The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 726

"You can stand up like this!" Mesti Seiya was a little impatient with her tenacity: "Then I will interrupt your hands and feet and see how you stand up!"

"I won't lose! Pegasus Meteor Fist!" Seiya waved his fist subconsciously!

Countless fists blasted towards Mesdi, but like the previous ones, there was no effect at all!

"It's useless!" Meisdie sneered, easily avoiding such fists, but if you were more careful, Meisdie would find that Seiya's fist speed became faster!

"Ah!" With a click, Seiya's hand bone broke!

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!" Seiya punched again!

"Kacha!" Mesti broke Seiya's foot again!

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"


"Pegasus Meteor Fist!"


"I didn't expect you to be able to stand up like this!" Mesti really did not expect that both of Seiya's legs were broken, but he could still stand up: "If that's the case, then kill you!"

"Pegasus Meteor Fist!" Seiya punched again!

"Did you say it...!" Mesti hadn't finished speaking, his fist came abruptly. He didn't react at all and hit hundreds of punches, and his body was blown out!

"Damn it, it hurt my body!" Mesdie said angrily after dragging a long mark on the ground!"Puff!" Meisdie spit out blood, Meisdie didn't expect to get a fist under his carelessness!

"I'm going to kill you!" Mesti hit Seiya's jaw heavily!

Seiya was beaten to the sky instantly!

On the verge of death, Seiya's head was blank. In confusion, Seiya cast his gaze towards the sky. From this position, he saw the sky more realistically!

"Pegasus!" Seiya mumbled as he looked at the Pegasus-shaped constellation shining in the distance, and then, a meteor slid down!

"Comet!" Seiya murmured, as if he had realized it!

"Tenma Comet Fist!" Dooping down from the sky, Seiya used a newly understood combat technique!The speed of the Comet Fist was already very fast, and under the influence of gravity, Mesti could no longer hold such a fist. He looked at the fist in his chest and couldn't believe it. He would lose to a bronze!

Seiya won, and the other four small strong also won. Their victory, like Seiya, was hard-won, but after this battle, they almost lost their combat effectiveness!!

"Seiya, are you okay!" Ikki who was the least injured stepped up and said!

"I'm fine!" Seiya smiled, but he didn't expect to stand up, not because he didn't want to, but he couldn't. During the battle, even if he was interrupted, he didn't feel anything, but once he got out of the battle, he found that he could not stand. Woke up!

"I'll help you!" Ikki helped Seiya up, and then came to the other Xiaoqiang!

Although the saint clothing on the five of them had been repaired, after a battle, the saint clothing was also broken!

Glacier, Zilong, and Shun are all sitting on the ground. Zilong is naked. This is understandable. Zilong will take off his clothes every time he gets excited, but Zilong's eyes keep bleeding. It turns out that Zilong wants to crack Petrochemical, blinded his eyes, Glacier and Blink are nothing, at least on the surface they look normal!

Item 0034

"Although your moves are the same as mine, this is just superficial!" Shaka once again recovered his calm appearance, but under this calm appearance, the small universe was burning and the golden hair began to flutter!

"The demon surrender!" Shaka raised his hands and shouted. Suddenly, Qin Zheng seemed to be in the entire galaxy. Then, the galaxy exploded, and the explosion continued to spread to him!

"The Milky Way Starburst!" Qin Zheng yelled, his palms turned his claws, and he threw out fiercely!The demon surrender is to create a small galaxy in the hand to explode. The high-density energy and mass form the galaxy big bang, the destructive power is equal to the power of the galaxy when it was opened.Qin Zheng's Galaxy Starburst has the power to destroy the Milky Way. From the perspective of power, the Galaxy Starburst is even higher, but this is just Qin Zheng's reprint of Saga's moves, and the power is still lacking!

"Boom!" A huge noise came from the virgin palace. If the virgin palace was not made by Athena with magical power, it is estimated that the virgin palace will be destroyed!

After the explosion, Qin Zheng found himself above the stars, with a blue planet beneath his feet!

"Here?" Qin Zheng was stunned, he felt that he had entered a world similar to the six reincarnations again!

"This is the world I created!" Shaka appeared in front of Qin Zheng, and said at the same time: "Next, I will deprive you of your five senses!" Shaka used the secret moves, the heavenly dance wheel, and knew all the truths of the universe. The perfect world created by Shaka, in this world can neither attack nor escape, offensive and defensive integration, can deprive opponents of six senses!

"The first is your sense of smell!"

This had no effect on Qin Zheng. Qin Zheng sneered and blasted out with a punch!The golden fist shadow formed a beam of light and struck towards Shaka!

"In this world, I am invincible!" Shaka let the shadow of the boxing fall on him, no, it should be said that shadow of the boxing passed directly through Shaka!

"Then your taste!"

"Next is your vision!" This has a greater impact on Qin Zheng!

Qin Zheng was immediately plunged into darkness. In the original work, Saga, Abrodi, and Dismask were also unable to deal with Shaka alone. In the end, Shaka was defeated by the Trinity!

"Did you even throw the fist in the wrong direction!?" Qin Zheng tried to throw a punch, but he didn't hit the target!

"Next is hearing!"

I felt that it was the last voice Qin Zheng heard. Then, Qin Zheng entered a silent world. It felt magical, weird, and mysterious. Qin Zheng couldn’t say what it felt like, but soon, his This feeling disappeared, because Shaka deprived him of his touch!

Shaka looked at Qin Zheng, who had lost his five senses and stood quietly, and turned and left!

The five senses are the foundation, and if the five senses are deprived, even the Saint Seiya who understands the eighth sense will inevitably lose. Now, if Qin Zheng can't get out of the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel, Qin Zheng is dead!

"Good job!" Saga didn't expect Shaka to be so powerful, but seeing that Shaka has strengthened his strength, Saga couldn't help but feel a little worried. If he collides with Shaka with his current strength, the outcome will be between five and five. !

In the endless darkness, Qin Zheng lay quietly here, allowing time to flow by his side. It should be said that Qin Zheng, who has no five senses, can’t tell where he is, whether he is still alive, some just It's just a little bit of thinking!

"Qin Zheng! Wake up quickly, you can still fight!"

"Qin Zheng!" Suddenly, Qin Zheng heard Athena's call. This call was not a call in the traditional sense, but a communication through a small universe!

"Burn your own small universe!" Qin Zheng's small universe is like a pile of firewood, but lacks a source of ignition. Athena just puts a fire on it to make it burn more vigorously than before. !

After Shaka turned and walked a few steps, he turned around in surprise!

Standing quietly, Qin Zheng, with his head down, hadn't moved yet, but the small universe inside his body began to burn, and a raging golden arrogance began to rise from his body!

"You actually came out!" Shaka sighed. It is extremely difficult to get out of the five sense deprivation, but once it succeeds, it can definitely make the strength further. This is the situation Qin Zheng is now, and the strength is stronger. The eighth sense early to the eighth sense late!

"Shaka, I won't lose this time!" Shaka didn't react at all, and the torrent of golden fist shadows had already sent Shaka flying!In fact, how could Qin Zheng not know that Shaka has the ability to deprive the five senses. Although it is dangerous, Qin Zheng still wants to use this opportunity to improve his strength, but Athena will not just watch. He lost, and sure enough, with the help of Athena, he regained his five senses, and his strength became even stronger!

"Let's go!" After Shaka was knocked into the air, he had no plans to fight Qin Zheng!

Shaka didn't talk about Sajia's loyalists. She guarded the virgin palace and played with Qin Zheng only as a duty. Now Qin Zheng can also be said to have defeated him, so naturally he can go to the next palace!

Qin Zheng nodded and continued to walk towards the next palace!He knew that Shaka still had the last move, but it was used to fight the enemy with life and death, and Qin Zheng's goal had been achieved, there was no need to fight Shaka!

"Damn Shaka, he didn't stop Qin Zheng!" Saga gritted his teeth as he watched Qin Zheng rush through the virgin palace!

There are still seven or eight palaces, but with Qin Zheng's current strength, defeating them is not very difficult!

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