The final gentleman

Chapter 1081 Absolute Strength

The action of Yi Chen and the blind old man was only known to the disaster area.

The whole process from the two people arriving at the seventh heaven to the canteen inside the shelter took 23 minutes.

If it is not a pure coincidence, there are only three possibilities.

1. When the two people set foot on the seventh heaven, NO.2, who was sheltered in the deepest part, smelled the smell and started to act. Within 20 minutes, he killed all the employees in charge of the shelter (human angels), selected the best raw materials and made three servings of food, waiting for the arrival of the two.

2. During this period of shelter, the supreme divinity of the seventh heaven-Jesus's "equal coexistence" has been accepted by NO.2. When the zombie virus broke out, Jesus took all the personnel away and handed it over to NO.2.

3. During the disaster, someone leaked information to NO.2 in advance, and the other party took action in advance, waiting for the arrival of the two.

However, this possibility is not high.

Although there are indeed people who can transmit information directly to the bottom of the shelter during disasters, such as the manager who controls infinite space, or Garp whose gaps are all over the plane.

But the main reason why Yi Chen and the old man were arranged to be responsible for information transmission in this mission is because of the personal character and potential danger of NO.2.

If a wretched peeper like Garp is allowed to contact him, he is likely to be killed directly.

As for the manager, a staunch "annihilationist", Reuben does not trust him. He is worried that he will plan something with NO.2 in private, so he will naturally not let them contact each other.

Yi Chen and the old man are the best answers.

It seems that both the first and second situations are possible. If it is the first one, the man in front of him is too scary.

On the plate is a roasted pig's trotter that has been fully marinated and baked, but the shape of the pig's trotter always feels a little wrong,

and the kidney meat that has been simply cooked and deodorized and sliced, with a light pink sauce on it.

The fragrance is overflowing, and even Yi Chen, who is a little nervous, has a desire to eat in this environment.

NO.2 had just finished eating, and took out a napkin from his collar and wiped his mouth evenly.

"Due to the rush of time, the quality and quantity of the dishes are limited, but the raw materials are still high-quality enough. I hope you will be satisfied."

Although the current scene looks very friendly,

both Yi Chen and the old man can feel endless threats.

Intuition tells Yi Chen that if he does not eat the food in front of him, he will be labeled as food. Moreover, the experience of having an arm taken away by the other party when he came here as a divine alliance last time is still vivid in his mind, and the pressure is huge.

Even though Yi Chen has become the representative of the tenth disaster, he has been exposed to all kinds of malice during this period, and has fought with NO.4 Garp, and also had a ring duel with ten former disasters last week,

but these people are not comparable to NO.2 in some aspects, and there is even a huge difference.

Although he does not know NO.2's personal information, Yi Chen can be sure that the other party's "dangerous radiation" value must be full, and it may even exceed the maximum measurement value of the mental hospital.


Director Cao's voice came from deep in his mind, urging him to finish eating, otherwise he might be killed if he hesitated any longer.

And Yi Chen's main task is not here, he must go to the lesion in the best condition. If he runs out of energy due to NO.2, or even suffers irreparable injuries, things will be really troublesome

The blind old man next to him has already started eating.

Yi Chen also took the table knife, started to cut the meat with sharp knife skills and recalled the gentleman's etiquette learned from Zion, and put a piece of fat and lean half-cubic pig's trotter meat into his mouth with a gentle movement.

The perfect baking time makes the fat part melt in the mouth, and the hot oil wraps the lean part, stimulating the whole mouth with the most delicious protein aroma.

For a moment, he even felt that he had grown angel wings and was flying freely in heaven.

Yi Chen was shocked by the quality of the food, and he was sure of one thing, that the roasted pig's trotter in front of him was a real pig's trotter, not the leg of other creatures.

It seems that NO.2 did not kill the staff in the shelter, but just made food with normal ingredients in the canteen kitchen.

"Very delicious..."

Yi Chen and the old man both gave comments on the food, which is also a very necessary link.

In addition, the blind old man also followed the task arranged by Reuben and mentioned the matter of the Great Annihilation after the meal. But before he spoke, NO.2 took the initiative to speak.

"Annihilation has arrived, and the whole God's Domain is echoing this sound. This is why I came out from below."

The old man stood up and said, "Since you already know, we won't disturb you. Thank you very much for the food."

NO.2 raised his palm and made a gesture similar to prohibition:

"Wait a minute.

I haven't been back to the evil circle for a long time. There are some things I want to talk to you about in detail."

However, the literary core of the blind old man belongs to retired soldiers, and he is almost paranoid about the execution of tasks.

Now that the notification is in place, he needs to return to the "Evil City" immediately to meet up with everyone to ensure that the subsequent Great Annihilation proceeds normally, instead of wasting time here.

"Sorry, the boss has ordered us to return immediately. Mr. Yi, let's go."

"Oh, is that so?"

NO.2 stood up, but he did not directly stop the process of leaving. Instead, he walked to the next table, turned on the record player prepared in advance, and put down the needle.

As the needle slid between the vinyl records, a song "Faded" sounded in the church-style cafeteria.

[Fifteen minutes]

The three of them were still sitting here, and the task seemed unfinished.

Yi Chen's expression was extremely stiff, and the water from the Dead Sea flowed down his face in the form of cold sweat.

The blind old man had returned to his original position, and he also put on an apron and held a knife and fork, as if he couldn't wait to eat something.

"It seems that the evil circle has changed a lot during my absence. It actually let you, a non-malicious source, take charge of the disaster.

I am very curious about one thing about you.

Once my 'collection' is labeled, it will not be taken away unless I rob it myself.

But your arm, which we collected when we first met, was taken away by some force. Can you help me understand it, Mr. Yi?

I think such an ability must be unique, and it may even be a very important secret of yours. In exchange, the strongest and most powerful body in the evil circle can be used at will. Such top-grade ingredients are rare."

Yi Chen also followed the gaze of NO.2 and looked at the old man who was frying his frontal lobe and smiling foolishly beside him. It seems that the time to rush to the lesion and meet William may be delayed.

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