three generations of Hokage's eyes were placed on the top row of photos. The few people above were all Hokage from Konoha Village, but Sarutobi's eyes finally fell on the head with blond hair and face. With a gentle smile, the four generations of Hokage's photos with firm eyes are above!

Take a deep breath of smoke from the pipe and spit it out again after circulating in the lungs!

Among the many Hokage pointing, the oldest is him, and the youngest four generations of Hokage were only in his twenties when he died!

"I have been in power for so long, would I still care about the failure of this old bone!"

"The mistakes I have committed are to be borne by myself!" Sarutobi Hizumi remembered that when he discovered that Dashemaru was studying the forbidden technique, he did not stop at the first time, but chose to indulge, and finally put it away. Dashemaru left, so much so that now Dashemaru is back with the people to take revenge on Konoha Village!

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"Come in!" Seeing someone knocking on the door, Sarutobi Rizen paused, then said!

The person here is Hongdou, and she has already detected it: "Master Naruto, I have not tracked that person's whereabouts! But don't worry, Master Naruto, I will find him and kill him!"

"Don't worry, everything will be okay, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you have nothing to do with Dashemaru!" Sarutobi said with a smile!

"Yeah!" Hearing this, Adzuki bean lowered her head, but Sarutobi's trust made her feel even more uncomfortable. She looked at the Hokage on it, then fixed the picture of Hafeng Shuimen, and sighed: "What if If the fourth generation of Hokage is still there, he can definitely stop the ambition of Oshemaru!"

"Don't say that!" Sarutobi Rizen took a deep breath of smoke, and then said: "Mizumon, he died for the village. Now we have to rely on our strength to protect this village!" In fact, Sarutobi Rizen thought about it. Many, I think, at the beginning, Uzumaki Chena was a Nine-tailed manpower pillar, and his production gave Nine-tailed a chance to come out. I don’t know that Sarutobi, who was carrying the soil, pushed the fault to the water gate. He also saved the village with his own life!

In Sarutobi's eyes, Hafengshuimen is tantamount to saving Konoha with his own life!And he committed the past and let go of the dangerous person Oshemaru, so that in today's situation, Water Gate can die for the village, and when he is old, would he still want to live in the world!

Sarutobi Hizen kept asking himself deep in his heart, and finally made up his mind!

Sarutobi Rizen stood up, then put on Hokage's hat and went out!

"Master Hokage, where are you going?" Red Bean immediately followed!

"I want to go to the ninja school to see the children!" Sarutobi Hitizan waved his hand, and then said, "Go ahead and do your business!"

Speaking of the most conspicuous buildings in Konoha Village, only the Hokage Rock on the mountain is well-deserved. The heads of Hokage in the past are vividly carved on the mountain, seeming to have a soul, silently watching and continuing to guard their cherished Konoha village.

Konohamaru looked at the Hokage Rock above with his eyes wide open. Because I was going to give a history lesson today, Icaru took the students to teach under the Hokage Rock!

No matter in that Ninja Village, history is to be told, and Hokage's will is passed on by telling history!

Icaru looked at the little man below, cleared his throat, and then said: "Kinoha Village was founded by the first generation of Hokage, and then has gone through the second, third, and fourth generations to develop into this scale!"

"Teacher Icaru, who would be the fifth generation of Hokage!" A handsome little girl looked at Icaru with wide eyes!

"Well...!" Icaru seemed to hesitate, then thought about it, and smiled: "Maybe the fifth generation of Hokage will be me!"

"Hahaha...!" It seemed that Icaru's talk was very interesting, and there was a kind laughter behind him. Icaru looked back and found that it was Sarutobi Hizaki, and said quickly: "Hokage-sama!"

"Grandpa, you are Hokage-sama?!" No wonder they would question, because the image of Sarutobi Hizaki is very different from the Hokage in their minds!

"Of course!" Faced with their doubts, Sarutobi Risaki didn't care, and then sat down, and followed the child without telling the story of the first generation, his own story, and the story of Watergate!

All the students learned that every Hokage is a hero, and their legendary experience is extolled!

"I want to be Hokage too!" After listening to Sarutobi's autobiography, a boy stood up and said vowedly!Every child has a hero dream in his mind, who doesn't want to be a hero like Naruto!

"Haha!" Sarutobi Rizen smiled again: "You are all young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. Maybe one of you will really become Hokage! But you have to remember that becoming Hokage is not just about strength. Just be strong. You must have a heart to protect the village and use your strength to protect everyone and the village!"

"The place where Konoha falls, will eventually burn the will to catch fire!" Sarutobi Hitoshi said again!

After Qin Zheng sent Xi Rihong home, he turned back again!

But to Qin Zheng's surprise, as soon as Qin Zheng left, Lu Jiu visited Xi Rihong on the back!

Xi Rihong was just about to take a bath, after all, ten years had passed in her subconscious, but someone knocked on the door!

"Could it be that guy Shikamaru! Isn't he going to do those things with himself!" Hearing this, Yuri Hong's face blushed, thinking of the shameful things he did with him!

Xi Rihong opened the door, but found that it was not Qin Zheng, but Qin Zheng’s father, Lujiu Nara, wearing a sleeveless jacket with a net inside, and a long ponytail behind his head. A few scars, the whole person reveals a bold temperament...

"Senior Lujiu...!" Xi Rihong was taken aback, and then greeted stiffly!In Xi Rihong's subconscious, he was already with Qin Zheng, and now his father came to the door, somewhat embarrassed, but Xi Rihong was very strange, she and Nara Lu had nothing to do with him for a long time, what did he find for him!Could it be the legendary meeting with parents?

Red face crimson!

Although it is said to be the same as Shinnin, Nara Lukisa was in the same period as the fourth generation of Naruto, and was active in that era. His qualifications are not comparable to him. What's more, the pig, deer and butterfly trio are also considered to be in the Shinobi world. relatively reputable!

Now that Nara Shikahisa's posture is very low, what is the matter?Red heart thought!

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"Senior Lujiu, what do you want me to do?" Hong asked very politely!

"I have an unrelenting request. I hope you can promise. As for the reward...!" Lu Jiu was interrupted by Hong before he finished speaking. "I will try my best to help you. As for the reward, I don't need to say. After all, everyone is in the same village!" Hong thought of the relationship between himself and Qin Zheng, why would he want a reward!

"Then I'm going straight!" Although Lu Jiu has a strange attitude of Hong, if Hong chooses to teach Qin Zheng, then he will accept Hong's love. Yes, after Lu Jiu heard Qin Zheng's thoughts, he decided Go and beg Hong to teach his son illusion!Behind every child is a tree that supports the sky, and the tree that supports the sky is his parents. Qin Zheng is still in a period of growing up!

But as his father, he didn’t do anything for him, and Qin Zheng himself was very sensible. He never asked him to do anything since he was a child, and he never asked himself. The same was the same last time. At Chakra Metal, this made him feel guilty, and now Qin Zheng said his request again, he must do it anyway!

He has made up his mind, if Hong doesn't agree, then he will ask Master Hokage!

"Shikamaru entered the final, you know too!" Lujiu paused, then said!

"Yeah!" Red nodded, and then thought that Qin was his little man with a blush on his face, and then said: "I have seen his game too, he is very strong!"

"Kaimaru, this kid never made me worry about him. He can position himself well. This time, he felt that it would be a little difficult to win against that sand ninja Gaara, so he wanted to learn illusion...!" Shikajiu didn't scribble around. , Directly express your thoughts: "If Mr. Hong, if you have time, can you teach the kid Shikamaru!"

Hearing that, the color of Ming Wu flashed in the red eyes, it turned out to be this factor!

Hong smiled, and then said: "Don't worry about this, I will teach Shikamaru well!"

After achieving the goal, Lu Jiu left. Although I don't know why Hong agreed so readily, it didn't affect his good mood!

In a meeting room in the Naruto office, all the high-levels and some of the top ninjas from Konoha Village have gathered!

Sitting cross-legged on the futon are opposite the three old men. Sitting behind the large wooden table, their slightly thin body sinks deeply into the soft chair back, but does not reveal the slightest decadence that old people should have. The color.

The table of the old man sitting in the middle formed a semicircle, which was higher than the position of his companion beside him. On the table was a hat with the word "Fire" printed on the front, indicating his identity-the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi.

The two old men next to Sarutobi Hizen are the second of Konoha's only three elder advisors-Mito Menyan and Zhuanqin Xiaochun. The other elder Shimura Danzo was also asked to participate by Sarutobi Hizen. Meeting, but the other party shied away on the grounds of physical discomfort.

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