The final gentleman

Chapter 976 Value

The perspective switches back to the central building, where William is waiting to meet his boss.

Although he said all kinds of dissatisfaction, he didn't want to wait. But I still waited for more than an hour before I finally got permission to meet with my boss. However, this waiting time was already very short. In other words, it was very rare to be able to apply for a meeting with my boss.

Getting to the boss floor is also quite cumbersome, requiring multiple elevators and several surreally geometric stairs.

It took a full four hours for William to finally reach the upper area of ​​the building. The height of the floors here has exceeded the world limit. It is even completely separated from the [City of Evil] and is located between unstable planes.

This floor has a large horizontal area and is made of panoramic glass. Walking through the glass passages, you can clearly see the extremely unstable subspace turbulence, with various crimson particles colliding on the glass surface.

Even the chaotic spatial turbulence projects pictures from different areas of the [City of Evil], as if just walking here can monitor the entire city.

The glass passage ascends in a circular shape and continues to extend a vertical height of one kilometer.

When William reached the top floor with brisk steps, an old wooden door that was completely inconsistent with modern architecture appeared in front of him. But the sinister aura seeping out from the gaps in the wooden door made even William tremble, but he was quickly suppressed by a smile.

"Huh~ The pressure is still so great..."

William made some adjustments at the door, adjusted the position of his tie, took a deep breath and gently tapped his shoulder to signal the little grape inside not to pry in the next area.


It's like switching planes,

One second it was a spiral passage with panoramic glass, and the next second we stepped directly into a European medieval-style mansion. Only a few candles were burning in the corners, and the weak light reflected a restrained picture in the center of the hall. chair'.

This is a metal chair that can restrain the limbs, and the back is equipped with a needle-punched headband. It has been rusty for many years.

William didn't have any unnecessary nonsense. He had been here once before and knew the rules very well. He walked straight into the hall and let himself sit on it! With his hands and feet restrained and his headband worn, his vision was partially blocked by the wire.


Like the sound of footsteps stepping on the surface of the heart and soul,

A man shrouded in a white cloak also appeared in his field of vision. He walked gradually down the escalator on the second floor. The steps were very slow but seemed to drop frames. Each step would appear further forward.

Similar to the staff who responded downstairs before, the face under the hood could not be seen clearly, as if it was a mosaic.

Stepping down the last step, he arrived in front of William at a loss of frame.


The cold palm penetrated William's body and pulled the document with all the signatures out of his body. He carefully checked the signatures on it and stayed at 'Hannibal's' signature for a relatively long time.

As the person put his final signature on it, the paper turned into ashes, and some invisible authority and rules had taken effect on William.

There is no communication, no communication between the two.

The restraint device on William's body opened together with the door behind him, indicating that he could leave.

"Thank you, boss~ You are really taciturn~ But it's okay, you can save a lot of time by talking less nonsense. Unfortunately, I like to talk nonsense, blah blah blah~"

William could not contain his inner joy, hummed a little tune, and left with cheerful steps.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to walk to the door, the office that had not seen visitors for a month or two would actually receive a 'second' visitor today. To be precise, it was a visit from a family.

It is the "eighth plague" that is coming.

William quickly waved his arms to greet them, "Hello, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson and the two little babies! What a coincidence. Don't you like living underground? You won't be afraid of heights when you come to such a high place. ?"

William's active greeting also contained [social phobia]. The next second after he finished speaking, his mouth was sewn shut. The eldest daughter was holding a needle and thread that came from nowhere in her hand, with a look of disgust on her face.

William didn't care, he reached out and grabbed the corner of his mouth, slowly lifted up the skin, and tore it off hard~ swish!

The sutured mouth skin was completely torn off, turning into a bloody smile that could not be closed, and the gum tissue was completely exposed. Then he bowed to the boss and said with such a bloody smile:

"It seems that the Eighth Disaster has something very important to do with you, boss. Can I listen in? Maybe there is something I can do to help?"

Seeing that the boss didn't take any action, he acquiesced to the matter, and William stood at the door obediently.

It was also ‘Mom’ who was responsible for conveying the message, telling the story of their family’s encounter at the subway station.

"They connected their dreams together through a kind of brain soaked in a metal container. Some physical changes even occurred during the dream, and wounds of varying degrees appeared on the surface of the body. It seemed that what happened in the dream would be synchronized. Mapping to reality, this mapping is very strange and a method I have never seen before.

I originally wanted the two children to try this special brain dream, but the other party was very vigilant and arranged a superb illusion in advance to allow them to escape.

Since they were members of the production crew, according to the rules, it was not convenient for our family to go in and arrest them.

In my opinion, such a special brain, a brain that can blur the boundaries between reality and dreams, is very necessary to report to you here. "

William suddenly interjected at the door, "It's just that the boundary between dreams and reality is erased. I can do such a small thing~ What's the big deal? I have to come here to report, what did I think it was! Don't waste the boss's time, Let’s go down together.”

William's words did not receive any response,

The boss, who was shrouded in a white cloak and whose face was unable to be seen clearly due to electromagnetic interference at all times, suddenly appeared in front of his mother, placed his palm on the top of his head, and directly absorbed the memory image.

Although the whole family was worried about their mother's condition, they did not dare to act rashly.

As the boss finished browsing the memory from a first-person perspective, he gently nodded in recognition of the importance of this matter.

Mom also smiled evilly because of this. She seemed to see the importance of this matter. "It seems to be really valuable. Do you need us to catch that person? As long as we can be given permission to go to the set to arrest him." , will definitely be brought back as soon as possible."

A piece of white paper fell down, and the boss quickly wrote the relevant text on it. With this piece of paper, he could ignore the rules and carry out "forced intervention" between disasters.

William at the door smiled and said, "Can I go with you for such an interesting thing? If those murderers are not very obedient, I can help suppress them. After all, that uncontrollable mask is still very dangerous."

And I will never take credit from your family, I will simply promote our internal friendship! "

The boss seemed to hope to get this matter settled quickly. When William asked for help, another piece of paper had already fallen into his hands.


He woke up at the same time as the black family, who were all sitting on the sofa in the lobby at the bottom of the building. There is no elevator here at all, it's as if they have never been up there and just slept.

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