The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Strike Chapter 70

"This is the queen!" Qin Zheng sneered!As long as it doesn't destroy it, Narakweiler has a characteristic that is stronger than once, just like a Saiyan, but Qin Zheng doesn't need such things, just let them all be destroyed!

"What is that?" The ancient city looked at the undamaged Narakville!

"Queen! The next thing to see is how the fifth true ancestor did it!" Vatra smiled!Because the "Queen" has begun to attack the sky dragon above, the double mace at the front is opened, and the red energy continues to gather, and then directly shoot up, the target is the sky dragon!!

"It's a powerful attack, if I'm not careful, I'll die!" Vatra frowned and muttered as he looked at the concentrated powerful energy!"This should make the Fifth True Ancestor a headache!"

"Konglong's howling!" Qin Zheng shouted loudly.A red beam of destruction collided with Narakweiler's red beam!But the confrontation in Vatra’s imagination did not appear, the beam of destruction was devastated, and the beam of light emitted by Narakweiler was directly broken, and it went straight down!

"Oops! Hurry up!" Vatra got up from the ancient city and left the artificial multiplication island instantly, and that month also used space magic to escape!

The beam of destruction hits the Queen directly, and the Queen evaporates generally into fly ash, and the artificial multiplication island sinks under Qin Zheng's attack!

"It's dangerous!" Vatra, who left the artificial multiplication island in time, let out a sigh of relief!And in front of Vatra, where is there any artificial multiplication island, there is only an ocean, obviously, the artificial multiplication island has sunk!

In the distance, watching Fei Tao in the sky sighed!Qin Zheng was really messed up, and at the same time, his strength was really strong and he sank the artificial multiplication island with just one blow. Of course, if this shot fell on the Xian Shen Island, the Xian Shen Island would also sink!

"That person is too dangerous!" Fei Tao murmured, this incomparable power even surpassed the fourth true ancestor in the strongest form!

"There is no news from Xuecai and Saiyahua. It seems that it will take some time for them to gain Qin Zheng's trust!"

"Huh? Who is that person?" From a distance, Fei Tao saw the light green onion in Qin Zheng's arms!

"That girl...? She must be Qin Zheng's most cherished girl!" Fei Tao murmured, as if he had found a way to control Qin Zheng!

The artificial multiplication island fell, and Xianjin Island was also affected. At this moment, the entire Xianjin Island began to tremble!

After the ancient city was taken to a safe place by Vatra, it was about to look forward. The heat wave surged. The red fireball like egg yolk in front covered the entire artificial multiplication island, and finally swallowed it. The strong light made the ancient city unable to open its eyes. Mou, when people's eyes adjust, there is only a vast ocean ahead, where is there any proliferation island!

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After the Narakweiler incident, Xianjindao finally stopped!Seeing Qin Zheng’s power, Vatra didn’t seem to have the courage to oppose Qin Zheng. Although he was on Xian Shen Island, he had always lived in simplicity, and that month, Qin Zheng was warned viciously and told him not to Feel free to shoot!

The relationship between Qin Zheng and Zhu Dao Lun and Qian Cong has grown by leaps and bounds. Of course, the relationship between Qin Zheng and Zhu Dao Lun is going on quietly, and he dare not let Qian Cong know!

Tomb of the Ocean, Qin Zhengzheng and the already "degenerate" Xibu were doing silly things, but the Tomb of the Ocean welcomed three guests!

"True Ancestor, the fourth true ancestor ancient city is here!" Since Astaruti was rescued by Qin Zheng, he has replaced Bea Torres and is doing everything for Qin Zheng by Qin Zheng!

"Gucheng, what is he doing here?" Qin Zheng frowned upon hearing this, and looked at Xibu who looked a little panicked under him, and suddenly became clear. It must have something to do with Xibu!

"Who else is with Gucheng?" Qin Zheng asked!If their purpose is Xibu, then the ancient city will not be alone!

"Gujo, Yaze, and a classmate named Ryo Uchida!" Astaruti answered truthfully!

"Xibu, it seems that I am really here to find you!" Qin Zheng smiled slightly after patted Xibu's hips!

"Yeah!" Xibu said with a trembling voice!Since Xibu became obsessed with the invigorating feeling of hand-to-hand combat, Xibu has not been at school, no wonder Gucheng and others come to the door, and Xibu's fear is naturally because of her kindness, after all, it is her empathy. Now, her guilt made her dare not face her ex-boyfriend Uchida Liao!

Qin Zheng frowned and said to Astaruti: "Let Beatorice go to meet our old friend. If he can win, I will meet them!" If Qin Zheng If you think it’s right, the purpose of their visit this time should be Xibu. It seems that the month has already told the ancient city about everything. Otherwise, the ancient city will not bring Uchida to the front. In order to influence Xibu with true feelings!However, both Gucheng and Nayue were wrong. Xibu stayed voluntarily. The reason was that he was obsessed with the feeling of ecstasy and dying that Qin Zheng brought to him!

"Accept the order!" Astaruti nodded, and began to give orders to Beatoris!

Outside the Tomb of the Ocean, Uchida looked at the huge luxury ship, swallowed, and said with difficulty, "This is the residence of the Fifth True Ancestor?"

"Probably so! I'm here for the first time too!" Gucheng nodded!

"Yase, you are sure it is here!"

"Yes, this place originally belonged to Vatra, but after Vatra was defeated, the ship was taken over!"

"The Tomb of the Sea, what a strange name!" The ancient city murmured!

"Qin Zheng, come out quickly!" Gucheng shouted loudly!

At this time, the night was quiet, and the voice of the ancient city was echoing, but there was no movement above the Tomb of the Ocean!

"Aren't they at home?" Uchida was a little confused!

"Hmph, shrink your head tortoise, I'll go up and take a look!" Gu Cheng said with a curled lips!

"Gucheng, don't be impulsive!" Yaze quickly grabbed the passionate fool, and said, "Teacher that month has already explained that he cannot conflict with Qin Zheng. You see the power Qin Zheng showed that day! "He was afraid that this hot-blooded fool would upset Qin Zheng. At that time, let alone bring Xibu back, even the three of them would not be able to protect themselves!

"Don't forget our main purpose!" Yase reminded!

"But shall we just wait like this?" Gucheng said with dissatisfaction upon hearing this!Qin Zheng easily blasted off an island, making the ancient city even more disgusted with Qin Zheng while fearing, especially not knowing what magic Qin Zheng used to snatch the squad leader and Qian Cong. They watched every day. The three of them were chatting and laughing, and the ancient city was full of envy and jealousy!

"Wait, let me call Teacher Nayue!" Yase shook his head!Before coming here, that month gave a letter to Yaze, saying that it was enough for Qin Zheng to read, but now even people can't see it, how can I give the letter to Qin Zheng!

"Fourth True Ancestor, I didn't expect you to come here!" At this moment, Beatoris appeared on the deck, looking down at the three people below!

"Bea Torres, we want to meet Qin Zheng!" Yase said politely!"At this time, teacher Nayue wrote a letter to Qin Zheng!"

"Hey, the ancestor said, see no one!" After a sneer, Bea Torres glowed red!

"No, be careful!" Gucheng took the lead in reacting!One after another, Yase and Uchida were thrown down. At this time, a huge fireball rushed to the place behind the ancient city with unparalleled heat, destroying the open space behind it!

"What are you going to do?" Bea Torres, Gucheng said angrily!

"Go ahead!" Bea Torres waved her hand and said, "If you want to see the true ancestor, you must beat me!"

"Huh!" Another fireball was thrown out!

"Then I have to knock you down!" The ancient city was covered with dazzling electric light, and released falling thunder to meet the flame ball!

Seeing the smashed flame ball, Bea Torres' eyes flashed with surprise and said: "The fourth true ancestor, not seen for a month, your strength seems to have increased!"

"The surprise is still behind! Coming soon, the deep scar of the ninth beast's double horns." Then the shock wave penetrated, and the atmosphere condensed by the vibration created a mirage among the distortions, and the virtual image in the mirage soon passed. Turn into a beast appearance.

The appearance of a giant beast with bright mane and double horns!

"It's the new beast! Red-eyed black dragon!" Beatorice frowned, and began to summon her beast!

"The gold of the lion!" The ancient city summoned another beast, turned into a thunder, and attacked the red-eyed black dragon, and the deep horns of the two horns, the two horns of the head resonate like a tuning fork, emitting a fierce high frequency vibration , That vibration can shatter rocks and tear metal.

"Black Flame Bullet!" The two beasts attacked together, and Beatorice's expression also changed, and she hurriedly shouted!

Inside, watching the mixed attacks of the ancient city, Qin Zheng frowned, and said to Xibu who was already dressed next to him: "Go, let's go out and meet the ancient city!"

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"Black Flame Bullet!" The two beasts attacked together, and Beatorice's expression also changed, and she hurriedly shouted!

Bea Torres was indeed panicked. If she could deal with a favored beast in the ancient city, then two favored beasts attacked together, she could not bear it!

The attack came at a slow speed, but Beatoris didn't dare to go away, she could only watch the black flame bullets being forced, and the remaining attacks fell on her!

Black energy emerged, directly swallowing two domineering attacks, and then, Bea Torres was also relieved!

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