The final gentleman

Chapter 132 Zed’s outing time

Since the support incident was not reported to the superiors, it was Jin's impromptu idea.

Although the two made important contributions at the end of the incident, they will not receive any additional rewards.

As a reward for handling the severely ill incident, both teams received 2,000 silver coins, a gentleman's skin with an old-world flavor for each person, and random high-quality materials.

in addition.

Due to the defeat in the arm wrestling match, Jin took the initiative to give up the perfectly captured [(Severely Sick) Gunslinger-Amis Tiller].

This is an extremely rare "disease" caused by firearms, a product of the new era. Looking at the entire Fourth Continent, although there are many disease objects, there are only a handful of disease objects related to firearms.

And it was completely captured alive, with 100% freshness and integrity.

The value of this thing is much higher than the sum of the rewards of the two teams.

When seriously ill items were brought back to Zion, they naturally had to go through security inspection. When this item was handed over to the Gentlemen's Hall, it alarmed many high-ranking people.

When the senior management determines that the mission participant [Edmund Mariano] has the ability and talent in firearms, as well as his own growth and personal value,

The supervisor handed the processed and sealed medical supplies to Edmund.

A month has passed.

【Zed's Paradise】

Two huge iron balls, measuring in tons, hung in the air and hit the body of a young man back and forth.

Every time it hit the young man, he would be completely knocked away, hit the wall ten meters away and stop passively.

He needs to get back to where he was before another iron ball hits him.

This project is dedicated to training the "receptive body". It is one of Yi Chen's favorite projects that he must practice every week.

not far away,

Zed, whose eyes were covered with black cloth, waved to him.

"I've been hit five hundred times in a row, so that's it for today~ It's rare that the college lets go of its restraints on me and allows me to go out for two hours of activities every week.

Go out for a walk with me quickly, I almost forgot what it's like outside. "


Yi Chen, who was covered in blood and sweat, immediately changed into gentleman's clothes.

When the leather is attached to the body, it immediately absorbs the dirt on the body and discharges it from the trouser legs, completely eliminating the need for bathing.

The reason why I did personal training today was not to compete with Zed.

The college took into account that Zed had not committed any crime in the past six months or so, and in the feedback from the class where he was responsible for teaching "Pathology", no student gave him a fair or negative rating.

To this end, the college relaxed Zed's personal restrictions and gave him two hours of outing time per week.

Any violation while out will result in immediate deprivation of privileges.

As a student, Yi Chen naturally took the initiative to act as a guide.

After all, Zed's temper is still a little weird. Maybe he meets a student with a strange body on the road and suddenly dissects him.

When Zed stepped out of the Wilstermann teaching building and breathed in the outside air that he had not seen for a long time,

Cough cough cough~ Suddenly there was a violent cough.

He immediately took out a pair of respiratory masks made of finger bones as the frame and laryngeal membrane as the main material from his waist, and then slowly calmed down.

“Sure enough, this too fresh air is like poisonous gas to me.

Because I stayed down there for a long time, I was in contact with the corpses of patients all day long. Considering that the spread of world disease is unstoppable, sooner or later the area we live in will be eroded by the gray domain.

So when I was bored, I performed a special surgery on my lungs, which allowed me to easily adapt to various pathogenic air components. The only disadvantage was that I was not able to accept this kind of fresh air without pollution. . "

Yi Chen quickly picked up the topic:

"The disease of the world cannot be suppressed...Teacher Zed, how long do you think it will be before the gray field covers the entire world?"

"I can't estimate the specific time, but it will definitely not exceed a hundred years. You still have time~ Hey! I finally came out today, so don't talk about such heavy topics.

The activity area is limited to the courtyard, otherwise I would like to go to the ground floor of the street area to play. The programs in some stores are very interesting.

When my performance gets better, I hope the college will allow me to leave school. "

When he said this, Zed twitched like a zombie, very happy.

He himself had no complaints about his imprisonment. As long as the hospital gave him some benefits, he would be excited for a long time... Even Yi Chen didn't particularly understand this.

"Let's go to the cafeteria. It might be good to experience the feeling of ordering food by ourselves~ How about we compete to see who can reach the cafeteria from the Twin Towers, and the loser pays the bill?"

When the proposal was given, Zed had already leaned down, preparing to climb directly down the mountain where the Twin Towers were located.

Snapped! A large bag of silver coins was thrown directly in front of Zed, interrupting his starting movement.

"I'll pay for it, let's take the elevator down."

"It's so boring~"

"I definitely can't beat you, Teacher Zed.

Moreover, if the teacher is immersed in the competition and hits something during the sprint, or knocks the students away, there will be no chance to come out and move. "

Zed poked the eye patch at the position corresponding to his eyes and nodded, thinking it made sense, "Indeed, it's better to be honest."

Zed seemed quite 'well-behaved', moving his body like a zombie and slowly following behind Yi Chen.

When the two took the large elevator to the ground,

A few familiar faces came towards me on the slope at the foot of the mountain.

The sunny boy with golden hair,

A woman holding a cane and covering her face with black gauze followed beside her.

Behind him came a strong warrior from the north.

The three of them were equally surprised to meet here by chance, especially when they saw the zombie-like teacher behind Yi Chen. They were frightened and took a step back. They quickly lowered their heads and said, "Mr. Zed!"

Unlike Yi Chen, they only came into contact with Zede in class, and they were more in awe and even fearful of Zede. And they didn't know that Teacher Zed was allowed to go out for activities.

After a brief explanation, they also joined the queue heading to the canteen.

The appearance of the three people was not a coincidence, it was because Edmund had something important that he needed to deliver to Yi Chen in person, and he rushed over to deliver it when he learned that Yi Chen was in the teaching building.

This thing is being held in his hand,

The portable black wooden box gives people an unusually heavy feeling, with the family's Feiyu mark printed on the surface.

Since we decided to have lunch together, we just stayed and showed it after the meal.

As soon as everyone stepped into the cafeteria, Edmund prepared to use his family's privileges to reserve a private room to facilitate subsequent conversations and transfer of items.

Who knows,

Both the students who were eating and the chefs in the window stopped their work and looked at Zed with fearful eyes.

The person in charge of the cafeteria also received the news as soon as possible. After confirming to the hospital that Zed's outing was normal, he immediately arranged for everyone to stay in a private room on the top floor of the cafeteria, which was specially used for banquets with high-level officials of the organization.

Prevent Zed from eating in the hall and affecting the operation of the entire canteen, minimizing risks.

The person in charge also welcomed Zed's arrival and all meals were free of charge.

"I didn't expect the school's treatment of me, an old employee, to be quite good, to be so generous."

Zed ordered three expensive set meals for himself;

When the food was served, he seemed to have forgotten the so-called gentlemanly etiquette and ate like a zombie. The staff couldn't bear to look at him.

After you have had enough wine and food,

While feeling his fully swollen abdominal muscles, Zed took a nap on the recliner with a smile on his lips, seemingly quite satisfied with his first outing.

the other side,

As the table was cleared, Edmund asked that the private room be temporarily closed to ensure privacy inside.

"William, this is for you."

Edmund sent the heavy black wooden box to Yi Chen, plus the only matching ring key.

Both the key and the box correspond to very complex seals, which indirectly illustrates the preciousness of the props inside.

Click~ as the key turns.

The seals between the boxes gradually matched the keys, and the seals were unlocked layer by layer.


The moment the lid of the box was opened, the strange smell of illness immediately overflowed.

Zed, who was taking a nap nearby, immediately became excited and climbed onto the table like a living corpse, sniffing the smell and preparing to cut the suspected patient into pieces.

But it was discovered that the source of the diseased aura was a special item stored in the box...

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