The final gentleman

Chapter 105 Underground Cave


The plant-woven rag washed the face of the pig head mask, carefully cleaning every corner of the mask.

Putting the cleaned pig's head on his head again, and adding Yi Chen's naked body, this image is not very gentlemanly, but it is very consistent with the positioning of Shebolt Village.

Yi Chen's body, which is thin and has weird muscle distribution, is like a human-pig hybrid that was malnourished and failed to be selected as the "Butcher", and was abandoned in a dirty underground area.

Due to the loss of "Moon of Massacre\

,"I can only hold the meat cleaver issued by the meat factory in my hand.

In order to ensure the efficiency of handling corpses, the workmanship and sharpness of the meat cleaver are pretty good.

"Let's use this for now before retrieving the weapon! I hope my ax and gentleman's clothes can still be found, otherwise this investigation mission will be a huge loss.

After I get out of this dirty underground area, I will try to find a way to visit the village chief's house. Maybe I can retrieve everything at once. "

Little grape suddenly appeared:

"William~ at least avoid direct conflict with the village chief before retrieving the weapon... During this time, I have been thinking about the special state the village chief showed in the end.

The core of the pathogen is obviously destroyed, but it can show a stronger posture.

This [power] does not belong to him, but is most likely taken from the gray realm, or the guy who created the [abnormal gray realm] uses the "umbilical cord" as a medium to share vitality.

If you want to truly kill the village chief and injure the guy who gave him life, you must use your weapons. "

It's rare to see Xiao Putao look so serious, Yi Chen just smiled slightly.

"Well, I will seize the opportunity. Let's see what is down here first..."

There are still a lot of doubts accumulated in Yi Chen's brain, which require subsequent information collection to decipher and reason.

Follow the existing and only underground passage, follow the direction of the water flow, and walk for more than a hundred meters, squeezing sideways through the narrow gap.

A natural underground river appears in front of you.

It is a complex underground pipeline system composed of underground corridors, caves and dissolution mainly formed by dissolution. It was once the life heart of the village of Shebolt. The reason why the village was built here was because of this underground river. .

Nowadays, due to the disease of the village, the underground river is also polluted.

All kinds of filthy impurities floated on the water, exuding a strong stench.

"Huh? Is there anything else living down there..."

The reason why it is called 'something' is because Yi Chen cannot tell what kind of life form it is by its appearance.

It has a certain similarity with the rotten meat aggregates seen in villagers' homes, but it is very shriveled, severely yellowed and even gives people a "skinny" feeling.

The surface structure of the human face is also more prominent. The large and small eyeballs no longer blink, and there is no luster, as if they are waiting for death.

These 'things' either float on the river, are integrated with the rock wall, or become a part of this place like a column.

When Yi Chen, who was wearing a pig head, slowly approached these things,

Their dull eyes suddenly turned around, and their nostrils began to sniff slowly.

Maybe it was seeing the pig head, maybe smelling the bloody smell coming from the factory,

A hint of instinctive fear appears on their faces, which then turns to relief,

He opened his mouth with difficulty and matched the information conveyed in his eyes, seeming to be pleading with the passing pig-headed butcher, pleading for death to come early.

"These guys...are they the former villagers? Since they can no longer contribute to 'creation' and have never given birth to a holy fetus, they were abandoned here to fend for themselves.

As Jin said, due to excessive fertility, their own meat quality is extremely poor, even inferior to the lowest imitation meat, so naturally they will not be sent to meat factories. "

Yi Chen just walked past these guys calmly, neither giving nor taking anything away. He was just an accidental passerby.

The scale of the underground lake is much larger than expected, and it can even be said to extend in all directions.

Bypassing some winding paths and stone corridors,

By accident, an old man was discovered deep in a cave who had committed suicide before the disease struck the village. This decision saved him from the subsequent "pain of union" and also allowed Yi Chen to obtain a set of "villager clothes."

It's a pity that

The old man was very short and thin. He couldn't put on his clothes at all, so he could only put on his trousers and wear them as cropped trousers.

As for the straw sandals that the old man knitted by himself, they still fit well.

After dressing up, at least my feet won't hurt when I walk, my private parts can be covered, and I won't be regarded as a pervert by others.

Since the clothes couldn't be put on, Yi Chen politely put them back on for the old man.

In the process of getting dressed.

A sense of peeping came from behind, and Yi Chen turned around suddenly.

Although the environment in the cave was extremely dark, Yi Chen still saw a group of black shadows flashing past quickly, but he could not determine what it was.

"Are they villagers with fast movement and dark vision? Are they the monitors arranged by the village chief down here?"

Yi Chen immediately made a strong snort from his nasal cavity to express his identity as a butcher.

If it was really the watcher arranged by the village chief below, he would at least show up to confirm his identity... But as time passed, there was no movement.

The sense of voyeurism hidden in the dark is always present and constantly changing its location.

"Isn't he the village chief's man?"

Just when Yi Chen was guessing his identity, the sense of peeping approached instantly, so fast that he even rivaled Jin You...

"So fast!"

Yi Chen swung the butcher's knife with anticipation, and at the same time shot out several plant roots with his left hand, trying to entangle the opponent in the air.

in the dark,

A slender body has surpassed the curvature of human bones, avoiding all plant punctures in the air... and swung its claws towards Yi Chen's head.

Ding! Fire cores flew.

The butcher's knife collided with his claws, and the blade actually left two gaps in the collision. Yi Chen was also shaken to the point of numbness.

Moreover, the butcher knife swung by prejudgment only blocks part of the claw.

The other sharp claws cut a huge opening in the pig-headed mask, revealing the appearance of the young man hidden under the mask.

Just when Yi Chen was about to counterattack,

However, the opponent suddenly stopped his offensive, and his murderous intention was simultaneously lifted.

In the field of vision, a black-haired girl wearing tattered white clothes stood barefoot in front of her.

Due to long-term malnutrition, his body looks very thin, his cheeks are slightly sunken, and his legs are as slender as bamboo poles... Part of his dirty and messy hair hangs in front of him, blocking one eye and forehead.

Her other eye shone like a black gemstone, moist and bright, staring straight at Yi Chen, full of curiosity.

" are not from the village?"

Yi Chen could tell at a glance that the girl was not wearing a 'mask of hypocrisy' like others.

Just now, with the help of the butcher's identity, it was deduced that she did not do anything for the village chief.

"Well, I came from outside and tried to cure the disease in Shebolt Village. Unfortunately, I ran into some trouble on the way and was almost killed. I just escaped here from the factory."

"So that's it! I thought you were the bad guy above. After all, you're wearing a butcher's hood, and you're also stealing Mr. Tigas' clothes here."

"Who are you?"

"Leni Histra, she is sixteen years old this year! My mother said that as long as they are outsiders who come to help the village, they must be well received, and you can also try to become good friends with them.

It is precisely because of the help that the village has received from good people who call themselves ‘gentlemen’ that the village continues to exist. "

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