[Orphanage in Black Mountain]

Dormitory area

After lunch, it is a rare break.

Students of different ages rest in their respective dormitory floors, and everyone will use this time to relax in the corridor.

The floor where "four to five years old" is located,

Orphans of this age group have not yet fully started the "cruel" course, or the real screening has not yet been carried out, mainly physical punishment, and there are fewer eliminations.

Therefore, there are relatively more orphans between floors, mainly in [fourteen-person dormitories].

Yi Chen, who is only four years old, is walking alone on the way back to the dormitory. The passage that was originally full of laughter immediately became quiet.

"The genius is back, everyone, get out of the way~ (whispering)"

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of getting beaten~ I don't want to be beaten."

Yi Chen has long been accustomed to everyone's rejection.

Although sometimes there is indeed an inexplicable desire to kill, Yi Chen's self is unwilling to do so. He doesn't want to become a monster in the orphanage.

The main reason why everyone is unwilling to keep company with someone like Yi Chen is that he is too outstanding and never punished. Even if he is called to Director Cao's office for violating regulations, he can come back intact.

He has both talent and privilege.

This has led to the resentment of the children who have been oppressed by the orphanage for a long time being transferred to Yi Chen, the privileged person.

Of course.

Yi Chen also has his own bottom line. If someone dares to do something to him in private or does something that affects his life, he will definitely return it double. His own personality also makes it difficult for him to make friends.

Back in the dormitory,

roommates are sitting farthest away from him to chat.

Although it feels that the group of people are talking in low voices, it can be heard that the relevant topics are all related to him.

Yi Chen took off his shoes and sat on his bed.

He took out a book from under the pillow that he won the orphanage competition not long ago-"In the Mirror".

This is also the first time Yi Chen has read a foreign novel. Because of Director Cao's private tutoring and his own talent, he can basically read completely at the age of four without any reading difficulties.

He liked a character named "William" in the book.

The William in the book was not real, but another self that the protagonist with mental illness saw in the mirror. William's personality was completely different from the lonely protagonist. He always appeared at critical moments to help the protagonist and gradually became the closest friend.

As a child, Yi Chen also wanted to have such a friend, but there were few mirrors in the orphanage, so he drew a "William" with brown hair on the wall beside the bed, which was consistent with the description in the book, and tried to be his imaginary friend.

Since Yi Chen had basically no chance to talk with his peers, his desire for communication prompted him to gradually start a conversation with the "William" on the wall.

Of course, it was all one-sided chats,

talking about his name and interests,

talking about hatred for the orphanage and fantasy about the outside world, and even trying to share the interesting things he experienced today or complain to "William" after returning to the dormitory every day.

Although it was only a one-sided talk, it allowed Yi Chen to have a psychological balance.

It lasted for more than two months.

One day, a roommate in the next bed was emotionally unstable due to unfair punishment. He lay in bed and wanted to sleep, but he could always hear whispers from Yi Chen, which made him even more upset.

He couldn't help it for a moment, and went directly to Yi Chen's bed and yelled:

"Why do you chat with imaginary things every day? Can you be a little quiet! It's really uncomfortable to live with a freak like you."

The words made this person more excited, and he walked to the wall engraved with "William" and wanted to destroy it completely with his nails.

Just as he was about to do it,


The man's neck had been strangled and slightly lifted off the ground, and in front of him were Yi Chen's cold eyes.

Although he was only four years old, he actually had such strange power. The man's face had begun to turn purple.

The other roommates just watched the show, and no one came to help. They didn't want to mess with a freak like Yi Chen.

At the critical moment,

a hand suddenly pressed on Yi Chen's wrist, stopping this dangerous murder.

When Yi Chen looked along his arm, he was stunned.

The brown hair, the same height as himself, and the similar face made Yi Chen couldn't help but shout out a name.


The tightly gripped palm slowly loosened, and the roommate who survived the disaster was scared and pissed his pants and hurriedly crawled away.

When Yi Chen came to his senses and looked over again, William had disappeared.

But Yi Chen could feel the residual warmth on his wrist, and he was sure that 'William' really existed.

From then on, Yi Chen could occasionally see the seemingly existing 'William' in the corner of the passage, among the crowd, or in a dark corner.

As the chat continued, William's appearance frequency increased day by day.

Whenever Yi Chen was about to make an extreme decision,

whenever he had strong emotional ups and downs,

or encountered some extreme danger, William would appear close to him and even have physical contact with him,

even when Director Cao called him to the office for verbal brainwashing, William would always stand by and cover his ears for him, or tell some funny things to distract his attention.

During a very difficult final test,

Yi Chen put himself in a very dangerous situation due to his mistake in the opening, and even Director Cao was worried about it.

Director Cao also keenly discovered that whenever danger came, Yi Chen's attention did not pay attention to the source of the danger, but instead looked at a meaningless empty space.

After successfully passing the final test, Director Cao pulled Yi Chen into the office alone and seriously analyzed the major issues that arose in the exam but also asked about the point that made her curious.

"You almost died several times, but your attention was distracted... What on earth were you looking at?"

Perhaps it was to survive the disaster, or perhaps he was glad that he survived, Yi Chen subconsciously replied, "William...William is helping me."

But he immediately realized the problem,

He actually knew that William might not really exist, and he knew that others could not see it.

If Director Cao knew about this, he might be sent to a psychiatrist or even forced to take antipsychotic drugs.


Director Cao showed a very gentle smile and hugged Yi Chen.

"William? My good...student has finally made a good friend. Teacher, I am very happy. Don't worry, the teacher will keep this secret with you."

that's all,

Yi Chen and "William" lived together in the orphanage until the day when the time was right, Yi Chen launched his escape plan.

Very strangely,

William, who is always there at critical moments, was nowhere to be seen during the escape.

Yi Chen, who is now more than ten years old and has a mature mind, can't care so much. He knows that he only has this one chance, and any hesitation will lead to failure.

Kill the security guard,

Walking around the maze structure of the orphanage,

Climbing over dozens of meters of city wall,

But what he saw in front of him was not the big city he longed for, but a no-man's land.

Yi Chen dragged his broken body and ran on the almost endless road, but his speed could not match that of Director Cao who was chasing behind him.

After confirming that he could not escape, Yi Chen held the stolen pistol in his hand early.

When he was caught up, Yichen put the muzzle of the gun into his mouth in front of Director Cao, and resolutely chose to commit suicide.

On the eve of death.

In addition to seeing Director Cao's ferocious face trying to stop him from committing suicide, Yi Chen also saw another person standing in the middle of the road.

A friend who never appeared during the escape, a friend who always accompanied him during his life in the orphanage,

William stood in the middle of the road, tilting his head and looking at Yi Chen,

Look at it very carefully,

Looking very familiar,

Looking very friendly,

Watching very calmly,

It seems to affirm and support Yi Chen's current behavior. Perhaps this is the only way to escape from the orphanage.

Bang! Gunshots fired.

The bullet was shot from the back of the head, the shattered brain wiped out consciousness, and everything in front of him ceased to exist.


Under the abyss.

The Dead Sea collapsed and Yi Chen, whose internal organs were completely destroyed, was gradually dying. He thought of the past and his familiar playmate.

But something is different this time.

Yi Chen didn't want to die yet, he still wanted to use up his last strength to fight.

However, William did not just stand there, but conveyed a message with his eyes, a message that asked him to wait a moment.


William, whose left arm had lost its shape and with less than 20% of the total effective cells, took a deep breath. Looking at his body and mind that were gradually collapsing, William showed a cheerful smile.

After confirming that Yi Chen could still move, William turned his attention to the inside of the skull.

"Little Putao, just follow the plan... I'm begging you."

"It's not necessary to watch Ben Grape at the last moment! If Ben Grape dies accidentally, try to collect some more Evil Sun fragments to help me bury them back to their old location in the Seven Days Cemetery. You should still remember it, right?"

"Of course."

William used all his strength to make a huge snap of his fingers.


Above the stage, the 'stage light ball' hidden on the top of the abyss began to slowly lower. Its size was completely equivalent to the evil sun of the past.

But the lamp ball is just a shell, and it still lacks the inner core.

at the same time,

The little grape embedded in the center of his eyebrow turned into a beam of ash and rushed straight away, shooting into Ruben before he could react.

In an instant, a gray yet warm light shone down, and everyone present felt the most essential nourishment of the disease, even the original deceased.

Only Ruben frowned,

【Evil Yang Reappears】

As the same focal celestial body as the "Crescent Moon\

,"Coupled with the fact that Ruben had been burned by the evil sun many times in previous battles, Ruben could not ignore it and even regarded this evil sun as William's last trump card.

One bent his knees and jumped up, heading straight towards the evil sun.

Withstanding the maximum energy level of the evil sun's impact, he directly penetrated the entire evil sun with just his body, and the dark and hot firewood fragments fell in the air.

However, it still takes some time to destroy the overall structure.

With little grapes to help buy time,

William pulled the video tape out of his body, returned to his most ordinary state, and quickly walked to the dying Yi Chen.

William still kept his smile,

Keeping that familiar and kind smile,

It is exactly the same as the painting on the wall beside the bed in the orphanage.

Rumble~ The evil sun is gradually collapsing, and the falling pieces of firewood serve as the background.

William spread his arms, staggered his steps, lowered his head and greeted Yi Chen:

"This is the final stage I have laid for you, Mr. Yi, and it is also my final stage.

What follows is the final play, the final play that I have been planning since my birth, one that will surpass all the plays performed so far. "

After all,

William's skull opened on its own, exposing his [brain hole] on the stage for the first time, a brain hole with a pure white aperture and a dark interior.

It's just...like a loop of rope.

William continued, "In this way, Mr. Yi can be considered as having [died] once, which will be considered as complete atonement, and there is no need to commit suicide after doing all this.

I can feel that there is a larger and higher world beyond all planes, and it is definitely not the [above] that Ruben imagined.

But there are other wonderful, beautiful, multi-species worlds.

Yi Chen, you must go and take a look. Just like when you climbed out of the high wall of the orphanage, the glory outside will definitely make you very happy, and maybe you can make better friends.

As for me,

I have been tired for a long time, especially since I have never slept well since entering the evil circle. Constantly absorb knowledge, constantly think about every detail of the plan, and constantly overturn and reconstruct to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

I am so tired every day, so tired that I often want to stop, but I can't.


Although there were some hiccups along the way, it’s finally now, and it seems like I can really have a good rest..."

Yi Chen wanted to say something, but his vocal cords were exhausted and his tongue was dry.

The shrinking visual window could only see William's mind. For some reason... his eyes that should have been equally dry were slightly moistened.

The body that could no longer move supported Yi Chen and stuck his head forward.




Put the whole head into the brain hole, tighten it tightly, and die resolutely, just like when you escaped from the orphanage.

The windows of my eyes were finally swallowed up completely by darkness,

All perception, all consciousness, all existence dissipates at this moment.


The riddled evil sun was completely shattered, and the warmth that briefly illuminated the abyss was dispersed by dreams.

Ruben in the "self-dream" state was unscathed, and the lines drawn on the surface of his body already showed that he no longer existed in this dimension.

When Ruben, who was suspended in the air, looked at the 'main target' below again, he immediately locked onto William who was in a strange state.

"Dead? What happened to his head?"

Ruben descended quickly, confusion written all over his face.

All of William's cells have withered away, leaving only a gray spine and a circle of brain connected to the top that has almost stopped and may disappear at any time.

Looking at such a mental structure, Ruben suddenly sensed something.

He inserted his arm into it, using the color to penetrate deeper and grab something, and then dragged it suddenly.

[New Moon] was actually dragged out.

"No wonder my dreamland enveloped the entire lesion and I couldn't find the crescent moon. It turned out to be hidden here... It made me look at you with admiration again, William.

When it's all over, I will recreate you in the new world. "

Because Rubena's action of forcibly pulling away from the crescent moon caused damage to the mind that was already at a standstill, it quickly shrunk and disappeared completely.

Looking at the crescent moon that had been soaked in chaos in front of him, Ruben seemed to see a picture of the future.

"It's finally this time, let's start detaching! Wait...did I overlook something? Has this guy William been fighting with me for so long alone?"

Ruben looked at such a tragic abyss scene and recalled the previous duel with William. He always felt that something was not right, as if something was missing.

At this time,

Sweeney Todd arrived at the scene at this time,

He originally wanted to report the second disaster's murder and William's conspiracy, but after seeing all this, he stopped saying anything and just stood quietly admiring the boss's final transcendence.

Ruben put one hand on the surface of the new moon and asked doubtfully, "Todd, who is the current representative murderer of [The Tenth Disaster]?"

"The tenth disaster? Boss, why do you ask this question? Didn't the crew disintegrate after Miles died? There is no tenth disaster in the evil circle at present."

"No? Then how did Michael Myers, the former Tenth Disaster, die?"

Todd looked confused. He also felt that something was wrong, as if he had lost a memory. "Hi~ It seems that he was killed by someone. Boss, you suddenly asked me like this, but I really can't remember it for a while..."

He couldn't continue in the middle of what he said, and his eyes were dark...

Merging big chapters, that’s all for today. I’ve been writing all day, and I’m going to do some cervical massage in the evening.

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