The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Furious Attack Chapter 75

"This is something that a true ancestor woman should learn, to meet the true ancestor's requirements anytime, anywhere!" Flya said solemnly instead!

"Forget it, let you play, I'm sleeping with Xia Yin!!" Looking at Freya who was very serious, Xuecai had a headache, pulling up the dumbfounded Xia Yin, and leaving the deck, as everyone knows, Xuecai is like usual The serious attitude also gave Qin Zheng a headache!

"You woman, let go of Qin Zheng!" Saiyahua said again!

"Hehe, do you want to compete with me?" Flya snorted, stood up and said!

"Who wants to compete with you! Idiot, idiot!" The duplicity Saaya Hua ran away from the deck quickly in the spirit of blindness!

Soon, Fulia and Qin Zheng were left on the deck!

"Now finally no one disturbs us!" Qin Zhengxiemei smiled!

Flya stepped back and said anxiously: "True Ancestor, wait a minute, I have something...!"

Fuli didn't mean this at first, she just wanted to push other people away, but suddenly she let a strong force embrace her, and then, her lips were sealed by Qin Zheng's mouth!

The unfamiliar touch from the tip of the tongue made Freya tense her body, and a weak numb sensation came to her back.

"Please don't do this!" Freya whispered, but the sensitive skin inside the uniform was touched by Qin Zheng with his fingers, and Freya hunched over.

In the end, Qin Zheng only punished this reckless eldest princess a little bit, but did not eat her!

Afterwards, Qin Zheng ordered Astaruti to arrange a room for Friar!

"Bea Torres, did anyone bring it back?" Standing on the deck enjoying the sea breeze, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared behind her, it was Bea Torres!

"Brought it back! Master True Ancestor, this is the person you want to find!" It turned out that on Bea Torres stood a girl with short hair wearing purple clothes, shorts and exposing her white thighs. It was Qin Zheng. Ordered to go down, You Ma to be looking for!

"Who are you?" Looking at Bea Torres, who brought herself back with no effort, You Ma was a little bit jealous, but after seeing the boy in front of him, You Ma always shuddered!

"Qin Zheng, you can call me the fifth true ancestor!" Qin Zheng said lightly!

"The Fifth True Ancestor!" By now, the whole world knows that there is the Fifth True Ancestor, and they are on the island of Xian Shen with the fourth true ancestor. You Ma has also heard of Qin Zheng’s name, better than himself. The fourth true ancestor of the ancient city is also a powerful true ancestor!

"Do you have anything to do with me?" Facing such a powerful character, Yuma still forced herself to calm down and said!

"It's simple, I can save your mother!"

Item 0113

Hearing that, You Ma was silent. The purpose of coming to Xianjin Island is to rescue her mother, and her mission is also the same. However, opening the barrier of the prison requires powerful energy, but she heard that the ancient city became the fourth truth. When she was an ancestor, she felt that she might be able to use the magic of the ancient city to open the prison barrier and rescue her mother!Of course, she still has another method, which is to sacrifice the 600,000 lives in Xianjin Island, and then gain magical power to open the prison barrier, but with Yuma's character, she would definitely not do that!

After that, she notified her good friend of the ancient city, and then took a plane overnight to come to Xianjin Island. Unexpectedly, when she came, she was caught by this woman. Although she inherited her mother's abilities, she has some knowledge in space magic. But it was not the opponent of this blonde woman at all, and in desperation, she was caught by her!

What makes her most strange is that the purpose of this woman seems to be herself, and listening to her tone, she is only responsible for carrying out this order!

"Who wants to see herself!" Yuma thought about a lot of speculations, and now after seeing the previous one, Yuma realized that this is also on the island of String God, but has a higher reputation than the fourth true ancestor. The fifth true ancestor wants to see himself!

"Why do you want to help me?!" You Ma was a little puzzled, there doesn't seem to be anything in her body that attracted the real ancestor's attention!Even when she went to find the ancient city, she wanted to play the emotional card!Does this guy like him?You Ma still pays attention to Qin Zheng's lustful name. I heard that Qin Zheng has snatched many beautiful women for his joy!

"I am very interested in your mother!" Qin Zheng smiled!

"You are interested in my mother!" Hearing that, You Ma's face turned dark. She is the same as her mother, except for the length of her hair. Now that he is interested in his mother, he must be interested in himself, sure enough. , This pervert real ancestor really hit his mind!Although with Qin Zheng's magical powers, You Ma has a high chance to rescue her mother, but she doesn't want to do this!

"Sorry, I refuse your help!" You Ma decisively refused!

"Oh! If the ancient city knows that your purpose of coming back is not to visit him, what do you think the ancient city will do?" Qin Zheng narrowed his eyes and said!

"Huh, I don't know what you are talking about?" Youma snorted coldly!

"You want to use the magic of the ancient city, right!"

"You...huh, it's the same sentence, I don't know what you said!" After hearing Qin Zheng's words, You Ma disappeared after a brief shock, and then calmly said!

"Haha, your sudden surprise just now revealed your intentions!" Qin Zheng chuckled, "I will give you one day to think about it. If you don't give me an answer, the ancient city will know about it! Of course, here it is. Within one day, you can only move around on the island of Xian Shen. Of course, if you dare to leave, I will kill the ancient city so that you can't borrow the magic of the ancient city!"

After Qin Zheng finished speaking, he took Beatoris in!In fact, besides wanting Ah Ye to learn about space magic from the system, he originally wanted to break through the so-called prison barrier and bring the body of that month to life. As for the criminals in the prison that the ancient city feared in the original work escaped and harmed the island of Xian Shen, Just kill all!

As for Bea Torres, she has been running around these days and handled the affairs of the Qin Dynasty perfectly. Qin Zheng felt it necessary to reward this blonde beauty!

Looking at Qin Zheng's back, You Ma gritted her teeth with hatred, but there was no way!Although she can leave the Tomb of the Ocean, she really has no guts. After all, she will kill the ancient city. For Qin Zheng, You Ma has no doubt. Yu Gong, the ancient city is still the key figure in rescuing his mother. Yu Si, the ancient city is herself My good friend, there is no need to kill the ancient city because of my own relationship!

Soon, You Ma heard a cat-like cry from inside!

Yuma naturally knew what that sound was, and his face flushed, and after screaming a pervert, under the leadership of Astaruti, went to her room!

It's night, moon stars are scarce!Haicai Academy!

With eyes, the girl with scum braids held a piece of A4 size paper in her hand, and looked at it carefully. Some of her eyes burst out with cold gaze occasionally!

The paper is full of information about Qin Zheng. Of course, these are all activities of Qin Zheng Haicai Academy, including the content of his conversation!

Among them, two things made Fei Tao suspicious!

The first thing is that after school that day, Qin Zheng and Qian Cong stayed in the art room alone, seeming to be talking about something!

She was very curious about the conversation between them!

It turned out that the Lion King agency installed bugs in every corner of the Haicai Academy. Of course, it was not aimed at Qin Zheng. These bugs existed before Qin Zheng came, and now they just happen to be used!

As for the content of the conversation that day, she only heard a little bit, which seemed to be about eternal life.

Fei Tao’s first reaction was that Qin Zheng was about to turn Qian Cong into a follower of blood, but thinking about it, it wasn’t that simple. Of course, she could ask Qian Cong, but if she did so, it would startled the snake, and it might also cause Qin Zheng. Dissatisfaction!

The second is the incident where Run Tsukuba and Qin Zheng swim together!

Qin Zheng seemed to be very resistant to swimming. In the end, even though he agreed to go down, he didn't go swimming. Even Tsukuba Run was wearing a swimsuit!

"That's weird! With his temperament, he should be able to go in and wipe the oil!"

Is it because Qin Zheng is afraid of water?Fei Tao guessed in his heart!Of course, she thinks this possibility is very small!

But no matter what, Fei Tao will always go up and test it!

"Who is going to test!" Feitao racked his brains, as if trying to find a reasonable candidate. The test of the true ancestor was a very serious provocative behavior, and it cost his life!So Fei Tao didn't want the ancient city to go, because she didn't want the ancient city to be killed by Qin Zheng before it grew!

"That month, she will be a suitable candidate!" Fei Tao felt that that month was very suitable, but that month was the national demon attacker, and the Lion King agency came from two separate organizations, and she was not wise. The figure ranked among the country's attackers!

"Forget it, let's take your time!" Fei Tao thought for a while and said!But it was Fei Tao's idea that gave Qin Zheng time to overcome his weakness of fear of water. After that, the Lion King agency could no longer find Qin Zheng's weakness!

Chapter 0114

In less than a day, You Ma has the answer!

At this time, You Ma still took fulfilling her mission as her top priority. Soon, she approached Qin Zheng and asked him to help rescue her mother!

In response to Youma’s response, Qin Zheng expected that Youma was created with Ah Ye’s genes, and his appearance is the same as Ah Ye. Besides, Youma is also a test-tube baby whose growth has been accelerated. Confused, when rescued Ah Ye is the top priority!Of course, she also accepted Qin Zheng's several conditions!

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