The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 534

"Shiranui Genma and I recommend you to Naruto-san!" Asma said!

"That...!" Qin Zheng was a little confused!

"You can become a special Shinobu, it is recommended by Jiraiya! Naruto-sama used to be in the same team as Jiraiya. Jiraiya's opinions are especially valued by Naruto-sama!" Asma said again!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng knew why he became a special Shang Ren, but with his strength, he was enough to hold the position of Shang Ren!

"Go to the living room first!" Sarufei Asma waved to Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng smiled and nodded, and walked quickly into the living room. He was not welcome. He sat directly on the sofa and put the special testimony on the coffee table.

"From today, you are a captain!" Asma smiled and walked to Qin Zheng's side, picked up the special proof of tolerance, and looked at it over and over again. He also has this thing himself. He has seen it many times. The content is almost memorized, but at this time it is still difficult to conceal the excitement from the heart.

Qin Zheng heard Asma's words without saying a word, just smiled shyly.

"Thank you for your teaching, Teacher Asma!" Qin Zheng said sincerely looking at the happy Asma.

"Don't thank me!" Asma took a cigarette and waved her hand!

After Qin Zheng left Asma's house and then came to Hong's house, Hong was different from Asma. She was a little worried when she heard that Qin Zheng was the Shangren!

"Isn't Hokage-sama fooling around? You can't be particularly forbearable at your age!" Hong Yi snuggled into Qin Zheng's arms and said angrily!

"It has nothing to do with age!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Huh, Shikamaru, I admit that you are the strongest Shinnin, but you are only Shinnin, you don't have the strength of Shinnin!" Hong said solemnly!"Being Shang Ren not only means better welfare, but also to bear corresponding obligations, but Shang Ren's task already has a certain risk, you may be dead!"

"Teacher Hong, I have become stronger!" Qin Zheng shook his head and said!"Don't worry about this!"

After coming out of Xi Rihong’s place, Qin Zheng went to Yakushiyan’s house again and told him that he had become a special ninjutsu, and he had learned medical ninjutsu from Yakushiyan. He was considered his own teacher. After coming out of Yakushiyan’s house, Qin Zhengcai Going home, when Qin Zheng stepped into the house, the originally noisy living room instantly quieted down. At this moment, he is the well-deserved protagonist in this room!

It turns out that since I heard that Qin Zheng has become a special Shinobu, except for Sasuke who said that he was uncomfortable and did not come, all the Shinobu who had friendship with Qin Zheng have come over. Among them are Naruto, Sakura, Shino, Ningji, Tiantian, Hinata and others are here, of course, even Konohamaru also followed, so the living room looks very lively!

"Sorry, I'm late, I just went to Teacher Asma's house!" Qin Zheng chuckled and said to the person in the living room.

"It's okay!" Ino shook his head, then rushed forward, and took Qin Zheng's palm to let him sit next to him!

Qin Zheng and Ino are dating, this is not a secret in Xia Ren!

Seeing Qin Zheng and Ino together, a touch of loss flashed in Hinata's eyes, but it was quickly covered up!

Qin Zheng directly skipped Zhong Ren and became a special Shang Ren, which can be said to be a major event in the village. You should know that there are few such special cases in the peaceful era!

Now Qin Zheng has become the after-dinner talk of the villagers of Muye Village!

Everyone knows that there is a genius named Nara Shikamaru in the village!

Chapter 0166

Qin Zheng went home, and he didn't expect that so many people would come to see him!

Needless to say, Ding Ci and Ino have the best relationship with themselves. Sakura came here because of love, and it is reasonable for Sasuke not to come, but Ning Ci and Xiao Li both came, which surprised Qin Zheng. The twelve Xiaoqiangs in the original work are almost all gathered here.

"Your classmates have come to see you!" Jinai welcomed Qin Zheng in, and then said with a smile!

"Huh!" Qin Zheng nodded and smiled!

"Shikamaru, let's go eat barbecue!" At this time, Naruto walked up with interest and said!With his happy look, it was not Qin Zheng who became Zhong Ren, but him!

Qin Zheng naturally refused to refuse, and then nodded in agreement!

Lu Jiu and Yoshino looked at each other, but did not follow. Qin Zheng expressed to these ninjas that it was good for him to be close. Maybe it will be a huge network in the future!

When he came to the barbecue restaurant, Qin Zheng found that the table was full of gifts!

"These are gifts from us!" At this moment, Ino exhaled warmly into Qin Zheng's ear!

"Thank you!" Qin Zheng then took out the smaller one from the crowd, with a greeting card on it.

"Congratulations to our genius for becoming Zhong Ren!" Qin Zheng read the greeting card in an inaudible voice. The signature was Ino, which did resemble her tone. The box contained a scarf, white, and the imperial robe on Qin Zheng's body was very similar. Match!

He looked back at Ino, but saw that the other party's cheeks were slightly red, but when he saw that he looked at her, he still spit out his tongue and made a grimace.

Dingci gave an exquisite marionette, and Tooth gave a wooden kunai, which was a prop used in the lower grades of ninja school. For some reason, he brought it to him. Shino gave a scarab-like key chain. However, Hinata’s gift was much more valuable than the two, and it was a first-aid medical kit with more complete tools.

Naruto Uzumaki is used to being unreliable. He even gave Qin Zheng a copy of Intimacy Paradise with a secret smile. I don’t know where he got it. Fortunately, Sakura, who was with him, is a careful girl, and also gave a copy. The book is just about the knowledge of appliance maintenance. I sent three high-quality scrolls that can be used as a seal book every day, but Ning Ci gave a map of acupuncture points on the human body, which shows the vital points of the human body and the distribution of Chakra points in detail. Xiao Li gave a green one-piece suit of the same style as the one he was wearing.

After a few people dinner, everyone went back!

The next day, Qin Zheng’s appointment letter came down. It was the torturer of the Intelligence Department. Qin Zheng frowned on this. This did not match his expectations, but it was nothing. In most cases, after a few days of familiarization, Qin Zheng appeared to do the task!

His task is to bring back a traitor from the enemy country. This is a personal task. Fortunately, the target of the capture is only from a small ninja village. Under the enemy’s secret, Qin Zheng has an absolute advantage. Not worried about the great danger, but Qin Zheng is keenly aware that there is a thick weirdness in this!

After Qin Zheng fell asleep, he squeaked, and the wooden ground suddenly squirmed. If a small snake, the front end had a sharp change, intending to kill Qin Zheng, but it was just that this wooden stick came like a living thing. After reaching Qin Zheng's side, Qin Zheng immediately reacted, and then avoided their attack as soon as he turned around!

"Mu Dun!" Seeing that Mu Tiao was attacking him, his pupils shrank slightly. From this point, he could tell who was looking for him. Tianzang, Hokage directly belonged to the Anbu elite, from the third generation of Hokage. Known as the top outstanding person in Anbu.In childhood, the body was implanted with the first generation of Naruto Senju interpost cells and inherited the first generation of Mu Dun blood. After the battle, after the wind and the shadow of the battle, "Yamato" was used as the task code to replace the injured predecessor Kakashi Hagaki. The seventh shift performs tasks and plays an important role in various tasks.

In the original work, he was used as the experimental subject of the Dashewan human experiment when he was young, and he was implanted with intercolumn cells for cultivation.Because the larvae lacked sufficient endurance to withstand the force of the cells between the columns, the other fifty-nine children in the test body died one after another during the same period. They were also given up by the Dashewan as a failed test, but in the end their own survival intention made it tenacious Survived and was lucky enough to be discovered by Shimura Danzo and saved from death.

Since I witnessed the tragic fate of many other experimental children dying at a young age, the desire to "guard" was created at a young age but was unable to be realized due to the fate of the experimental body at the mercy of others, leaving it indelible deep in his heart. Brand of pain.After a tragic experimentation process, as the only survivor, he withstood the power of the inter-pillar cells transplanted in the body and therefore inherited the blood inheritance boundary of the first generation of Hokage.

Qin Zheng raised his brows, his figure flicked out, and then walked to the empty space!Then, a man in his thirties followed closely behind Qin Zheng!

Suddenly, Qin Zheng stopped and looked back at Tianzang!

"You are Nara Shikamaru!" Tianzang glanced at Qin Zheng, then said!

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded and admitted that he was actually guessing what he was doing when he found himself!

"You can't escape!" Tianzang snorted coldly!

"Hehe, what am I running away!" Qin Zheng chuckled, the dark clouds covering the moonlight began to dissipate, and the faint moonlight fell, and Tianzang's expression suddenly changed because he saw the shadow on Qin Zheng's body and His own shadows are connected together, and Tenzo knows that this is the restraint technique of the Nara clan!

"It's careless!" Tianzang murmured in his heart!

Qin Zheng walked slowly to Tianzang, and then showed Kuwu, and said indifferently: "You are a ninja from Konoha Village, why are you here to assassinate me! Is it your Danzang?"

"No, I'm not sent by the elder Danzang, but by Hokage-sama!" Tianzang quickly said, looking at the look, if you don't say it clearly, you will probably be killed!

Item 0167

After listening carefully to Tianzang’s explanation and having been confirmed, Qin Zheng did not expect Tsunade to play such a hand. His going to the Intelligence Department was just a cover, and his true identity was Anbu. Due to the special nature of Anbu, Qin Zheng’s Anbu The identity cannot be disclosed, so this is the reason!

After the turbulence, Konoha Village is still recuperating. After Tsuna took office, a series of measures were implemented. The situation in Konoha Village has improved, but the defense is still much weaker!

Qin Zheng has an identity like Anbu, which provides him with convenience. He wants to implement the plan two or three years ago to steal the seal technique. The book of seal records all taboos that ordinary ninjas are not allowed to learn. The book was sealed by a generation of Naruto, and each ninja country did not hesitate to use any means to obtain the book.

Of course, what Qin Zheng is learning is not the multiple shadow clones, you know, he doesn't have as many chakras as Naruto, so this is not possible at all!

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