The final gentleman

Chapter 1033 Magic

A village relatively close to the shadow.

The villagers here seem to have given up resistance. None of them escaped but just stayed in the villages waiting for the shadow to fall.

There are even many people who have formed groups that believe in shadows.

They wrapped their heads in black cloth and danced wildly around spears filled with livestock heads, and the entire village was banned from any form of lighting.

"It's interesting, let's join in!"

William was the first to put on a black cloth hood and join in with a more exaggerated and even epileptic dance. The villagers welcomed it at first.

But when faced with William's epileptic dance, he gradually developed a sense of discomfort and even fear in his heart, and kept a certain distance from him.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the field, Yi Chen and others also followed suit.

As long as they stay within the confines of the [Actor's Field], they don't need to do anything, and in the eyes of others, they are still dancing.

Yi Chen looked at the mountain not far away. The dark shadow was spreading and swallowing him up. The whole mountain was swallowed up very quickly in less than a few seconds.

"coming soon."

As the shadows came to the edge of the village, there seemed to be an aura of terror reaching the edge of their sanity.

These villagers, who were clearly prepared to welcome the incident, showed frightened expressions at this moment, and the most primitive fear arose deep in their hearts.

In the area where the shadow passes, inorganic matter will not be affected.

Any individual that has contact with organic matter will instantly disappear into the shadows. There is no process, just like a magic trick.

A man watched his wife and children being swallowed up instantly, and was about to scream that he was also swallowed up by the shadow.

The shadow soon swept across half of the village and was about to reach the center of the village.

William, who was still dancing before, was now paralyzed on the ground, his whole body trembling, and he could even smell the odor coming from his crotch.


Shadows sweep across, and a sense of weightlessness ensues.

Naturally, everyone continued to pretend and would not show their strength.

After falling for about ten minutes, several hanging ropes suddenly appeared in front of them. William and others easily grabbed them and stopped the falling process.

For most of the villagers who were invaded by fear, even though some of them were able to use the power of evil, they still did not grasp the rope in panic.

Soon there were screams from below, and their bodies fell into the pit full of spikes.

Even if someone is lucky enough to fall in the gap and not be stabbed to death by the sharp thorns, the high-temperature flames will rise immediately, and the flesh will not even melt, but will sublimate instantly.

The fire also illuminates the surroundings,

The people hanging on the ropes were in the center of the open stage. Both the stage and the auditorium were at least ten times larger than before.

There are already many spectators watching the performance in front of them.

When the roasting is over, the ground is filled and the ropes are removed.

The four William men and the five villagers who accidentally survived landed firmly on a stage similar to a gladiatorial arena.

There is no introduction by the host, nor any program tips or rules.

A huge roulette lottery device fell heavily from the dark sky in front of everyone. At the same time, there was a one-minute countdown on the device, and it seemed that the roulette wheel needed to be rotated within the time limit.

There are five zones in the roulette wheel, and they are all distinguished by patterns and colors.

rabbit, purple

magic hat, black

human body, gray

beast, white

clown mask, red

Among them, the rabbit has the smallest proportion and seems to be the first prize. The rest have equal proportions.

Obviously, when the pointer moves to the corresponding area, the corresponding performance will be performed, and it seems that everyone needs to survive in the performance room to become a member of the circus or to be qualified to enjoy other people's performances as an audience.

William and Catherine immediately locked on the icon of the clown mask.

Art is no longer here;

Catherine, the deputy clown, has long since left.

It is very likely that the clown department will be buried here. Unexpectedly, the current circus still retains the clown department.

Thinking of this, William also became interested.

Of course, he did not take the initiative to spin the roulette wheel, but used his brain to secretly control a villager who looked more reliable to spin the wheel.

It seems that there are countless invisible 'brain threads' involved in the villager's arm to ensure that the force can be accurately exerted to make the pointer fall in the red area.

But when the villager touched the pointer, William's eyes suddenly changed.

"Anti-cheating mechanism? It's really troublesome!" It just depends on luck. 』

The roulette wheel amplifies the force that pushes the pointer by a random multiple to ensure random selection.

The high-speed rotating pointer began to slow down gradually, and when it seemed that it would still land in the red area, the remaining force caused the pointer to just slip and land in the adjacent black area.

Corresponds to the magic hat.

"Oops!" William did not hesitate to expend dozens of times his brain power to completely expand the [field] and cover the entire stage.


The next second, the vision of William and others turned dark, as if they were covered in a magic hat.

And only the head is in it, looking down is the ground.

Their bodies were left outside, but the connection between their heads and bodies was not severed.

In the eyes of the audience, after these outsiders who had just arrived at the circus chose a magic show, their heads disappeared from their bodies, and hundreds of magic hats appeared on the entire stage.

At the same time, a strange voice echoed on the field.

"I'm honored that you can choose my program. Please remotely control your body within five minutes and find the head hidden under the hat.

If the time is up and it is still not found, or if the number of mistakes exceeds three times, [decapitation] will become an established fact.

In the process, I will also disrupt the connection between the brain and the body. I wish you all the best. "

After announcing the rules,

Headless bodies searched for each other as if they had drunk fake wine.

There are two difficulties:

First, the connection between the head and the body is very vague. It is impossible to judge the distance between the two and can only get tactile feedback.

Second, the head enclosed in a magic hat is constantly affected by claustrophobia, becoming increasingly nervous and the error rate continues to increase.

After the panicked villagers found the wrong three magic hats, a pillar of blood more than one meter high spurted out from the neck of the headless body and fell to the ground dead.

But some people found the head quickly and smoothly.

Yi Chen is the first one,

He likes the feeling of claustrophobia the most. He can easily locate himself just by breathing. Moreover, he doesn't really want to play any games. It doesn't matter if his identity is discovered.

Then Catherine also made a mistake and found the head through dream contact.

Leni's operation was a bit excessive.

In front of the entire audience, he regenerated his own head.

This behavior seemed to reveal his identity, but in fact, under the modification of [the scene], a large number of vicious tentacles grew out from under the skirt and took out the head between the hats.

As long as William's field persists, any action will be completely modified.

As for William, he very naturally took advantage of the mistakes of other villagers and accidentally opened the magic hat where his head was and saw his own body and easily obtained the head.


Only the four of them and an old villager who luckily found the head survived.

The magician also comes again,

Shake hands with everyone one after another and deliver a spectator card to their hands.

Due to the continuous effect of the actor's field, all the magician saw were the panicked villagers. When he came to the last William and shook hands.


A wisp of nosebleed flowed out from between William's black cloth hood, which was obviously caused by overuse of his brain when he just covered the entire stage.

While handing over the audience card, the magician also took out his gold-rimmed breastband to wipe away the nosebleed.

William also looked at the young magician with blue hair and golden eyes through the black cloth, pretending to be trembling and thanking him.

The young magician showed a sunny smile. He highly recognized the audience who could cooperate with the performance and survive.

The young man put the blood-stained bra back into his pocket and made a gesture of asking to leave.

When everyone left the field and entered the locker room,

William took off his hood and took a deep breath.

"Huh~ What a strong sense of oppression! Fortunately, the person in charge of the magic show is not Jian, but the newly recruited adjutant, otherwise he might have been directly exposed just now.

It’s so exciting~ I didn’t expect that after two years of not seeing each other, the fully mature circus has reached this level.

I really want to see who is the main clown now... Mr. Art, do you want to see it too? "

While William was asking questions, an extremely disgusting face actually protruded from his chest, and golden pus seeped out from the pores, outlining a large mouth full of yellow teeth.

As if laughing wildly, as if expecting.

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