The final gentleman

Chapter 1010 Infection

"Oh my god! It turns out to be such a perfect form, such a perfect vicious cycle, such wonderful retro technology..."

While William sighed at the integrity of the other party, he secretly sent a message to Yi Chen,

"Mr. Yi, can you kill him?" how much time is required? What is the approximate success rate? 』

However, the reply Yi Chen gave was, "It can't be killed." 』

"Is there anything Mr. Yi can't kill?" 』

"Don't act stupid William, the thing in front of you is indeed related to the fourth disaster, but it is only the appearance. The real inner part and the literary carrier itself have not been expressed.

If we start fighting now, there is a high probability that we will all die. 』

"Hey, I just deliberately tested Mr. Yi's eyesight... Don't worry, watch my performance next." 』

William took the initiative and took a step forward, placing his right hand on his chest in an elegant gentlemanly manner.

"It's such an honor to be able to meet you in person.

No wonder your signature can also be replaced with the help of an external cameraman, because they are already a part of you. All people who are selected and transformed into camera operators will become your ‘lenses’.

It's so beautiful.

Please forgive our offense. Personally, I really want to see your true form, so I made this move~ In addition, it also helps you find a loophole for penetration, right? "

Facing William's words, the giant hanging in the air did not respond directly, but he heard the sound of gears coming from the giant's body.


As some kind of gear turns,

The cables connected to the giant's back began to shrink, and hundreds of thousands of "cameras" hanging on the vault gathered towards the back.

Their bodies undergo morphological changes during this process, using the spine as an insertion plug to perfectly fit into the giant's back, or to 'bridge' each other.

The most important camera or lens structure on the camera operator's body remains intact and fully deployed on the back.

In the end, hundreds of thousands of lenses were embedded on the giant's back, resembling both wings and a precise frame structure.

About 80% of the pores on the giant body are closed and enter the "internal circulation", which provides energy for the body and hundreds of thousands of cameras connected to the back.


The giant suspended in the air also fell heavily, causing a splash of oil.

It should be noted that the giant has no head structure, and the top of the neck is completely erased, and even the concept does not exist.

These cameras grafted on the back can capture all information from the outside world, record all information, and analyze all information. The original brain has long been discarded.

This also meant that facing this giant, Yi Chen's best killing method was restrained.

The giant came forward,

William also walked up calmly and took the initiative,

Yi Chen was observing on the spot and had a very strange feeling.

The opponent is so huge, with so many cameras, surveillance and oppression at the same time, but what really makes Yi Chen sweat is a fatal feeling.

Comparing it to the previous Tenth Disaster, which was so incomplete that it was removed from the title of Disaster, it is completely different.

Yi Chen remained silent for the time being, while Leni was already quietly sticking to his side.

Although Leni, who had been reborn, could no longer absorb the outside atmosphere, she could feel an absolute sense of oppression, just like the feeling she felt when she first went to the old world and saw the sheep mother.

But the sense of oppression given by the sheep mother is biased towards friendship,

The giant in front of him was absolutely malicious.

Leni suddenly felt a heat in her nostrils and subconsciously touched her nose, which was immediately stained with blood on her hand. Somehow, she got a nosebleed.

Not just Leni;

Even Yi Chen heard the ripples in the calm sea, and it seemed that even death was under unknown threat.

Suddenly he felt a discomfort in his mouth. A tooth actually fell out on its own and Yi Chen spit it out on his hand. Although tooth loss was not a troublesome thing, it was strange why the tooth fell out.

Not only that, but the yellow skin on his body also felt uncomfortable, and blood was leaking from multiple sutures.

≮Some high-dimensional, invisible thing is trying to harm us... I have to restrain myself. ≯

As the text message came from Huang Pi, Yi Chen's coat was all gathered towards his chest, and finally turned into some kind of folded 'skin bag' and was stored in the breast pocket of his shirt.

Fortunately, he had brought his own shirt and pants, otherwise he would have been naked.

"Is it the function of some kind of high-dimensional field?" What is the essence of the so-called "Fatal Tape"? Leni and Huangpi and I had such an effect even if we weren't each other's first targets. William was the one who was mainly affected. 』

Tick ​​tick tick~

You can already hear the sound of liquid dripping from the front,

William's entire scalp was oozing blood, and there were even a large number of tumor cells dying on his behalf.


William came to the giant, just at its toes.

William, who was bleeding from all his orifices, didn't panic at all. He dug around and finally found a camera with a unique shape and excellent preservation.

"The BEAULIEU limited edition 8mm camera from France, all handmade parts with the signature of the founder, this is a good thing that I found while traveling around the world.

Especially as a greeting gift, I hope you like it. "

In an instant, the feeling of oppression weakened a lot.

Cables hung down from the top and wrapped around the camera, obviously accepting the gift provided by William.

William continued: "I brought my friends here this time mainly because I wanted to deceive others, so please don't pay attention.

On the one hand, it’s out of curiosity about your identity,

On the other hand, it is because of your origin as a video tape, and I, as an evil person, happened to choose video tapes as a literary carrier. I would like to ask you for advice on some things, or let you help optimize it.

The reason why we chose to approach you in a secretive way without letting the Evil City know about it is because we want to cooperate with you privately. "

The giant did not give any response, but lowered the metal cables again to wrap around William, then inserted them directly into his body and slowly moved him into the air.

All the cameras growing on the giant's back were watching him.

Waves of sounds formed by metal vibrations came, representing the sound of the fourth disaster.

"It turns out... that such an individual with innate immunity was used to achieve the invasion of the video tape. In other words, your research on the video tape is very profound."

William, who had catheters inserted all over his body, still kept smiling.

“Of course it’s profound, otherwise why would I come to see you at all costs?

How about we talk about it? I have a way for us to gain absolute malicious dominance and remove all so-called disaster systems. You and I will no longer be monitored by "high-rise buildings" and become the top existences.

You can shoot what you want in any dimension and in any plane. "


Suddenly, the metal tube inserted into William's body began to inject engine oil crazily, and William's fat body was instantly enlarged, reaching more than three times its original size.


Fat and engine oil splash, causing instant death.

Insert into the back of Fat Man's head, the video tape with the smiley face drawn on it was rolled up between the metal cables. This videotape may be William's literary carrier and an important object for him as the Eleventh Disaster.

I thought that the Fourth Disaster would study the tape carefully or use some kind of machine to play it, but unexpectedly, he was extremely cautious.

A special bleach is sprayed from one pipe to completely clear the contents of the video tape, and then high-temperature hot oil is sprayed from another pipe to completely dissolve it.

In the eyes of the fourth disaster,

It is an absolute risk to be able to invade the guys who arrive here. He will never allow such risks to appear and must be completely eliminated.

Everything needs to be carried out according to his established route. He does not need cooperation or shortcuts, he just needs not to be affected.

Immediately afterwards, all the cameras on the back were focused on Yi Chen and Leni.

The giant's body began to move,

But what is strange is that his movement speed is getting slower and slower. When he is about to approach Yi Chen and the two of them, it is difficult to lift his right foot as if it is filled with lead.

When the cameras all over the back looked at it, they found that the entire right leg had developed large and small hard tumors, and there was local necrosis.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of extremely uncomfortable laughter came from his body.

"Hahaha~ You are infected!"

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