The Fifth True Ancestor of Strike the Blood Attacks

Blood Devouring Attack: The Fifth True Ancestor Chapter 93

"I didn't expect you to be so embarrassed! Xian Shenming drives!" At this time, a young man wearing glasses, who was soaked in glasses, sat on the ground, panting, and came with the sound of crisp footsteps. Very nice voice!

"Huh! This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you!" The young man sneered all his life and said!She is Xian Shen Mingjia. When Qin Zheng blasted the prison and killed all the criminals inside, he was the only one who saved his life and escaped from the bottom of the sea. He did not dare to float up for fear that he would be murderous. Qin Zheng was able to find him!

In his eyes, this newly emerging fifth true ancestor is far more terrifying than other true ancestors!

"Are you here to clean up me?" Xian Shen Mingjia has no nonsense!

"Forget it, you are a member of our Lion King agency after all, and I will help you!" Fei Tao, who said indifferently, smiled!

"Oh! Do you want to help me?" Hearing this, Xian Shenming was taken aback!

"Yeah! I know you need that thing, come with me!" Fei Tao brought Xian Shen Ming to the Mozu Special Zone Museum.There are many things with historical value, as well as the equipment of the special zone guards, and the molds of well-known magical machinery, and many rare items that are never seen in the local area. They are all stored in the one-of-a-kind tourist attractions on Shijin Island. .

In the corner of this museum, there is a block that is not open to ordinary visitors. What is displayed in the glass display cabinet is an ancient spear. The black-painted spear is connected to the upper and lower ends with large spear heads.

"This is what you want!" Fei Tao smiled faintly!

"Hehe, then I will take it away!" Xian Shen Mingjia walked up, the glass suddenly shattered, and the next moment, the weapon had fallen into Xian Shen Mingjia's hands!

"I have to say, it's your miscalculation to leave this gun here!" Xian Shenming said lightly sarcastically after getting the two guns!

"Because I can't take it away. After all, this is a failure."

"Indeed, in a sense, it is a weapon commensurate with me, because for the Lion King mechanism, I am also a failure!"

"So, I'm leaving!"

Because Qin Zheng mobilized all personnel to search for Xiao Nayue, Qian Cong and Xiao Nayue were soon found, and were taken to the Tomb of the Ocean!

"Xucai, what's the matter?" Although Qian Cong didn't know other women, she knew this girl who often appeared with Qin Zheng!

"Well, it is Teacher Nayue that you are holding in your arms. It was only a little accident, so...!" Xuecai apologized!

"Ah! You said she was Teacher That Month?" Qian Cong was also stunned after hearing this!

"Teacher that month was robbed of memory and time, so it became like this!" Xuecai was also helpless!

"Can the teacher return to normal that month?!" Qian Cong asked nervously after hearing this!

"This is not clear, you have to wait until the senior comes back!" Xue Cai said frankly!

"Then tell me, who are these women?" Qian Cong's gaze then rested on Bea Torres and others!

"They are...!" Xuecai was about to answer, but Fulia had come to Qian Cong's palm first, and said enthusiastically: "My name is Fulia, the eldest daughter of the kingdom, and I am currently the lover of the fifth true ancestor! "

" are Qin Zheng's lover!" In an instant, Qian Cong's smile condensed!

"Yes! We are all Qin Zheng's lovers, what's the matter?" After hearing this, Saiya Hua also came out and said!

"You are all!" For a moment, Qian Cong's expression was stunned!

"This guy, how many women does he have!" Qian Cong originally thought that Qin Zheng should have a few good confidantes besides himself, but he didn't expect that with the number of women here, he could hold an uncovered meeting. Up!

"This... Sister Qian Cong, don't listen to them nonsense, the real situation is not like this!" Xuecai quickly defended!

"Well, Xuecai, you don't have to speak for this bastard, the situation is worse than I saw, right!" Qian Cong gritted his teeth!

"Che, I really don't know why the real ancestor would like a woman like you!" On the one hand, Beatorice said sarcastically!

"Xue Cai, who is she?" After hearing this, Qian Cong looked at Xue Cai!

"She! She is just a thug under the seniors!" Xuecai said unceremoniously!She is also very disgusted with Bea Torres!

"Man?" Hearing this, Qian Cong was taken aback!

"Yeah! As the fifth true ancestor, the senior is naturally a compatriot of blood, and she is a compatriot of Qin Zheng!" Xuecai laughed!

"Damn little girl, she actually said that I am a thug, and I have a great status in the heart of the true ancestor!" Bea Torres retorted!"This is the proof!" After speaking, the color of Bea Torres's eyes turned green, and her fangs stretched out!

Seeing what Bea Torres looked like, Qian Cong remembered what Qin Zheng said to him that day!

"This is the zombie Qin Zheng said!" Qian Cong murmured!

"Know it! You haven't got the power bestowed by your true ancestors, which shows that I am more pampered than you!" Beatorice sneered!As everyone knows, Qin Zheng has been frank with Qian Cong about this matter, and gave Qian Cong her choice. If Qian Cong agreed to her at that time, then she would be a second-generation zombie, and it doesn’t mean that it is the power bestowed by Qin Zheng, for example. Xia Yin, she is not a zombie, but she is more pampered than anyone else!

Therefore, the power of getting Qin Zheng is not a symbol of favor, but will be sent out by Qin Zheng to solve some difficult problems and face danger!

At this time, Qin Zheng took Ah Ye back to the Tomb of the Ocean!

"Boy, I'm curious, who are you?" Ah Ye Rui asked!

"Don't call me a teenager, call me the fifth true ancestor or Qin Zheng!" Because the two of them were riding on the flame hoof, their bodies were a little weird at this time, and Qin Zheng, unceremoniously wiped oil on Ah Ye. !

"Humph!" A Ye glared at Qin Zheng, but did not resist too much!

"Am I going to give the memory and time to the meeting?" Soon, Xiandumu Aye said again!

"Haha!" Qin Zheng smiled upon hearing the words, remembering that he had been against him several times in the past, and smiled: "Return the memory, time is gone!" Qin Zheng intends to keep four or five years old that month. Loli's appearance, anyway, she was not old that month, she looked like a primary school student, and she didn't mind being younger!

"It's impossible. The curse is beyond my control. Memories are returned, and time must be returned!" Ah Ye said!

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Time and memory are inseparable. Qin Zheng has a solution for this, and that is to turn her into a zombie when her memory is not restored that month. In this way, time will have no meaning to anyone in that month!

Soon, Qin Zheng returned with Ah Ye, but to his surprise, Qian Cong was also there!

Of course, Qian Cong's slightly angry look made Qin Zheng feel very uncomfortable!

"Senior, you are back!" Seeing Qin Zheng's return, he immediately walked up and laughed!

"Hmm! Qian Cong, you are here too!" Qin Zheng also greeted Qian Cong!

"What is it that I am here!" Qian Cong Tucao said: "Hurry up and tell me, how many women do you have, and who is the woman behind you? Do you want a woman of this kind?! "Indeed, in terms of age, Ah Ye is indeed a woman at the level of an aunt!

"What, I am at the level of an aunt?" After hearing this, Ah Ye was taken aback, her face changed as well as her calmness, and then she shot back: "Where do you come from, this hairy girl?!"

Taking advantage of the quarrel between the two, Qin Zheng asked Xuecai: "Where is Xiao Nayue?"

"She's there!" Upon hearing this, Xuecai pointed to Xiao Nayue behind Qian Cong, and said!Coming to an unfamiliar environment, maybe that month's subconscious has more trust in Qian Cong, so she has always relied on Qian Cong. Of course, Xiao Nayue seems to be very afraid of Qin Zheng, and at the same time she is afraid of Ah Ye who is arguing with Qian Cong!

"By the way, senior, have you solved everything?!"

"Yeah!" Qin Zheng nodded, and said, "The prison no longer exists. There is no need to go back there after that month!"

"That's fine!" In Xuecai's view, it was a bit cruel to let that month sleep alone in the endless alien world, like a prop, it made her think of herself!

"Will you help that month return to normal next?" Xuecai asked again!

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