The final gentleman

Chapter 118 Moonlight in the Dark


Since the era of disease, endless diseases have spread throughout the world.

Since the establishment of the G\u0026D organization, it has been collecting information on various diseases in the process of combating diseases. The types of diseases archived in the Hippocrates Hospital - Disease Center are increasing every year, which means that new diseases will appear at any time.

Gentlemen need and must classify these diseases. Understanding the patient's disease type in advance can effectively improve the efficiency of disease elimination.

The degree of threat to patients corresponding to different types of diseases may be greatly different.

People infected with some rare diseases can even kill gentlemen unexpectedly.

This type of disease is inherently better than ordinary diseases. If it infects organisms together with ordinary diseases, it can even suppress and eliminate other diseases, which is unique.

【Underground Ceremony Area】

When Yi Chen thought of this answer, Xiao Putao also thought of it. After all, not long ago, the two teamed up to use 'moonlight' to kill the indestructible village chief.

It is undeniable that [lunar disease], created by the accident at Twilight Clinic, is definitely at the top of the disease category and is an extremely rare new disease.

However, there's a problem.

To switch to the "full moon form" of the weapon, you need to use two hands, and Yi Chen's left hand is gone.

"Little Grape, do you understand what I mean?" 』

"I've said it before, this matter is non-negotiable. Moreover, the assistance provided by Twilight Clinic was only the structure of the palm... You should think of other ways. 』

"good. 』

Yi Chen didn't force it, after all, Xiao Putao had already helped a lot in the incident, and it was enough to be able to provide visual support.

One hand is enough!

Exhale~ The momentum settles and lowers the body.

The rhythm is matched with the gold on the other end, and together they force the life of the holy fetus.

en route,

Yi Chen used his remaining right hand to press the "rat-shaped sculpture" at the bottom of the ax handle.

Use your [mouth] as your second hand, bite the upper end of the ax handle with your teeth,

Turn your head and pull up!

Click, click, the chute of the ax handle is dragged, the metal rubs with a certain amount of sparks flying.

With the help of his mouth, he successfully switched into the "full moon form".

"The length of the ax handle has increased, and it is still difficult to swing it with one hand... Fortunately, when dealing with the village chief, his physique has increased, otherwise the effect of the subsequent slashing will be greatly reduced." 』

Yi Chen and Jin approached the left and right sides of the Holy Fetus at almost the same moment.

The two of them were also communicating instantly between their eyes.

Hand axes and arm knives can kill targets at different angles.

However... Wow!

The wings of the Holy Fetus Marcos flapped together with the gentle steps of his toes,

His body moved backwards in a super-fast flash, even leaving an afterimage in its original position, making all the attacks of the two men go away.

This kind of flash is very similar to the 'blink' that Jin used through his ankle just now.

Not only that,

When Marcos completed the flash action, he waved his right arm...the umbilical cord dragged the heavy skull and swept across the two people in front of him.

Jin relied on his high mobility to jump back and dodge.

Yi Chen, on the other hand, saw through the trend of the attack, dodged in advance, and also dodged.

"Jin... this guy has just been born into the world, and he is quickly adapting to the battle in front of him, and can even quickly learn the fighting techniques we use.

This battle cannot be prolonged, otherwise this guy will become stronger and stronger. "

These words unexpectedly stimulated Jin's emotions.

"Want to keep up with my speed and learn my physical skills? Just for a loser like you?"

In an instant,

Red lines appear on Jin's body,

Crackling~ You can hear the faint blasting sound coming from Jin's body several meters away.

She adjusted the effect of "Internal Explosion" to 150% of the rated index. The so-called rated index refers to the degree that it will not harm her own body.

The current 150% will quickly damage various areas of the body and is not suitable for long-term combat.

Take one step, bang!

There were deep pits filled with gravel footprints on the ground.

The sudden burst of speed made Yi Chen a little unclear.

While Jin was running, blood was oozing slightly from all the joints in his body, thus dragging out red afterimages.

Naturally, the Holy Fetus could not clearly see the speed of the pig-headed woman in front of him.

Just when he was about to release the "Scream of Pain" and send out the "spiritual shock" inherited from the mother's body to prevent Jin from approaching.


The blade was already inserted into the mouth, and then stabbed out from the back of the head, forcing the interruption.

Under the pig-head mask, a pair of bloodshot eyes stared at the Holy Child, saying in an extremely contemptuous tone: "Learn quickly! Can you learn it?"

After talking,

The wrist was twisted, driving the blade to rotate in the Holy Fetus' mouth! Then pull down hard... swish! Again the flesh will be split open and detonated.

Jin, who was also blown away by the impact, quickly landed and picked up the meat residue in the nearby area and put it into his mouth, chewing and swallowing.

This is where [Gold] is most powerful. As long as the opponent is a flesh-and-blood creature, she can continue to snowball and build an advantage.

"This meat no longer tastes as fresh as the first one, and the effect is not as good... If I kill you ten or twenty times, it should be enough to kill you, right?"

Jin didn't step forward immediately this time;

The "internal explosion" that exceeded the rated limit caused damage to multiple organs and bones, and she needed to slow down a little.


Although Yi Chen on the other side was shocked again by the terrifying strength displayed by Jin, he also took action immediately.

Stepping on the minced meat on the ground, he rushed to the rebirth point of the Holy Fetus.

"With my [intelligence] and special brain, I should be able to withstand this guy's "cry". I must not miss such an opportunity to attack. 』

When Yi Chen stepped closer,

The Holy Fetus has quickly assembled its entire head and part of its upper body.


The painful and mournful cry was released from his mouth, and Yi Chen, who was prepared in advance, opened his eyes wide and activated his brain!

Hiss, hiss~ Steam erupted from the top of his head. Even if his orifices were bleeding, Yi Chen's eyes still maintained a determined look.

The pace only slowed slightly, but did not stop.

The black leather shoes stepped into the effective attack range,

The Moon of Massacre has been raised, aiming at the head of the Holy Fetus.


The holy fetus actually spit out an umbilical cord from his mouth and quickly wrapped it around Yi Chen's right arm.

Soft and powerful,

Moreover, after this weird new umbilical cord came into contact with the arm, it actually tried to seize control of the right arm, quickly bonded with the flesh and blood on the surface of the arm, and then connected with the nerves.

While stopping the attack, it also posed a great threat to Yi Chen.

The brief stalemate allowed the Holy Fetus to continue to regenerate, and the upper body was almost completed. The arms of the Holy Fetus were about to be formed and penetrated Yi Chen's body.

At the critical moment, a voice sounded in the consciousness.

"let go! 』

Yi Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth when he heard the sound, as if he was deliberately falling into danger and waiting for the sound transmission at this moment.

Decisively release the right hand holding the axe.

The massacre moon slipped from my hand and was about to fall to the ground,

Uh-huh! A black shadow flashed past, holding the ax handle in mid-air!

Without waiting for any reaction from the Holy Fetus,

The silver light fell!

The ax blade overflowing with moonlight has cut open the head and upper body of the Holy Fetus.

It also left an indelible moon mark in his body, spawning a large number of moonlight rats that gnawed at the flesh and restricted regeneration.

Looking back at Yi Chen,

The left arm that was supposed to be missing grew back at this moment.

It's just that this arm doesn't entirely belong to him. The surface is covered with black fluff that squirms in the wind. There is also an open mouth between the arms, revealing weird eyeballs.

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