The final gentleman

Chapter 139 The Principal’s Suggestions

The hug lasted a full five minutes;

All the people in the Swan Academy turned into silent spectators, watching all this silently, not daring to speak or make any unnecessary movements.

They have never seen such a direct display of murderous intent towards the principal. If they make disruptive and offensive actions at this time, the principal may remember it and settle the score in the future.

Zed, who was halfway up the climb, also stopped in place like a sculpture.

He fully opened his senses and felt the situation in front of him.

If the principal shows any murderous intent or intends to cause irreversible harm to Yi Chen, he will stop it at all costs...even if it may lead to hostility to the college and direct trial by the organization.

However, Zed could not wait for this situation.

Principal Desline has no intention of harming the young man in her arms.

Not only that, in the process of caressing Yi Chen's head, she also transferred a kind of galactic energy to "calm down the mind."

Unknowingly it lasted five minutes.

Even old professors like Chamberson were extremely shocked at the scene. They had never seen such a situation.

[Principal] To be appointed to this position by the organization, several stringent conditions need to be met.

The people who are elected as principals will basically not interfere in routine affairs except for major reforms in the college.

Their more important role is to [sit in charge].

Ensure the safety, stability and confidentiality of the college, ensure the normal operation of the college, and further screen and output "stable cutting-edge talents" for the organization.

As the most mysterious principal in history, Desline rarely appeared in public. Even at the last meeting on the reform of the campus teaching system, she only showed up temporarily at the end of the meeting to listen to the results.

This time,

For this very common and ordinary annual test, she actually showed up and dominated the test content.

Professor Chamberson, who specializes in [Intelligence], suddenly realized something.

"Deslin is a sensitive gentleman. Her astrological ability is superior to everyone in Zion, and she can see the trend of the future to some extent.

This initiative to intervene and lead the annual test was no coincidence, but something she observed in advance.

Is it because of William? 』

As the final tester, Yi Chen did not resist such an embrace.

Part of it was the soothing feeling brought by the special touch on the mental level. It had been a long time since he had felt so relaxed.

Part of it is looking at oneself,

After appreciating dozens of paintings, understanding and analyzing their meanings, and then extracting the core of the paintings and integrating them into [doors],

Let Yi Chen gain a huge improvement in his basic attribute - [Induction].

Then it touches the deep level of consciousness, completely sinking into the "past reality" created by thinking, and even kills the orphanage security guard who combines reality and reality.

All kinds of experiences stimulate the spirit and the body of consciousness.

On the fifth minute of the hug.

Ancient words slowly appeared in the field of vision.

【Psyche】has increased【3】→【4】

*Special note: The cognition of old living characters has been improved, and you can understand the more obscure ancient character structures. At the same time, as the understanding of disease-causing substances improves, the effects of related weapons will increase accordingly.


this moment,

Yi Chen could feel the touch of the gun from his left hand more clearly and in more detail, and could even feel the flow of iron inside and the aggregation of bullets.

You can even control the structure of the internal bullet with confidence to shoot more powerful and targeted shots, and even add certain additional attributes.

You can also feel the 'divergence' of your thinking, and can receive surrounding factors more clearly, deeply and understandingly.


This also allowed Yi Chen to feel the current [embracing state] more intuitively, and realized that he had been in the principal's arms for nearly ten minutes, and he was still in a rather awkward position.

Just as he was thinking about how to appropriately and politely resolve the current situation,

"What a good boy! You were able to use my thought guidance to touch the 'so deep' area, and even improved your [sensing] during the test... It seems that you are quite talented in this area."

A gentle voice came from the upper mask, but the principal's hands showed no intention of letting go.

"Thank you, Principal Deslin." Yi Chen, who was pressed into his arms, managed to squeeze out words of thanks.

"It's quite comfortable to hold you~ The skin on your body is flawless and of good consistency. You have met the "First Gentleman" at least once, right? "


"I think Professor Chamberson has already told you about [skin], so I won't say more. The improvement of [sensory] can also help you understand the essence of skin."

At this time, the hugging hands finally slowly let go.

Just when Yi Chen was about to step back and bow to thank him,

Principal Desline's clothes quickly raised strips of white silk, continuing to restrict him within a certain range. He could not move away, and the distance between the two could not exceed one meter.

Due to the full rise of the silk clothing, the principal's unique graceful figure, long white legs and height of nearly 1.9 meters were fully revealed to Yi Chen's eyes.

When the silk area is fully formed, the outside world is completely isolated.

Create a temporary conversation space for two people.

“Such a real gallery level requires interpretation and memory of each painting, and is accompanied by continuous dark and strange factors.

The test difficulty of the other gentlemen is not even 1/3 as difficult as yours. Being able to find the [Door] within three minutes is enough to show your talent in sensing. "

"Principal, what you are best at is sensing, right?" Yi Chen suddenly asked.

"That's right... Sensing is the shortest way to understand the world. Do you want to be accomplished in sensing?"


When he heard Yi Chen's answer, a strange smile seemed to break out from under the crying mask,

"Don't get too excited, I definitely don't have time to guide you... I've read your information, it's quite interesting.

He spent half a year in school next to the monster Zed, and gained unique physical qualities.

Only two tasks were carried out in one year;

One touches on the dark side of the clinic and comes face-to-face with open-source patients, while the other is a killing mission on full five-star difficulty.

A potential newcomer like you really needs to consider "Multi-Limit Breakthrough". If you want to add an additional [Induction], you can go to the [Power Station] after the test. "

"Huh? Power station."

From the knowledge Yi Chen read, the power station is a highly confidential and highly secure area. In addition to ensuring the power supply for the entire Zion, it is also a scientific research base.

Any gentleman who approaches the vicinity of the power station without legitimate reasons will be given a direct warning by the organization.

At this time,

The principal took out a personal business card with a galaxy background from the clothing room and handed it to Yi Chen.

"With my business card, you can gain direct access to the power station. Then you go find an electrician who has just joined the job - Ludwig Regan."

"Who is this?"

"The student I was once most optimistic about, but unfortunately he had some personality problems. He rejected my kindness and dropped out of school early. He went to the power station to eat and wait to die... Go talk to him, it will be helpful for your induction. .

He is about the same age as you and only entered school nine months earlier than you. "

"Thank you, principal."

"If your induction can reach [6] within one year, you can apply to go to my office."


The conversation ends here,

The silk floating around dispersed, and the principal flapped his wings behind him and soared into the air.

The surface of her body outlines a layer of starry light, which directly penetrates the solid roof and disappears into the bright night sky of the campus.

This time,

The eyes of all the teachers and students in the school remained on Yi Chen, and discussions began to arise.

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