The final gentleman

Chapter 124 Concealment

"Take off your shirt."

Facing the request of the senior instructor, Yi Chen had no choice but to comply.

After unbuttoning the last button and taking off his shirt, a body that was different from ordinary people was revealed, and the scars filled with new flesh on the chest were also quite obvious.


Bailey suddenly pulled out a slender pointer and slapped Yi Chen directly on the side.

This kind of beating would make most people writhe in pain, but Yi Chen's expression was a little strange.

The external oblique muscles hit by the pointer showed a slightly sunken shape, and then returned to their original shape as if they were slowly inflated.

Bang bang bang~

Then he whipped many parts of Yi Chen's body, and similar symptoms appeared. Even some areas that should not have muscles were filled with small muscle-like groups.

After the whipping was over, the pointer was used to scrape Yi Chen's side abdominal muscles.

"I can't teach you, and the reason is very simple! The shape of your body has gone beyond the ordinary. Look at the distribution of muscles and the adaptive conditioned reflexes. It's really outrageous.

The so-called body skills are also based on my understanding of the physical body.

And these understandings of mine are not suitable for you... Go back to Zed, he is the only one in this city who can teach you about the physical level.

Moreover, in my opinion, you don’t need to pay too much attention to body skills. The effect may be better if you use the time of studying Shenfa to further understand the body. "


While Yi Chen was getting dressed again, Bailey rummaged around in the drawer and took out a small item.

"Hey~ I don't like to owe others things. Just take this and come to me if you have any questions in the future."

A special card with an olive tree printed on the back was thrown to Yi Chen, which was the unconditional pass to Gethsemane.

With this card, Yi Chen can enjoy the same permissions as ordinary students, and can even participate in training and actual combat here.

"By the way, what do you think of [Jin]?"

Facing the questions raised by instructor Bailey, Yi Chen did not think for too long.

"The extreme and even uncontrollable character should be a character flaw brought about by her early life and cannot be repaired.

But we can try to turn this flaw into a 'key key' to cooperating with her, and at the same time, it can also serve as a 'special pillar' for her to live in this world. "

Bailey seemed satisfied with the answer. Her toes pushed Yi Chen's chin up slightly through her fishnet stockings.

"It seems that you already know her better. In this case, you can deepen your cooperation in the future."

Yi Chen did not reject Instructor Bailey's bad habit of using his feet. He maintained such contact and thought of a topic.

"By the way, Jin's [Coordination] has reached its limit. You should arrange for her to search for relics and break through the limit, right?"

"Yes, she should be performing tasks related to the relics within half a year. If you are interested, you can join us."


In addition, I mentioned you to Mr. Zed before going on the mission, and he still remembered it. Do you need my help to make an appointment for Instructor Bailey to come to the academy? "

Hearing this, Bailey retracted her legs and feet, and her expression changed slightly.

"No, I can see him anytime if I want to. That's all for today. You can come over anytime you have time. You can also participate in some of our daily training here."

"Okay, goodbye instructor!"

Just when Yi Chen turned around and left, almost approaching the secret door of the office,

A soft feeling suddenly touched my back,

Obviously what the flesh feels is a soft and squeezing feeling.

But the feeling on the soul level is that a sharp knife is pressed against the back, and part of the blade has even penetrated the body.

Instructor Bailey's voice also came, but it was unusually cold and even unfamiliar.

"One last thing~ There should be nothing to hide from me in the investigation process you described, right?"

When she asked this question, instructor Bailey behind her moved her body down and placed her ear under the left shoulder blade, which is exactly where the heart is, and deliberately listened to Yi Chen's heartbeat.

A drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead,

Yi Chen calmed down: "What I stated are all facts... If Instructor Bailey has any doubts, you can check with Jin."

There was silence in the office.

Bailey didn't respond, just listened to his heartbeat quietly.

I don’t know how long it took, but the feeling on my back finally disappeared.

When Yi Chen, who was sweating profusely, turned around, he only saw Instructor Bailey smiling as she put Chicken Granny's fingers into her showcase, as if nothing had happened.

No longer staying, he immediately met Jin outside the door and left [Gethsemane] together.

When Yi Chen crossed the arch bridge and returned to the street area, he suddenly knelt down on one knee and covered his beating heart with his palms.

inside the heart,

Cracking croaking~ It spread to the inner wall of the heart through the blood vessels, and the plant roots that forcibly stabilized the heart rhythm were slowly retracted. If it weren't for the plant's control of the heartbeat, Instructor Bailey would have seen through the lie just now.

Jin on the side was only thinking about the swollen bag on her shoulder and did not express any doubt about Yi Chen's abnormality.

"Hurry up, if we don't go back to process it, this meat will stink."

"Jin... my temporary heart seems to be a little weak. I need to go to the hospital quickly. How about you go back first and come to you after I have taken care of the injury."

"Remember to come."

Jin shrugged. She was now more interested in new weapons than Yi Chen and quickly disappeared into the street.

Yi Chen also slowly stood up, his head covered with cold sweat.

He did not go directly to [O'Falostik College], but made an appointment with Professor Chamberson through a roadside public phone.

The content of the conversation was very simple. Chamberson could tell that Yi Chen had some shady matters that needed to be discussed with him, so he only said one sentence on the phone.

"Your costume almost needs maintenance. We'll talk about other things later."

After hanging up the phone, Yi Chen went straight to [Street Area-Lower Level]

Walking around Chasm-Street, which is secretive and has various "illegal" shops, we came to the unknown tailor shop at the corner of the street again.

When I stepped onto the second floor stairs,

The secret door of the dressing room was slightly opened, obviously reserved for Yi Chen.

When he stepped inside, the secret door immediately closed.

Professor Chamberson had arrived early and was chatting with tailor Ivan in the small dressing room.

When Yi Chen arrived, Boss Ivan stepped forward with a stick and touched the clothes with one hand.

"Is it already damaged to this extent after not being worn for a year?"

"I'm sorry...the damage during the last mission was too serious. If it weren't for Mr. Ivan's craftsmanship, I would have been unable to wear this dress."

"Bring some "gentleman's skin" that matches your clothes, and I will help repair it. "


Professor Chamberson stood silently in the deepest part, looking at Yi Chen who had undergone essential changes with the owl on his shoulder.

"Has your physique improved? It seems that the tasks provided by Gethsemane are very effective for you... Tell me, what can't even be discussed in the academy? You need to ask me out alone."

After Yi Chen nodded, there was a squirming movement in his heart, and some kind of living thing gradually rose up in his throat.

soon! A black umbilical cord came out of the mouth and automatically wrapped around the arm as if it was spiritual.

The moment I saw the umbilical cord,

Both the former great tailor Ivan and the well-informed Professor Chamberson were stunned for a moment.

"This is...a relic of the attribute of life!"

Yi Chen did not hide anything and told the details of the investigation mission, including the "lost holy fetus" hidden from instructor Bailey.

I heard that Yi Chen chose to help the patient complete the open source and obtained the relic.

Mr. Ivan smiled first and said, "Bai Xiao, let me tell you why you are suddenly interested in accepting students... Such students are probably rare in Zion in the past dozens or hundreds of years."

Chamberson did not respond to his old friend, but put his hand on Yi Chen's shoulder.

"Your concealment is correct. Once the matter of assisting patients to open source is exposed, it will inevitably cause some controversy.

The value of this relic exceeds that of ordinary relics. You continue to keep it in your body and do not let others know about it.

I will also intervene as much as possible in subsequent inquiries and reviews of your tasks by the Gentlemen’s Hall. "

"Thank you, Professor."

"Well done! You are worthy of being my student."

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