The final gentleman

Chapter 108 Recycling

When five chickens forced their way into the house,

The umbilical cord that was eating seemed to be frightened and immediately retracted into the village chief's abdomen, filling the wound in the abdomen.


With an ax, he cut the nearest white-feathered chicken in half.

Even though the village chief is huge, his speed is not slow at all.

Except for the black chicken Xiaopei, the other chickens here can't match the speed of the village chief.

As Jin said, the village chief has no special abilities as a severely ill person. His illness is mainly manifested in his physical body, and his three points are particularly outstanding: [hardness], [strength] and [speed].

He picked up the chicken legs, examined the cut chicken body, and recalled the stubborn old woman who raised chickens before the village changed.

"You have to make trouble at this critical moment..."

The village chief picked up his ax and prepared to slaughter all the chickens.

Due to the extremely hard skin, the village chief was unable to cut his fingers when using "Moon of Massacre", so he could not switch forms. He could only wield a finely crafted axe.

As the chickens lead the village chief out of the house,

Yi Chen also sneaked into the bedroom secretly and found the suitcase with the mark of the forge at a glance.

Fortunately, although the weapons were removed, the contents of the suitcase were untouched. It is estimated that the village chief does not know how to use it, so he will put it here for now and then study it slowly later.

Without saying a word, Yi Chen inserted a recovery injection into the artery to replenish the energy.

Then he looked at the big bed beside him,

In addition to the bedding, Yi Chen's "gentleman's clothing" was placed on it. However, the clothing was severely deformed, with many parts being forcibly stretched, and even some places had tears.

It is clear,

When the village chief sent Yi Chen to the factory, he noticed that the clothes were different and even felt the energy pulse of "gentleman's skin" in them.

He took the clothes home and tried them on forcefully.

The result is obvious. His oversized and strong physique will burst the clothes that do not belong to him, making him unable to wear them at all.

Even if the clothing size fits,

The "gentleman's skin" that has been professionally recognized by Yi Chen will also reject the village chief, and wearing it forcibly will even cause irreversible damage to the body.

Yi Chen's fingers wandered over the surface of the clothing, feeling the impeccable texture of the threads.

As the contact time increased, the gentleman's clothing actually started to squirm in accordance with the direction of the fingers, like a sleeping life form being awakened, and even actively pressed against Yi Chen's palm.

When the two are attached,

The clothes that had been stretched or even damaged began to restore themselves, and all the stains on the village chief's body fell off.

When finished wearing,

A sense of nerve connection spread throughout the body, stimulating Yi Chen's thinking and making his whole person excited.

He took off his pig head mask and kissed the cuff, "I'm sorry, my good partner."

When Yi Chen sorted out the details of the clothing, he held up the tattered pig head mask, put it on again, and sewed it on the neck with plant roots.

He held the suitcase in one hand and arranged his tie in the other.

The mask will also make a shallow humming sound along with breathing.

If other gentlemen in Zion City discovered this image, I don’t know how they would react.

【Everything is ready】

Boom! Yi Chen deliberately broke the bedroom window, causing a loud noise.

Then he quickly walked around to the village chief and the chickens. After a short observation, he ran towards the well entrance in the village at full speed.

At this moment,

The village chief has killed all four assisting elite chickens and is chasing Xiaopei, the extremely fast black chicken who is the leader of the chicken flock.

Several times the flying ax frightened Xiaopei's chicken feathers. Fortunately, it had extra eyes and could judge the path of the flying ax in advance and dodge in advance.

Every time, I managed to escape with a narrow margin, unscathed.


The village chief heard the sound of breaking glass from his home and immediately slowed down.

A thief, suspected to be a pig-headed butcher, was seen fleeing towards the center of the village with his trophies.

The village chief immediately changed his target and chased the thief.

The speed of the explosion was also quite terrifying. Fungi and animal combinations along the way were trampled to pieces, and huge shoe prints of several centimeters were left on the ground.

"So fast!?"

Yi Chen felt the village chief's breath coming from behind him, and his muscles tightened in fear, and he speeded up again and sprinted towards the wellhead.

The chase between the two was not interrupted by anyone. In the chaotic village, everyone was busy with their own things.

Although the distance between the two is getting shorter and shorter,

But the wellhead not far away has appeared in the field of vision.

The village chief immediately saw the purpose of the pig-headed thief. Once he jumped into the intricate underground river, things would become quite troublesome... He did not want to waste time on such a thing.

Hold the ax tightly,

Lines like steel emerge on the surface of the muscles.

The village chief has completely locked onto the thief who is suspected of being a butcher. As long as the other party makes a move to jump into the well, he will throw the throwing ax with all his strength.

The power of the throw is enough to tear a human body in half, even an improved butcher.

Once it jumps in the air, it will be impossible to dodge.


The pig-headed thief in a straight suit made an obvious kneeling gesture.

The village chief grasped this detail, swung his arm backwards, and threw the hand ax with all his strength. carry

Buzz! The moment it was thrown, the sound of breaking wind was heard.

The ax rotating in the air could not be seen clearly at all. It looked like a silver moon arc slashing towards the target.


The pig-headed butcher, who was supposed to kneel down and take off, stopped where he was. He just made a fake kneeling movement and did not jump up.

He turned around and looked directly at the ax thrown at high speed.

"Can I catch it?"

Yi Chen stared at such a fast spinning hand ax and the powerful pressure it carried, and could even foresee the terrifying scene of himself being split open.

But he didn't feel any nervousness, and even recalled the physical sparring at Paradise's house.

Mr. Zed also often plays this kind of 'throwing game', for example, during a chase, he suddenly removes his arm and uses his body like a slingshot to throw the arm as a weapon.

At least nine times out of ten, Yi Chen's body was completely penetrated.

At one point, when Yi Chen felt a thrown object behind him, he turned around instantly and raised his hand to grab the arm thrown by Zed.

The end result was still bad. The caught Zed's arm turned into an independent entity and grabbed Yi Chen's neck, almost completely breaking his cervical vertebrae.

But Zed was very surprised about catching the thrown object.

In his opinion, Yi Chen could only dodge to the limit. If he wanted to catch such a high-speed throw at such a close range, it was basically impossible in his current [Personality].

The reason why we can catch it is

In addition to Yi Chen's own reactions and visual characteristics, a large part of it also comes from a recess game called "Death Dodgeball" during his lifetime.

Yi Chen has never been punished in this game.

"It's almost the same as Mr. Zed's arm throw, but with more spin... I can catch it!"

The tough plants have already covered the arms, forming a fully covering arm armor structure.




The trinity, together, captured the 'spot' of the spinning axe, the point that was just right to grab onto.

Strength, speed, precision and timing are all indispensable.


His right arm instantly stretched out and firmly grasped the ax handle in the arc!

The moment you pinch it, snap! Visible ripples of air exploded around the palm.

The right arm wrapped in a plant arm armor was pulled back forcefully, and the plant on the palm was forcibly torn off.

The tiger's mouth was cracked, the wrist joint was slightly fractured, and the elbow was dislocated.

even so,

Yi Chen still kept his body steady and firmly grasped the ax with his arms hanging down.

He lowered his head and said softly:

"Welcome back~"

Then he made a perfect turn and jumped back, landing at the mouth of the well.

When his body was completely submerged into the mouth of the well, he actually stretched out his free left hand to make an internationally recognized gesture to the village chief.

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