When "Miles' White Mask" was removed from the head of original star Bendy Bartole, obvious cortical movement could be felt.

If you can project your vision inside the mask, you will find that the nerve roots representing the residual consciousness and the center of evil thoughts are swaying, eager to connect to the next individual's brain and consciousness center.

It seems that from the very beginning, the target of the mask was Yi Chen.

It never thought about killing Yi Chen at the end of the script, but deliberately lost while ensuring the rationality of the script so that Yi Chen could wear a mask, which would conform to the settings of the script.

No matter who wears the mask, they will become Michael Myers. This is the final ending of the movie.

I have been waiting for this moment for too long for the first tenth plague stored inside the mask.

He never thought about passing on the identity of [The Tenth Disaster] to anyone. He just used the crew's gimmick to bring together the murderers of the entire evil circle, pretending to be a state where everyone competes with each other.

He has only two purposes,

1. Reshoot a "Halloween" series of movies as his literary carrier.

2. Select a phenomenon evil with the highest synchronization rate among the murderers as his new body.

Of course, such a reconstruction would definitely not be as good as before, but as long as he could survive, he didn't care. Anyway, he was already at the bottom, and the sequence [10] would not change.

But when Yi Chen, a murderer from the human world, appeared, his mind changed.

Not only did Yi Chen not refuse or report Yi Chen's illegal behavior of sneaking into the dungeon, but he happily accepted it and even made an appointment to meet each other every night.

It was precisely because he saw more hope from Yi Chen,

He has never seen a perfect murderer like Yi Chen.

The entire cast, not even its own selection of twelve phenomena, could match it in potential and purity.

The most important thing is that he felt that Yi Chen was not evil. He was not a vicious carrier transformed by the accumulation of evil thoughts in the crew through literary carriers.

Yi Chen is still a human being, and his body still contains the original evil thoughts produced by himself.

Not only that, Yi Chen also controls death, an attribute that perfectly fits killing, and is also the attribute that leads to the complete destruction of his body and carrier.

If Yi Chen can be completely possessed, he will achieve the most perfect resurrection, and can even reach a higher level than before, and can continue to pursue the special deceased.

Now, he has the opportunity to occupy, and the entire crew and the Eighth Plague who came to watch will witness his perfect rebirth.

"Put it on quickly, put it on quickly!"

As the mask was put on Yi Chen's head little by little,

Those evil thoughts that symbolized the remaining consciousness couldn't wait to insert themselves into Yi Chen's brain. After this period of thinking games every night, the compatibility between the two was further improved.

When the evil thoughts are connected to the brain,

When the mask is completely attached to the skin,

Just when I thought I was done, crash... there was a sound of waves.

The consciousness projection of the former Tenth Disaster - Michael Myers actually stood on a beach, with a dark ocean in front of him.

He had seen this sea before, and it was the special plane he was pulled into when he was chasing Yi Chen for the first time in the outside world.

But this time it was different. This time there was only the remaining awareness,

Miles, who came to the beach, could clearly feel that he was losing control of the mask, and some kind of forced possession of the skin was cutting off his connection with the mask.

Without the mask, an important attachment, his remaining consciousness began to dissipate. Obvious cracks began to appear in his body, and his consciousness slipped away like grains of sand.

On the ocean within sight, a wooden boat was slowly approaching.

When the wooden boat docked, Yi Chen stepped down from it.

No conflict broke out. Instead, Yi Chen, who had just got off the boat, bowed gracefully and said, "Thank you."


Miles didn't even dare to have too strong emotional fluctuations or say too many words, as this would accelerate the loss and dissipation of his little remaining breath.

Perhaps it was at the final moment that Yi Chen temporarily restrained his ego and let reason come out to give an answer, or it was the rational self he re-established during the period when his ego was lost.

"The reason why losers fail is that they always waste time asking why.

The same is true for your failure. Your greed made you want to possess me through the leather mask and the consciousness damaged by death before you fully understood my state. "

"Who... took away the mask? It was a product projected from the literary carrier together with me. It is the external manifestation of malignancy, and it is the cortical crystal that has followed me throughout my life of killing."

"The death that beat you into a mutilated state and the skin that took away your mask, they both come from the same place, and they are both existences there that have reached the ultimate level in related concepts.

You are too greedy, or you take everything for granted. Your endless slaughter of the weak has weakened your power as a [disaster] over the years, causing you to instinctively regard non-disasters as weak and not take them seriously enough. treat.

If you regard me as an opponent on the same level, you will no longer infiltrate the remaining consciousness and land on this [Dead Mind Island].

Maybe you can also compete with Huangpi for control of the leather mask outside.

It's a pity that you assumed from the beginning that I was just a human being. "

The remaining consciousness began to panic, and his vicious instinct wanted to survive, "If I just disappear, the tenth plague will cease to exist.

As an outsider, you will be directly executed for this. "

"You have assimilated with the crew a long time ago. The tenth plague is no longer you but the entire crew. You have even forgotten your own essence.

Disaster is the highest form of evil, but it is still evil.

It is a concrete expression of a specific negative concept transformed through literary carriers, not a specific existence.

As long as the crew still exists, as long as the mask still exists, and as long as someone is still playing the role of Miles, the tenth plague will always exist, and it has nothing to do with whether you die or not.

From the time the crew was formed, you were just the ex. "

A non-evil outsider explained the nature of evil, causing the former Tenth Calamity to be stunned for a moment and slowly asked, "Where are you from?"


When he heard this word, he felt a little relieved.

"Disease...oh! The guy who controls death also said similar words, disease? What a powerful life structure."

He stared at Yi Chen and continued:

"What are you going to do after seizing the status of the Tenth Disaster and my mask?"

"Kill all the plagues."

"Oh!" When the former Tenth Plague heard this answer, he became relieved and became energetic again, "I have thought about this before, when I was confused after killing the weak for a long time.

You guys are so interesting, you have to keep your word.

It's such a pity that I can't see you slaughtering those guys. Be careful, those guys are not as broken as me. They have a strong obsession with resurrection, and they are all stronger than me before the crew.

They won't be killed so easily. "

"it's time."

"Is it true that he is still beheaded? He is really a murderer with mental mysophobia."

Perhaps it was the sudden relief and acceptance of failure,

Perhaps he saw something in the young man in front of him that he didn't have, or something that he had always wanted to pursue but did not dare to pursue.

Maybe it's just the submission of the weak to the strong,

The consciousness of the Tenth Disaster that was dissipating took the initiative to kneel down and stretched its neck forward. The instinctive desire for survival had dried up.

The sword flashed,

The tenth beheading,

The severed head rolled along the beach into the sea,

The endless killings also immersed into the ocean, making the Dead Sea faintly dyed bright red, and the entire ocean seemed to have a smell of blood.

A well-maintained middle-aged woman walked slowly across the beach.

The two of them didn't talk or look at each other.

Just smell the fishy sea water and dance with bare feet on the beach.

However, Yi Chen didn't jump for long before he stopped.

He didn't feel any particular pleasure, and the pleasure in his body was more about regaining his true self than killing a powerful enemy.

Of course, he was still excited,

Because now he is qualified to challenge and kill the truly strong.

Happy New Year. I haven't spent much time with my family in the past two days. I will take my little fat girl out to play tomorrow and my fat sister-in-law to watch a movie. I hereby ask for leave.

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