The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

The Fifth True Ancestor of Blood Devouring Frantic Strike Chapter 83

"I heard that your weakness is water!" After speaking, Vatra stared at Qin Zheng closely, as if he wanted to confirm this from the change in his expression!

"Sure enough!" Vatra and others would find this. Qin Zheng didn't feel surprised, and he also thought about how to solve this shortcoming. Now Vatra sent it to the door, just agreeing with him!

"It seems to be true!" After confirming Qin Zheng's expression, Vatra was more confident in the next battle!

"In order to overcome this weakness, I just want to use the blood in your body!" Facing Vatra, Qin Zheng did not hide his killing intent at all!

"Xue Cai, stand back a little!" Qin Zheng reminded Xue Cai to say that the battle was about to start!Sisters Maya couldn't help but step back, their original strength was weak, and now the envoy was killed by the five maids again, and they couldn't resist Qin Zheng's revealing killing intent!

"Gucheng, let's do it too!" Vatra squinted, and from Qin Zheng's leaked killing intent, we could see that in this battle, you are not going to die, so he and Gucheng must join hands!

Item 0124

Due to Yuma's magical rituals, the entire area of ​​String God Island is shrouded in space distortions like a mirage shaking.Across this layer of mirage, from time to time you will see some kind of looming virtual image.

As if old handwriting appeared on paper blacked out with pencil, buildings hidden in different dimensions are gradually showing their outlines.

"Prison barrier? It's unavoidable to expose the stuff like this." Below the cornerstone gate, Yaze looked at the building gradually revealed in the distance!

"Yase, what should we do?"

"It's too much, I have to do my best!" Yaze smiled helplessly!

"Gucheng, you have to quickly break the defensive cover of the flame hoof!" Yase thought anxiously, seeing the roof of the building still covered by a ball of fire!

His original intention was to use his heavy air current body, and then kill You Ma with a single blow, but if Qin Zheng's defensive cover cannot be broken, his air current body cannot approach You Ma!

"Mother, I will save you!" Yuma murmured, approaching the floating magic book!

In the next moment, the dense magic power she poured into it was like molten rock, making the magic book glow brilliantly, and the shocking explosion pressure came straight along with the loud noise that shook the atmosphere.

The explosion pressure originated from the ocean at the northern end of Shijin Island.There suddenly appeared an unseen island shadow. The terrain of the small island was rugged, like a corner of a rock peak.The diameter of the island is less than two hundred meters, but the height is about 80 meters. The island block is made up of artificial temples.

"It seems that his goal is about to be achieved!" Vatra murmured!

"That's the prison barrier?" Vatra nodded in response to the question of the ancient city.

"It seems that the boundary between here and the different space is shaking, although it does not seem to be fully realized at present!"

"So the seal hasn't been broken yet?" Gucheng breathed a sigh of relief!

"But next! The witch will find its location, cut in, wake up or kill the guardian, then the barrier will be broken!"

"Who is the guardian?" Gucheng asked quickly!

"That month of Nangong, the witch of the gap!" Vatra smiled and said, "Her body should be in the prison barrier!"

"Falucci, the fallen angel!" While the two were talking, Qin Zheng had already summoned his beast!

"Nanda'!'Bananda'!" Two huge snakes came and merged together at the call of Vatola. Then, Vatra summoned a giant snake wrapped in ice, with three-headed snakes wrapped around Together they turned into a white three-headed snake!

The three-headed snakes danced their long necks and barked at Qin Zheng with a grin!

"Gucheng, what are you doing standing there, hurry up and fight!" Facing a monster like Qin Zheng, Vatra dare not care about it and said to the ancient city beside him!

"Okay!" Gucheng raised his bloody palm, "coming soon, the gold of the lion, the deep scarlet of the double horns!"

"Falucci, the fallen angel! Flamehoof!" Qin Zheng immediately issued the order to attack!

The fireball ejected from the mouth of the flaming hoof, and the shock wave shot from the wings of the fallen angel Falusi!

"To fight over the city, this...!" The ancient city hesitated!The people below will definitely suffer!

"Ancient city, there is no time to hesitate! Fight!" Vatra screamed, his three-headed snake had already sprayed a ball of flame and the ball of flame hoof!

"Shen Fei with two horns!" The ancient city shouted, Shen Fei ran quickly, turning the powerful magic power from the ancient city into shock waves, and attacked the fallen angel Faluxi!In addition, in the face of the shock wave, the lion of gold turned into thunder and collided with the shock wave!

It caused a huge explosion and the aftermath of the battle brought amazing destructive power to the surface.The hard, mixed steel highway was broken into dust, and energy aftermath raged across the border.

"Fighting!" Looking at the panicking crowd around, Yaze gave up his plan to assassinate Yuma. Evacuation of the crowd is more important than this!

Soon, the guards were also dispatched to evacuate the panicked crowd in an orderly manner!Set aside a large area of ​​no man's land for three people to fight!

"Ancient city, it's useless, your beast can't hurt my angel!" Qin Zheng smiled lightly!The beasts evolved from the modeled angels exist in another dimension. No matter how fierce the golden lion and the deep scarlet of the two horns are, the fallen angel Faluxi cannot be defeated!

"Falucci, the fallen angel!" Qin Zheng shouted again!Every time the six wings flap, each flap will release a shock wave towards the ancient city!

"This is the battle between the true ancestors!" Seeing the shocking sound that echoed the sky, Sister Mei Ya murmured, her beautiful eyes full of surprise!

"So powerful!" Compared to them, their guardian is just a little trouble, and may not be able to withstand a fireball from Yanho!

"Kill him!" Yanhoof, as the weakest beast to travel, is naturally not the opponent of Vatra's beast!

Soon, the flame hoof was caught by the body of the three-headed snake!

"Yanqiu! Ice hockey!" After the flame hoof dissipated, Vatra could face Qin Zheng directly!

"Xuecai, what are you going to do?" At this time, Xuecai had already drawn out Xuexialang, and Sister Mei Ya asked quickly!

"Is it necessary to ask? Of course it is to help the seniors!" Xue Cai murmured, remembering the warmth that Qin Zheng held her hands today!

With a sound of "Bump!" Xuecai quickly came to the front of Qin and picked up a flame ball!!!!

"Xuecai, why are you here?" Qin Zheng was about to summon a new beast, but unexpectedly, Xuecai had already blocked his front and shot the fireball away!

"Senior, I'm here to help you!" Xuecai said with a smile!

"Be careful!" Although Xuecai picked up the flame ball, the other ice ball made Xuecai stretched out. Qin Zheng gently held the snowball in his arms, then flashed the ice ball, and the ice ball hit the floor. , Suddenly, the floor formed a thick layer of ice!

Seeing the flying ball, Vatra frowned, looking at the spoiler Xue Cai on the battlefield a little displeased!

Chapter 0125

Looking at the ice at his feet, Qin Zheng frowned. He vaguely knew Vatra's plan, but how could he make him wish!

Vatra looked at Xuecai who had broken into the battlefield, and said with a sneer: "You are the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism! Why, want to intervene in this level of battle!" However, the sword witch can pick up his beast moves. That Xuexia wolf is indeed not simple, of course, the reason why Xuexia wolf is so extraordinary is because Qin Zheng added the material of the saint's body to it!

"Well! From now on, let me be your opponent!" Xuecai said solemnly!

"Since you want to die, you can't blame me!" Vatra sneered and ordered the three-headed snake to attack again!

However, this attack failed because it was swallowed by the dark sky that Qin Zheng released!

"You Ma, you take them out of here first!" Qin Zheng told You Ma!It is too dangerous for them to stay here!

"Okay!" You Ma also knew this, spreading his hands, twisting the space like ripples spreading over the water!

"Xucai, you also go with them!" Qin Zheng said!

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