The final gentleman

Chapter 1095 The Perfect Human Demon

[Avalon-Home of Heroes]

The outbreak point of the zombie virus.

With the support of the surrounding divine domains and the gods, the zombies and related infected people have been completely isolated in the center of the island, between the city-states where the heroes used to be active.

A total of seven seals were set up inside and outside to finally lock the zombies completely.

The aggressiveness and virus spread shown by this zombie are completely inconsistent with the intelligence, and too much manpower is consumed here, which directly leads to the rapid loss of the Shell City as a "transit station", and each divine domain will be threatened.

At this moment,

the gods finally realized that it was basically impossible for him to delay the arrival of the Great Annihilation, and the malice was too severe to restrain their godhood.

From the day when the godhood was flooded, it meant that the entire universe would be [reset].

In addition,

In order to contain the zombie virus, many gods from the Paradise and the Three Pure Heavens also came here to help, including four of the five internal organs gods,

"White Jade Dan Yuan Shen Xin Tianzun"

"Green Wood Long Yan Ming Gan Tianzun"

"Black Water Xuan Ming Ying Shen Tianzun"

"Yellow Earth Chang Zai Hun Pi Tianzun"

In order to suppress the rampant virus, they all paid a heavy price,

But the actual situation did not give them any time to rest,

Buzz! They all felt that their own divine domain was invaded by a murderous malice, and all the sects had issued the highest level of warning.

Not long after the warning was issued,

their internal organs and golden bodies stored in the closed room were plundered, and the mountain gatekeepers and even some demonic beasts that could not see the light did not play any role in hindering them.

Just when they were about to join other gods to rush back for support,

Cough cough cough!

The deafening cough echoed in Avalon.

The Golden Lung Heavenly Venerable, who looked like a consumptive ghost, descended on the mountain with a teleportation array and sealed the passage to the Paradise and the Three Pure Heavens with a method that no one had ever seen before.

Before the gods could ask about the situation, the voice of the Golden Lung Heavenly Venerable echoed directly in everyone's ears, and a diseased lung qi that was stronger than before and could even threaten many gods was also transmitted.

"The [NO.2] who was sealed in the Seventh Heaven has escaped and showed a terrifying posture that we have never seen before, enough to cause a great annihilation.

Now he has arrived in the Paradise and the Three Pure Heavens, and the gods or their children who stayed there have been slaughtered.

Currently, a special disciple under my seat has come forward to stop it and try to eradicate the second disaster. Because the other party is too powerful, he borrowed the golden body organs of the four Heavenly Venerables."

As soon as these words came out,

the supreme divinity from the Seventh Heaven - Allah. Jehovah was stunned for a moment, but his divine thinking quickly figured out the logical problem and roughly guessed who the "special disciple" mentioned by the Heavenly Venerable was.

He knew very well that the Second Disaster did not go to Sanqingtian on his own initiative, but went there because he was chasing someone.

Jesus did not say much. After all, his equal negotiation with the Second Disaster had long since failed.

Since this "special disciple" was able to force out Hannibal's deep attitude, there might be a chance to suppress him.

Those Tianzuns who were involved in the core interests were full of doubts, but the Golden Lung Tianzu was also very prestigious among them. Although he seemed abnormal because of accepting the epidemic recently, his reputation was still there.

Moreover, the Golden Lung Tianzu mentioned a very important point in his words.

The white-bearded and jade-fleshed Shenxin Tianzun asked loudly: "You said that your 'special disciple' temporarily borrowed our golden body... Did you lend it to him too?"

"Ahem~ No, he has already cultivated golden lungs under my tutelage, so he doesn't need to borrow the golden body.

It is precisely because he has the golden lungs as the meridian center that I let him do this. His level has long been above my master."

"How can you expect him to sharpen his skills before the battle and cultivate the [True Body] that we have been seeking all our lives? Even if he has outstanding talent and cultivates golden lungs under your tutelage, it is too naive to want to integrate the five internal organs. Even if Our bodies cannot accept it. "

"I forgot to tell you one thing, he is also the only disciple of the Hanged King, the heir of the Black Dead Sea. Using the Black Sea as a container for organs and bearing the burden of the real body with endless death may really work.

Please trust me, at present, he is probably the only one in the entire universe who can stop the second disaster.

Even if we really go to support, we will most likely be slaughtered. Keep your combat power and ensure the stability of other divine domains. "

"The disciple of the Hanged King..."


Hua La La~

The blood rain poured down and poured into the mountain.

In front of the door of the inner mountain secret room, Hannibal was shocked by the spectacle in front of him, and his tongue couldn't help licking between the mask.

He could feel that the individual in front of him was the perfect ingredient he had pursued all his life, and he also felt that his status as a "top predator" was being shaken.


Hannibal tore off the metal mask that sealed his mouth,

spread his arms, closed his eyes and raised his head,

received the blood that seeped in from the top of the cave with his tongue, and the blood was stained with Yi Chen's breath during the descent,

"Ah... This feeling is completely different from Reuben! There are not so many skills, not so many means, this is pure strength.

Do you really want to be on an equal footing with me and share the predatory rights of this universe? It's so exciting.

When I get your body, I will definitely use all my life's knowledge to process it, so that your body will become the most perfect food in ancient and modern times."

When Hannibal came out of his excitement and opened his eyes again,

The perfect human-demon hanging in the air is also slowly descending,

Nourished by the murderer's blood, Yi Chen returned to his appearance in his thirties. His messy black hair just blocked his eyes, revealing only his tall nose and dark lips.

Huangpi no longer provides gentleman's clothing, leaving only a tattered black cloth that wraps Yi Chen's lower body like a skirt.

The chest and belly have been closed, and despite having such perfect internal organs, the whole person looks extremely thin, with the slender torso catering to the curve of the spine.

In addition, a special killer mask is formed. Judging from the appearance, it can't even be called a "mask", but a series of black threads.

It is the 'black line' formed by the yellow skin combined with all the killer masks, its own characteristics, and the current state of Yi Chen.

Black threads ran through the lips, sewing the entire mouth together, and no more words were said.

Penetrating through the eyelids, closing the field of vision, no longer accepting the meaningless colors,

Penetrating the nostrils, sealing off the sense of smell, no longer being disturbed by the smell of blood in the world,

Sew up the ears, block the holes in the ears, seal off the hearing, and no longer listen to the muffled voices of the dead,

This time,

Yi Chen no longer needs Director Cao to help him seal his eyes, and he no longer needs the dead behind him to form a pillar of some kind of field for him.

Just watch as an ‘audience’,

Hannibal looked at the black threads sewn on Yi Chen's face, "Do you want to learn from me and restrain and seal the outside world? Is it really possible to learn this?"

He stretched out his right hand with some disdain and greeted Yi Chen with a rather provocative gesture, hoping that the young man who accidentally saved his life would attack and take a look.


Just when his right hand moved for the third time,

Uh-huh! Five fingers were smoothly cut off by something invisible and thrown into the air.

Maybe it’s not that you can’t see it, but that you can’t see it clearly.

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