The final gentleman

Chapter 111 Processing

It lasted two and a half months.

Yi Chen's [Physique] has grown again. The changes and growth of the ancient numbers are just to allow individuals to better understand the changes in their own status, which means a substantial breakthrough in the physical body.

Different from the improvement brought by special training in the park,

During the past two months, everything was actual combat, fighting for the life of the patient, being seriously injured countless times, and completing beheadings at the extreme moment.

If the improvement brought about by special training can change the nature of the body, Yi Chen can gain Zed's "physical endurance" and adapt to and utilize pain, and officially enter the ranks of "physical control".

The improvement this time corresponds more to the increase in physical skills.

Now Yi Chen can adapt to combat more quickly, can unleash his physical potential to a greater extent in the fight, can make more detailed movements and deliver more deadly attacks.

The flesh under the clothes is pulsing regularly,

Muscle groups are undergoing a unique arrangement and combination, which results in higher utilization and stronger strength provided by each muscle group.

Huh ~ take a deep breath!

Yi Chen was not immersed in the subtle changes in his body. There were still many things that needed to be confirmed and resolved.

Gently press the right side of your chest with one hand,

"Little grape!" How are you? 』

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" If it weren't for the village chief's help, I wouldn't have helped... Moreover, I would only be giving you 1/100 of my blood, and it would have no impact on me at all.

Stop talking nonsense here and go pick the village chief’s grapes! 』

Seeing that Little Grape's response was so strong, there was no need to worry.

The next thing to do is "post-war processing".

The first thing is to pick up the left arm that was broken by the village chief's punch, and put it against the broken shoulder to try to "continue" it.

Although it is impossible to regenerate limbs, Yi Chen can still barely achieve such limb replacement.

One by one, buds and plants came out of the wound and connected to the broken arm... Because the connecting port was broken and full of bone debris, the connecting speed was relatively slow.

At first, I could only hang my left arm reluctantly, and while continuing, I went to check on the village chief's situation.

Just then,

boom! There was a sound from the side wall

The girl Leni was ejected and returned with no serious injuries except for a broken arm.

With a fierce look on his face, he was ready to kill the dying village chief completely.

"Leni, wait!"

Yi Chen made the girl stop in mid-air with just one word, and nodded obediently after her feet landed on the ground.

"Leave the rest to me."

The two of them approached the village chief one after another.

The village chief, who had half of his body cut off diagonally (his lower limbs were intact), was kneeling on the ground. From the incision on his body, he could clearly see a [steel heart] embedded in his body, which was beating slowly and feebly.

The village chief chose to reinforce the core, making the heart harder than any other part of the body. Even though it was blasted by Jin's Red Lotus, it still only cracked and maintained its integrity.

His own position can be said to be a purely physical warrior.


Due to the rupture of the umbilical cord, the supply of new energy was interrupted.

The heart returns to the state of being injured by the explosion, full of cracks, and will be completely broken with a slight touch...

And in addition to the severe physical trauma, the village chief suffered even more serious mental trauma.

Because the umbilical cord was severed, he will never be recognized by the [Mother of the New Life] and will be unable to have any contact with the church. All his efforts will be in vain at this moment, and he will completely lose himself.

Yi Chen just looked indifferently at this evil man who led the village to hell and caused countless villagers to suffer endless pain, without any mercy.


The palm of his right hand was clasped on the head of the village chief.

Plant roots burrow into the skull along the facial features and cut cheeks.

Even so, the village chief still knelt on the ground, showing no intention of resisting.

When the "Central Taste" is about to open,

Perhaps the roots were swimming in the brain and touching a certain nerve reminded the village chief of something. The village chief's eyes, which were originally absent-minded, slowly recovered.

However, the village chief's rolling eyes did not look at Yi Chen, but at the girl beside him.

He seemed to remember something, but couldn't put it into words.

Yi Chen saw the village chief's reaction and considered that the other party might have the idea of ​​​​burning the boat, so naturally he did not dare to neglect... Whoops! The roots penetrate deep into the brain.

The village chief's eyes dimmed again, and a large number of memory fragments were read by Yi Chen, who quickly integrated and analyzed them in his mind.

The village chief, Caldy, was born a stonemason. When he was young, he often helped villagers build houses and even performed daily maintenance for free. Even after becoming the village chief, he still helped selflessly.

Until one day when I was helping with work, I accidentally fell from a roof four meters high.

When everyone was about to send him to the village doctor's residence, the village chief stood up as if nothing had happened and went home alone... A big crater was made where he fell, and even the pebbles were crushed.

The village chief returned home and took off his clothes.

The surface of its muscular body was actually covered with a strange stone layer.

This is obviously a sign of 'infection', and the petrified skin has a tendency to spread throughout the body.

He did not dare to confess this matter to the villagers. In the village chief's self-concept, once the villagers knew about the illness, they would immediately take off their friendly masks and pick up pitchforks to expel themselves from the village.

As the petrification situation worsens, this idea is deeply ingrained in the mind of the village chief.

Until one day.

A group of outsiders calling themselves the "Rebirth Church" came to the village. When the leader, the bishop, talked to the village chief alone, he directly pointed out that the village chief suffered from a disease called "Stone Skin Disease."

But this bishop gave a completely different concept,

In his words, disease is not a bad thing, but a "mark" left by the new world to screen out new residents.

In other words, the village chief is the chosen one and there is no need to worry about the disease.

Sooner or later, this world will become completely sick, and then they, as sick people, will become the first residents of the new world.

And they also hope that the village chief can help them do some things. As long as they can do it, the village chief will get a higher promotion... and the villagers will also get the corresponding "marks" to welcome the arrival of the new world together.

The bishop's words were misleading, and the village chief finally agreed to cooperate with the church.

The result was the tragedy before us.

In addition, Yi Chen also read some important information from the village chief's recent memory.

The village chief personally cut off the "swollen bag" containing gold and handed it over to a mysterious man in black robes. He was the same guy who pierced his chest and crushed his heart.

When Yi Chen continued to try to read memories related to the church or the umbilical cord,

The picture began to become blurry and no valid information could be captured. It seemed to be a special method set up by the church.

"No wonder the village chief's illness is different from the [combination disease] seen in other villages.

It turns out that before coming into contact with the church, he had already contracted another disease, [stone skin disease]. Is it a disease contracted from long-term contact with stones? Or is it the obsession and obsession with stone products, which leads to the transformation from spirit to body?

In any case, the village chief's matter has been settled.

The next step is to set foot in the church and see what these guys want to do.

[Gold] is definitely still alive. "

Taste is complete,

The cerebral spinal fluid of severely ill patients gave Yi Chen unprecedented mental satisfaction and he was in excellent condition.

Recalling the final blow of the battle, in addition to the supply of essence and blood provided by Little Putao, there was also an external assistance. Although it was very thin, it suppressed the village chief's new life.

It is a ray of moonlight seeping into the underground space.

Yi Chen looked at the top covered with tree roots and rock formations. The moonlight had long disappeared.

Feeling the faint light remaining between the ax blades and the bursts of chill... Yi Chen thought of a guy who made him shudder.

"Moon marks?"

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