The final gentleman

Chapter 150 The Relic Incident

Three special carriages bearing the G\u0026D mark and reserved for internal use of the organization were parked outside the hall door.

The reason why it is special is that the overall leather content of the carriage reaches more than 10%.

Through a special process inside the tissue, ebony, elm, manchurian ash, white wax and leather are combined to obtain a top-quality wood that can isolate disease and conceal the smell.

Such carriages are often used for important long-distance transportation. Many gentlemen who have exceeded human limits also ride in such carriages, which can save a lot of trouble on the way.

Yi Chen and the others boarded one of them at will.

The interior space of the carriage is also quite spacious. The upper and lower beds are designed like a "four-person sleeping room" with an independent bathroom.

The wardrobe room used to support bunk beds stores a variety of long-term food and bottled water.

There is even a smart small refrigerator with Fayin refrigeration, which contains some raw meat and wine for pets.

“The environment is really nice~ I feel like I can stay here for a week.”

When Yi Chen lamented the high-quality conditions of the carriage,

Reagan had already taken out a few packages of food and ice-cold wine, and instantly entered fat house mode. He even felt that his belly was bigger than when they met two days ago.

Due to the boring power station life and the delay in breakthrough in neurological research, Reagan gradually fell into the definition of a fat house.

Only when he eats delicious and sufficient food will his brain secrete dopamine, allowing him to continue his research.

A simple bed allocation,

Yi Chen and Regan were both on the lower bunk, and Jin slept on the upper bunk where Yi Chen was.

When the carriage drove out of Zion's gate, there was a clicking sound from the locked front window.

The old coachman wrapped in his coat handed in a bag of confidential documents, making a hoarse voice with his pipe in his mouth.

“This trip will be divided into two parts.

It will take us three days in the first half to arrive at the stop on the way - [Aalstow Town], where you will make arrangements and route planning on the eve of the event. "

After conveying the message mechanically, the driver turned to the front like a living corpse and continued to control the carriage.


Although Yi Chen was very aware of the 'Carman's' condition, he still appreciated the response.

I learned from the book that "carriage driver" is a special and low-level gentleman's profession. Some gentlemen have never been able to break through the limits of human beings. As they grow older, their hope of breaking through is almost zero.

Moreover, their abilities cannot find corresponding jobs within Zion. In order to continue living, they can only choose to become coachmen.

Because I have been away all year round and traveled through various gray areas,

Some elderly coachmen will gradually become numb in the process, and their bodies and minds will be completely tied to the carriage until they die.


As long as the driver who devoted his life to the organization died within the sphere of influence, he would be given the opportunity to be buried in the cemetery. If you are lucky, you can live your life again in another attitude.

Yi Chen returned to the bed and opened the document bag.

Jin on the upper bunk stretched out half of his body and bent it at 90° to watch together.

Reagan, who was sucking the grease from his fingers, also held a bag of snacks and leaned to his side.

≮Relic Event (New)≯

1. Place of incident:

[The-Grail-Mountains], also known as the Holy Grail Mountain, is named after its cup-like shape and is regarded as a holy mountain by many people.

2. Summary of events:

The closest organization base to the destination, and also the stop on the way for this incident - the town of Alstor, has always had a gentleman patrol team patrolling the Holy Grail Mountain.

Four years ago, a small-scale gray area was first discovered spreading in the mountains. After detailed investigation, it was confirmed to be a [natural gray area]. It cannot be eradicated. The only way is to block the mountain as much as possible to slow down the expansion of the gray area.

a month ago,

As the gray area gradually expanded out of control, it has spread to an area within five kilometers of the mountain.

It is also determined that there are at least three "rooted pathogens" growing crazily in the gray area. If left unchecked, open source patients may be born.

The cleanup and investigation team arranged by the organization rushed to the destination immediately. During the mission, they accidentally discovered a [passage] hidden inside the mountain, so they interrupted the mission and reported the situation to the organization.

3. Gray zone diseases

The current symptoms corresponding to the three root-rooted pathogens are as follows:


Type: Pan-type physical infection (can affect all substances except inorganic substances)

Source and introduction: The outbreak occurred in a large village a few kilometers away at the foot of the Holy Grail Mountain - Quagmire Village.

The infected person's body will grow black tumors. They are photophobic and are accustomed to moving in the dark. They like to sink their bodies in mire to accelerate the spread of pus and infect other organisms.

Black tumors gradually cover the individual's head, torso, and arms in the process.

When it completely replaces the upper body, it turns into a [sick person].

The lower body retains the structure of the legs,

The area above the waist and abdomen was replaced by huge black pus. It was highly volatile and threatening, but it was still afraid of light and high temperatures.


Type: Mental infection (only affects conscious creatures)

Source and introduction: A group of displaced pilgrims from different areas, they regard Mount Greyrel as a holy mountain and their last destination at the end of their lives.

They firmly believe that as long as they can climb to the top of the mountain, they can go to the other side of their dreams and go to a paradise without disease.

The pilgrims had perseverance that was different from ordinary people. They passed through the jungle at the foot of the mountain that was affected by ashes and successfully embarked on the steep mountain road to the summit.

However, the mountain has long been severely damaged by the gray domain, and its structure is complex and full of fog, making pilgrims completely lost and unable to find the correct path to the summit.

They regard the complicated mountain road as the ultimate test, and regard getting lost as their lack of piety.

In order to find the only correct path, the pilgrims began to eat 'eyeballs' indiscriminately, whether they were diseased animals in the mountains, their companions, or themselves.

After reaching a certain number, the disease becomes complete, and a "gathering eye" grows between the eyebrows.


Type: Limited physical infection (only effective for humans)

Source and introduction: For some reason, Baron Francis once spent a huge amount of money to build a private residence at the foothills of the north side of Mount Grayer.

When the gray domain spread between the mountains, the gentlemen in the organization proposed to escort the Baron and his family away, but they were rejected.

No one has ever left the entire mansion. Under the shroud of the gray domain, special lesions slowly develop, and even the woods around the mansion begin to bleed blood similar to that of a human body.

Occasionally, you can see some living corpses with no skin structure and dripping blood moving around the outside of the mansion.

*Detailed information on the above three types of illnesses will be given by the gentlemen stationed there at the enroute stop in the town of Alstor, and task assignments and climbing route arrangements will be made for different teams.

4.Channel information

*This information is provided by channel monitors.

[Exploration degree]: 0% (no conscious creature has ever passed through the passage)

[Stability]: Extremely high (there will be no dangerous situations such as channel collapse, disease enhancement, etc.)

[Depth]: Shallow (leading to the shallowest layer with the lowest danger in the old world)

After reading the basic information about the incident, everyone has their own thoughts.

Reagan returned to his bed, his mouth moving slightly but making no sound, as if he was exchanging information about the incident with his 'girlfriend'.

Jin didn't care at all and just fell into bed and went to sleep.

Yi Chen seemed to have thought of something. He opened the car window and looked at the evening sky. There was no trace of the moon among the hazy clouds and mist.

Thanks to the book friend [The Writer at a Glance] for offering the leader’s sacrifice!

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