The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 592

The black-pupil dolls were quickly wiped out by Qin Zheng, and the others did not dare to make any movements at all, facing the behemoth of Susano, all were panicked!

"Hehe, I caught you!" At this time, a girl in a maid costume came to Qin Zheng's back, with her palm resting on the appearance of Susano!

"Look at my alchemy!" The girl yelled, and Susano's body was covered with golden light!

"Hehe, you will become a frog!" The girl said with a smile!

"Alchemy?" Qin Zheng glanced at the girl with interest, then squinted, Chakra increased his output, and Susano moved along with his hands suddenly opened, and as his hands opened, he attached himself The golden light on Susano's body turned into fragments, becoming a little bit of starlight!

"How come...!" The girl's face changed again!

"It's useless!" Qin Zheng squinted, and the black energy on his body dazzled, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole sky was dark!

"Tell you, in this state, no matter what kind of attack I receive, I will not be injured!" Qin Zheng laughed, and Susano's long sword was severely chopped down!

"Damn it! Miscalculated!" Sheila took out the space emperor and immediately jumped into the purple space circle!

"Want to run!" The long sword in Suzuozhi's hand immediately threw it at Sheila, who was killed by Qin Zheng before she had time!

"It's your turn now!" Qin Zheng sneered, and Suzuo disappeared, Qin Zheng jumped up, and Qin Zheng's chest bulged!

"Fire escape, the technique of violent storms!" The flames that Qin Zheng vomited out spirally!In the original book, the power of this ninjutsu is not very strong, but the victory lies in its fast speed. Even Kyuubi can only force the next, so the black pupils can't dodge this attack at all, they can only bear it abruptly!

After the attack, no one was able to stand intact, and the most severely injured were the two ghosts of Rakshasa without Emperor!

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Qin Zheng landed slowly, looking at the ailing people, then looking at the black pupil, and said: "Follow me!"

"Where to go?" Black pupil covered his chest, it seemed very painful!

"Your sister Chitong has already joined the Supervision Bureau. As long as you join the Supervision Bureau, you will be reunited with your sister!" Qin Zheng smiled and said!

"Sister, she is a member of the Night Strike Organization, I am a member of the Empire, I can't join, I want to kill my sister!" Hei Tong said intermittently, but Qin Zheng has seen a flash of joy in Hei Tong's eyes and wants to come to Hei Tong. He also cares about Chitong very much, "And if you take in the night attacker, I will also cut you off!" After speaking, Heitong took the sword and staggered to Qin Zheng!

"Don't be brave!" Qin Zheng waved his hand, and Black pupil's sword flew out!

After that, Qin Zheng's palm was pressed against Heitong's chest, and Chakra entered Heitong's body!

"Your body has been injected with a lot of drugs to squeeze your body's potential. If this goes on, you will only have half a year's life!" Qin Zheng looked at Black Pupil and found that there were no waves in his eyes. He knew it, and Hey Pupil must know. This matter, so I went on to say: "But I can treat your injuries, but there is one condition, and that is to join the Inspectorate and serve me!"

"I'll join!" Without thinking about it, Hei Tong nodded and agreed. Whether it's reuniting with her sister or healing herself, this is an irresistible temptation!

"What about you? Join or accept death!" After giving Black Eye treatment, Qin Zheng stood up and looked at the remaining four women!

"We are willing to join!" The two ghosts of Rakshasa first surrendered!

"Let's join!" The girl in bunny costume and the girl in maid costume looked at each other, and then nodded!

"Very well, tell us, what is your name!" Qin Zheng asked again!

"Suzuka!" "Horsehead!" "Kosmia!" "Dottya!"


After Qin Zheng picked up Shangri-La, he pressed it to his arm, and then, the purple array was activated again, and then the crowd returned to the imperial capital!

Back to the Supervisory Bureau, Chi and Black met!

"Sister, it's been a long time!" Hei Tong said with a smile on his face!

"Why are you here?" Chitong is also good at hiding feelings. Her face was unwavering, she frowned, and at the same time pulled out the emperor!

"Well, Heitong has joined the Supervision Bureau. Starting today, you will be colleagues!" Qin Zheng interrupted!

"Hee hee, it's great to be able to be a colleague with my sister!" Black pupil seemed to like being with Chi pupil very much, and then said affectionately: "Sister, we can fight side by side again as before!"

"Huh!" Chi Tong nodded too!

"Red pupil, black pupil, here is a task for you to complete!" Qin Zheng took out the materials, and then said to the two women: "The empire now lives and works in peace, but there is a revolutionary army in the south, and there are peaceful roads within the empire, so I want you to disband An Ning Dao. Of course, I will also get rid of the assistant of An Ning Daoist Master, Berlik, he is from Onest!"

"What if An Ningdao refuses to disband?" Chi Tong said again!

"Then kill the leader!" Qin Zheng said murderously!

"Yes!" After Chi Tong and Hei Tong nodded, they headed to Anning Road. As for the other four women, Qin Zheng also made arrangements for them!

Inside the palace, Ornest received two news, one good news and one bad news!

The bad news is that Sheila’s army was completely wiped out. Qin Zheng returned safely. Sheila and other five people died. As for the rest, they all joined Qin Zheng’s Supervision Bureau. The good news is that he received the revolution. The army's letter stated that Qin Zheng had taken in the assassin of the night attack, Red Eyes, that is to say, Qin Zheng and the night attack had a leg!

Upon receiving this news, the mood that had deteriorated due to the failed assassination immediately improved. As long as he submits this evidence, then the little emperor will surely punish Qin Zheng, and at that time, he can get revenge!

"Qin Zheng, wait for me, I want you to be ruined!" Ornest thought cruelly in his heart!

The next day, the little emperor held a meeting as usual, and Qin Zheng, as the power of the three giants, would naturally attend!

"Your Majesty, I want to sue Qin Zheng for being related to the Night Attack Organization. As the Director of the Supervision Bureau, his purpose is to eliminate the Night Attack and the Revolutionary Army. Now he himself is a member of the Night Attack Organization. This is absolutely a great irony. !" Ornest shouted!After Ornest finished speaking, the people present immediately panicked. It seems that the minister is about to take action, so how long can Qin Zheng be able to jump!

Everyone glanced at Qin Zheng subconsciously, but Qin Zheng squinted his eyes and couldn't see any anxiety at all!

Hearing this, the little emperor frowned, and then asked: "Minister, do you have evidence?"

"Your Majesty, this is the evidence!" Ornest immediately submitted the white paper, and then continued: "And the wanted night attacker Chihyo is now working for the Inspectorate!"

"Well, it is indeed in collusion with the revolutionary army!" The little emperor nodded, and then said: "The minister, what do you think should be handled according to your meaning?"

"Of course it was executed!" Upon hearing this, Ornest said grimly!After that, Ornest looked at Qin Zheng triumphantly. As long as Qin Zheng is executed, no one in the empire will fight him again, and he will return to his previous position and do whatever he wants!

"Very good, then execute according to the minister's wishes!" The little emperor nodded, stood up, then waved his hand and said!

Immediately afterwards, two or three guards came up, but the target was not Qin Zheng, but Ornest himself!

"You...what are you doing?" Ornest was taken aback when he saw the guards coming up!

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"No... what you are trying to catch is Qin Zheng, not me!" Ornest stared at the guards coming up, and it was not until the guards put his arms on him that Ornest called out loudly: "You caught the wrong person!"

"Minister, I made no mistake!" The little emperor said with a smile, "Didn't you show evidence? The letter of the revolutionary army is in your hands, which means that you are in collusion with the revolutionary army. I wanted you to Excuse me, but you are bent on seeking death, no one can blame it!"

"Your Majesty, it's's not like that! I didn't..." Ornest really wanted to chop off his hand, and what would he do with the letter written by the Revolutionary Army to himself? Isn't this a court death?No, it should be said that it is not shit or shit!

"Then tell me what is going on with this letter?" The little emperor said with a sullen expression on his face!

"I...!" Ornest really didn't know how to explain the origin of this letter!

"Stupid!" Qin Zheng whispered sarcastically, and then said: "Your Majesty, although the minister can't explain the origin of this letter, I believe that the minister is innocent. It is very likely that the revolutionary army has planted and framed it. Just to mess up the empire, and then they attack!"

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