The final gentleman

Chapter 134 Partners and Friends

Zed, also known as the "Corpse Maker".

The original "Chief Surgeon" certified by Gethsemane also received a doctorate in pathology from Hippocrates Hospital. He became a distinguished professor at Ophrostick College in just five years, and was the youngest professor that year.

His strength, talent, and unique understanding of the physical body had attracted the attention of the First Gentleman for a time, and he was recognized as one of the dawns of the future of mankind.

Unfortunately, during a deep dive into the Gray Realm, he was stripped of his [Object] authority, and his already eccentric character became even crazier.

After returning from the gray realm, despite a long period of treatment and cultivation, I also received psychological counseling.

When I returned to teach at the college, I often received complaints from new gentlemen, until one time...

Perhaps it was the reason for Zed's own illness,

Perhaps a new gentleman who relied on his family background made rude remarks.

Maybe it was an emergency between classes,

Perhaps the influence of the gray realm that remains in Zed's body still exists and cannot be dissipated.

It ultimately led to the direct deaths of seven new gentlemen. After an investigation by the organization, the cause was classified as confidential and sealed.

Considering some suspicious points in the incident, as well as Zed's contribution to the organization and personal value,

The trial meeting decided to imprison him deep in the teaching building for life, but provide him with normal supplies in experiments, life and other aspects to meet Zed's relevant needs as much as possible, allowing him to continue researching the corpses of patients under conditions of imprisonment.

at the same time,

Hogni Zedd has also been retained as a "special combat force" to deal with crisis situations that will inevitably arise in the future.

Zed's reputation can be said to be unknown to everyone in the academy.

The person in charge of the canteen also stayed outside the private room door during Zed's meal.

Once Zed, who has a weird personality, has any excessive food requirements, he can make arrangements as soon as possible. If there are any violations, he will also report to the higher-ups of the college as appropriate.

The person in charge looked at the time on his watch and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ Everything seems to be fine.

They probably had almost eaten, and Zed had [twenty minutes] left for activities outside.

If he doesn't leave when the time comes, a professor-level gentleman will come and take him back forcibly.

I hope nothing happens~"

The chubby person in charge had just taken out the bra and was about to wipe the sweat from his forehead.


An exaggerated loud noise came from the private room, which made his whole body tremble in fright. He didn't care about the expensive bras scattered on the ground and rushed in immediately.

In the private room,

Zed's largely torn upper body landed just in the middle of the dining table, remaining upright.

Due to the huge impact, his lower body bounced off the wall and hit the chandelier hanging at the top.

Although the flesh was torn open, there was no bleeding.

"what's the situation!"

The person in charge was shocked and tried to push the gun-wielding Yi Chen to the ground with his big belly.

However, Zed's upper body quickly crawled over and shouted sternly: "Who let you in?"

The person in charge was stunned when asked by Zed, "This...I just..."

At this time, Yi Chen, who was next to him, had put the firearm into the oak mucus, closed the box, and quickly came over to explain,


Teacher Zed and I were testing a new weapon just now. I didn't expect the sound to be so loud. I'm really sorry. "

Yi Chen deliberately looked at his watch again, pretending to be surprised.

"Huh!? It's already so late. Teacher Zed has twenty minutes left before your outdoor activities. We have to go back quickly... If you time out the first time you go out, it may be difficult for you to get the chance to leave school in the future."

"Ah~ let's leave quickly."

Bang bang bang~

The chandelier shook, and the lower body hanging on it jumped back to the table.

Hiss~ A burst of ancient breath overflowed from the wound, and the upper and lower body quickly merged as before. At the same time, metal projectiles were spit out from the mouth and returned to Yi Chen.

His eyes were filled with admiration for this firearm.

Edmund and others naturally followed and sent Teacher Zed back to the teaching building.

However, they were not eligible to go to the underground area where Zed was, so they could only say goodbye in front of the teaching building.

Everything that needed to be said was said in the cafeteria.

Edmund waved his hand and turned to leave with his teammates.

As the three people left, the distance between them and Yi Chen also became further and further away.

"Wait!" Yi Chen suddenly shouted,

"If Miss Juliana doesn't mind, I can help provide regenerative treatment on campus during non-weekends. Although the effect is not obvious, it should be able to return to the previous state more than ten days in advance.

If you have any suitable tasks in the future, you can call me at any time. "

Edmund did not respond verbally, but raised his right hand behind his back to make an "OK" gesture, and slowly disappeared from sight.

At this time, Zed said in a rare teacher tone:

“In this aspect, Edmund is better than you.

Ours is not a peaceful world, but a place where you can get sick and die if you are not careful.

If there is a natural "gap" between people, and this gap will continue to expand as the individual grows up... there is no need to consider past friendships, and there is no need to deliberately try to help others.

Doing so will not only slow down your own growth rate,

It will also prevent the other party from getting the training and growth they deserve. "


"Speaking of which, this kid's family is really capable. They can actually control such a living disease and make such a perfect firearm... Regardless of the weight, length and attack mode, it is very suitable for you.

It also shows that Edmund knows you well enough and is indeed a good brother.

It's not impossible to help out occasionally, it's up to you.

From now on, we will also bring this gun with us in our physical competitions. The feeling of being bombarded at close range is so great~ You are indeed very talented with guns, and your firing momentum is not like that of a beginner.

Practice this thing well, and it will definitely become your way to cure diseases in the future. "


"Without further ado, let's begin our physical sparring."

time flies.

Unknowingly, it has been a whole year since Yi Chen came to Zion.

Yi Chen did not relax during this period.

Reading, special training, and occasionally going to Gethsemane with King for tactical and actual combat training.

The two main attributes developed [Physique] and [Intellect] have not been improved.

But I can clearly feel that my intelligence is on the rise, and my physique is also undergoing subtle changes during the special training. As long as you accumulate enough, you may be able to get a boost when you have an opportunity to go on a mission.

In addition, [Coordination Motorics], which represents nerve response and body speed, has changed.

During the actual combat training in Gethsemane a month ago, Yi Chen suddenly turned his head to avoid the flying knife shot from behind with incredible reaction speed.

When the avoidance is completed, the coordination value is directly increased to [3].

This flying knife is like an opportunity to break through the barrier, using the accumulated reaction experience in a year to improve coordination attributes.

One year after becoming a gentleman, Yi Chen’s basic attributes are as follows:

[Physique]: 4+

【Coordination Motorics】: 3

[Intellect]: 5+


【Lucky Luck】:3

Although this kind of data is not as good as Jin's, it has surpassed most new gentlemen.

There is another important thing.

Ofalostik College will conduct a [test] for new students who have entered the first year of school.

Especially those gentlemen who try to get by by picking simple tasks every month.

If they fail to pass the test, the college will not expel them directly, but it will reduce some authority and impose strict requirements on their development in the following year. If they cannot meet the requirements, they will be expelled from school.

Yi Chen's personal file was exempted from the exam because it recorded mission events that reached five-star difficulty.


Both the first mentor, Professor Chamberson and the second mentor, Zed, asked him to attend.

Chamberson considered that the college's assessment was very interesting, and Yi Chen might be able to learn something from it, and might even gain the favor of the college, thus obtaining more resources.

Zed simply wanted to show off to the college the students he had trained.

After all, in his eyes, Yi Chen has completely inherited his legacy on the physical level... If Yi Chen performs well enough, maybe he can get permission to leave school in advance.

Early in the morning,

Zed slapped Yi Chen awake while jogging on the treadmill while sleeping.

"hurry up!

I deliberately set aside two hours of outing time. We have to arrive at the assessment site early so that these guys can see what you are capable of and how powerful the students I, Zed, have brought out. "

Yi Chen, who had dark circles under his eyes and looked pale, said feebly:

"Ah...yes, there is an assessment today. I did the special training too late yesterday and completely forgot about it. I feel so sleepy all of a sudden~"

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