The final gentleman

Chapter 1103 Dimensionality Reduction

William's so-called 'brain versus brain' showdown was actually a little clever.

This method of putting brain cells into a container is indeed related to the brain, but it also involves another important ability - [Clone].

William has stayed in the City of Evil for a long time and has been in and out of Mobius many times. It is very clear that although Ruben is also good at [Clone], he relies more on similar individuals selected from the mental hospital to occupy his body and create it by dividing his own cells. There are very few instances of doppelgangers.

As for William himself, as the only successor of the malignant cancer, through the perfect division of the cancer cells, he was fully equipped with the ability to become a clone.

Not only that, in order to obtain a more perfect 'joint clone', William also used the fertility of the sheep.

Just as the 'descendants' he and Art cultivated were able to invade the Blood Manor, William used the special cancer cells he developed to co-culture with the brain cells of Little Grape, adding the concept of the biological phylum to it and obtained progeny cells.

Then it is dressed up as an ordinary brain cell cluster through external modification.

William had prepared all this in advance, and seemed to have determined early on that Ruben would accept the performance, and then he would take out this group of descendant cells for the first game.

The so-called "third party" provides a "carrier" that is actually specially manufactured by Gap's laboratory and can perfectly withstand the evil yang attributes and efficiently dissipate heat in every part of the body.

The finally created game character can be regarded as the perfect combination of William and Little Grape.

It even had a special name - [G.S.W].

The strength of this perfect offspring was already demonstrated in the first attack,

The fish sitting outside the venue all had their tails scorched due to the aftermath, and the meat wrapped under the dragon scales could still feel a strong burning sensation.

Even if the comprehensive strength of the fish source is at the bottom among the epidemic masters, it is still at the epidemic master level.

But even though William had used many crooked ideas to give himself an advantage in advance, the first game in front of him was still difficult. William, who was hiding in the screen, took out a handkerchief from his pocket many times to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and even began to inexplicably If you feel hot, take off your coat.

The camera even focused on William's back, which was already covered in sweat.

Even though this is the strongest clone method that William can come up with, it is currently completely suppressed.

Even the little grape inside his body was sweating, "William, what kind of monster is this? Can we really win in the end?"

"As long as Mr. Yi can come back, the winning rate can reach 10%. As of now, the winning rate is zero."

on the stage.

Various compressed evil sun rays swept across the ground, piercing the walls of the abyss, and even forced some plague masters to raise their hands to block it.

The carrier formed by the combination of William and Little Grape can not only emit rays from the head, but also accumulate energy in the palms of the hands.

Moreover, this is a lesion, where high concentrations of gray matter gather, providing nearly endless energy.

But these seemingly powerful evil sun lasers that could suppress chaos were gradually completely blocked by Ruben's game carrier.

Even if you are accidentally burned, the invisible phantom substance can ensure that the body's functions are not damaged.

The most troublesome thing is,

Even the Eye of the Evil Sun, covered in ashes, still cannot see the entirety of the phantom material.


Taking advantage of the gap swept by the two laser beams, Ruben's clone quickly approached. Even though his whole body was scorched, his inner structure remained stable with the support of the phantom.

In other words, as long as the phantom halo suspended above the head is still intact, the clone created by Ruben will not be damaged in any way.


Invisible phantoms flashed.

The joint clone created by William and Little Grape was cut into small pieces of meat, and the cut surface of each piece of meat was filled with color.

It not only blocks the regeneration of tumors, but also causes chaotic reactions between these sections, causing the pieces of meat to be dismantled on the physical level.

It seemed that William was going to lose the performance in the first game.

crucial moment,

An inexplicable gravitational force suddenly came, and all the chopped meat pieces gathered towards Ruben's clone, covering his whole body.

This is the minimum guarantee method set by William, and it is also the ultimate method formed by his combination with Little Grape.

[Star collapse]

The self-destruction method is set up by borrowing the extreme characteristics of evil yang and imagination, and at the same time, with the help of cancer, the amount of flesh covered on the target's body increases tenfold in a short period of time.

It's really like a fleshy star covered in scorch marks.

Before chaos breaks out and Ruben's clone resists,


The stage where a fierce battle broke out before was instantly cleared, and everything disappeared, leaving only a few scorch marks swept by the evil sun.

William on the screen quickly answered, "Hey! Draw! This is not easy to handle... We have not discussed the draw situation before, so we have to move on to the next round of the game.

How about our carrier being provided by you, boss, this time? Fairer isn't it? "

Ruben, who was standing at the edge of the stage, walked straight over and said, "William, don't delay any longer. Show your strongest posture, and then die in my hands."

My patience has been exhausted. "

"I'm really sorry, this makes you lose interest in the game, but..." William smiled on the screen, "Because you accepted the "game" and had a game duel with me. , so that you have now been deeply affected by my field.

The meme virus has taken root in your consciousness. If you want to interrupt the game, the virus will explode directly in your mind.

So let's continue. "

Who knows,

Reuben did not use his chaotic half body that was fused with the Mobius high-rise, but raised the normal arm of his right half, and snapped his thumb and middle finger in the air.


Some kind of cognitive binding membrane seemed to be completely torn apart by the friction of the fingertips.

Those "ideas" and "concepts" that invaded Reuben's brain, whether it was laughter, the title of teacher or black hole-related patterns, were all eliminated, reset, restored, and even had a feeling of time flowing back to before William's influence.

Not only that,

As the sound of the snap was transmitted,

the waves of music mixed with colors directly tore the huge screen on the stage into pieces, and the videotape hiding behind the screen quickly escaped into the black hole.

When the snap ended... Zizizizi! A feeling of the picture being pulled out affected everyone present.

The stage was cleared, and even the scorch marks were gone.

It seemed as if everything had returned to the beginning.


The black hole reappeared in the center of the stage, and William crawled out of it with sweat all over his head.

"Ah~ It's terrible! Directly reset the consciousness to before the performance to clear all meme influences, and destroy the [field] that I created with great difficulty with just the sound.

Lao Da, you are completely attacking by dimensionality reduction.

Oh~ We have to cancel our previous game agreement. I wanted to personally present the new moon to you so as to witness the whole process of transcendence. What a pity.

In this case, we will enter the real performance stage in advance, and I, the chief director, will personally fight against you, Lao Da.

By the way, do you know what cancer is? "

Reuben was already tired of William's words. He planned to quickly deal with everything in front of him and go to find the hidden crescent moon himself.

Without answering William's boring question,

Crackling~The left half of the body, which was full of colorful rotten meat and integrated with the attributes of a high-rise building, split and grew multiple wriggling chaotic roots from the middle.

These roots stirred the unobservable colorful matter around them, and even felt that a fusion of matter between different dimensions was taking place.

You could vaguely see that the colorful matter like gas filled the gaps between the multiple roots, complementing a kind of "hand" structure.

And this high-dimensional chaotic hand was pointing its palm at William.

It was no longer the ordinary slash before. Reuben would show his true strength to ensure that the annoying disaster in front of him would be completely eliminated.

This was no longer death, but a higher-dimensional erasure,

just like the essence of the Great Annihilation.

William clearly felt something and wanted to escape into the abyss of the black hole again, but the basic matter around him had been locked or completely disrupted, and it was impossible to form a stable space passage.

The threat of death was engraved in his heart, and William knelt down on the spot in a hurry.

"Master Lao, can you not use this killing move at the beginning..."

Before the voice fell, his five fingers clenched together.

William and all the matter within a hundred meters around him were "reduced to a dimension".

Not only two-dimensionalization, but the three axes of x, y, and z were all crushed, causing the matter to fall into zero dimension and completely disappear, and even the concept of death did not exist.

Reuben, who made this move, had a twitch and flesh erosion in many parts of his body, which obviously consumed a lot of his energy.

The plague masters in the surrounding audience seats were all shocked and sweating. It was also the first time they had seen such a terrifying method.

"Finally, there's some peace and quiet. This guy talks too much nonsense..."

His dislike for William has surpassed Reuben's interest in studying epilepsy.

Next, he is ready to "control" all the plague masters and the abyss at the scene to obtain information about Xinyue.

Just as he was about to start,

a rotating abyss black hole appeared again, and a hand stretched out from it hurriedly pointed at Reuben, just like a teacher pointing at a student who didn't listen in class.

William's head popped out again,

"You haven't answered me yet. Do you know what cancer is?"

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