The final gentleman

Chapter 162 Monitors and Passages

The historic monastery in front of you combines a variety of ancient elements, giving people the feeling of a dilapidated spiritual temple.

Yi Chen still kept his vision fully open, examining the individual in yellow clothing who seemed to be a monitor.

Recalling the books I had read in Zion, there were very few records about this type of group. The organization simply disclosed the name of this special gentleman and related responsibilities.

Later, I also obtained some more detailed information from Teacher Zed.

According to Zed, if his eyes had not been damaged, he might have become one of the monitors.


A type of high-end gentleman who has received special training in Zion and is good at handling incidents alone.

They often have a relatively withdrawn character and are unwilling to stay in the city to get along with others. They prefer activities outside the city, and even live in the thin gray area for a long time to carry out daily life.

This habit may be related to the scenes of the old world they saw when they broke through the "human limits".

Due to their unique talents, during the breakthrough period, the consciousness completely sinks into the old world, causing the body and soul to transform in the process, and the thinking level also becomes inclined to the patient.

But in essence, they have not deviated from humanity and the organization. They maintain the proper gentlemanly character and move around various strongholds under the organization, always maintaining contact with Zion.

Once a new passage is discovered, the nearest personnel will be assigned a "surveillance mission" and rush to the passage entrance as soon as possible.

It is rumored that the monitor can feed on the energy of the old world escaping from the entrance of the passage and kill any sick person who tries to approach the passage to ensure the stability of the passage.

One person can maintain the stability of the New Life Channel for nearly a hundred days.

The most important thing,

It is precisely because of the efforts of the channel monitors that the new gentleman has the opportunity to contact the channel and go to the surface of the old world to search for relics and treasures without having to consider other factors.

Before breaking through, gaining personal experience in the old world can greatly improve the [success rate] and [depth] of the limit breakthrough.

In front of my eyes,

Under the combined vision of Yi Chen and Xiao Putao, no strangeness was found in the yellow-clothed monitor, and they could only feel the invisible aura of a strong man.

When the gentleman who looks like a monk steps into the gate of the monastery,

A sculpture of the Virgin holding the Holy Grail stood in the center, about three times the size of a normal human body, and its head was completely covered by a flesh-colored leather blanket with an unknown seal engraved on its surface.

In the main hall area, there are reliefs of the sun, moon and stars carved between the domes supported by stone pillars.

Although this monastery is built inside the mountain, with the help of such reliefs, it seems that the people here can always maintain contact with the universe.

The words of the monitor came:

"Even I don't fully understand the origin of this has a history of at least two hundred years.

The monastery narrows the distance between our world and the old world. As the walls and floors overflow with the gray domain fluid day by day, [channels] are also created. "

The supervisor waved his hand,

The leather blanket covering the statue's head immediately slipped off, and a horrifying and strange scene came into Yi Chen's eyes.

The so-called [channel],

It is present in the face of the statue of the Virgin,

Occupying more than 90% of the entire face, the nested flesh wall structure seems to be rhythmically rhythmic with the statue's breathing.

The fluid-like thick gray matter and facial passages overflowed. After being exposed for only a few seconds, the monastery was filled with gray, and the walls and floors seemed to be activated.


The gentleman in yellow raised his hand and shot out a yellow leather blanket to cover his face, and everything returned to normal.

"It seems like your teammates haven't followed yet?"

"Yes, we encountered the effects of [Syndrome] while climbing and were forced to separate... However, with their ability, they should be able to find this place."

"No wonder you found this place so quickly. It turns out you chose the nearest climbing route. Being able to see through the illusion and find this place means you are qualified to go to the "Old World".

Give your teammates another day. If they fail to arrive, you will have to enter the passage alone.

Follow me first. "

Under the leadership of the supervisor,

Bypassing the main hall of the monastery and passing through the long corridor, you arrive at the living area at the back of the monastery. There are several rooms here for former teachers to rest.

Nothing but dust.

A hard stone bed, a simple desk, and a stone window the size of a head.

"I have cleaned up the monastery. You can rest here, get rid of your fatigue and discomfort, and prepare for the upcoming journey to the old world."


The monitor did not stay long. A yellow shadow flashed before returning to the main hall and continuing his surveillance work.

Yi Chen also watched the yellow figure completely disappear before returning to the room temporarily assigned to him.

The wooden door lock of the room has long been broken.

Yi Chen put his palm against the door panel and used a large number of roots to reinforce the old decaying wooden door and create a fully enclosed plant door lock to isolate the inside and outside.

The windows were also completely sealed with plants using the same method.

After cleaning up the dust on the bed,

The suitcase was placed at the head of the bed, and Yi Chen sat down on the stone bed.

The tense nerves finally relaxed, sweat continued to overflow from his forehead, and the black haired pupils on his eyeballs gradually dispersed.

The little grape separated from the brain and reappeared on the shoulder.

"I told you, this kind of deep visual fusion with me will exponentially increase the load on your brain..."

Yi Chen didn't care at all about his brain fatigue, and instead seemed very excited.

"No~ I just need to get used to it a few more times! This visual experience that can accept more details and more light is so comfortable... Let me take a break, and then we will continue to maintain the previous state of union."

A trace of white smoke overflowed from his head, and the book mark on the back of his head turned quickly, speeding up the recovery of his tired brain.

Little Putao asked with some confusion: "Isn't it already safe? There is still a monitor guarding here. The patients in the mountain will never dare to get even half a step closer, so why do we need to perform visual fusion?

How about we both have a good night's rest? Get ready for your upcoming journey into the Old World. "

Yi Chen had no intention of resting at all.

He put his hands behind his back and tilted his head back to look at the top of the room, "Little Putao, do you really think you can reach the [passage] so easily?"

"Why is it easy? The combination of our visions discovered the hidden wall... Without this discovery, we would still be trapped in the mountain road, climbing like headless flies."

"Is there a possibility that my accidental 'peeping' of the stone disease and the discovery of the hidden wall were all deliberately guided by the other party?

True illusions are not all false,

This kind of illusion, which is both true and false, makes it easier for individuals to fall into it and even believe it.

Of course, this is still my guess,

It is indeed possible that we have actually found the passage, and the gentleman in yellow is indeed the monitor. After all, our vision did not detect any abnormalities.

Before you are 100% sure of safety, you must be on guard.

Next, we pretended that everything was normal and pretended to rest in the monastery... If there is really a problem here, there is a high probability that they will come to us tonight. "

"Listen to you."

During the rest of the day, Yi Chen pretended to be leisurely and wandered around the monastery, trying his best to let his eyes scan every corner without missing any detail.

Still no problems were found, and everything was normal in this historic mountain monastery under the management of the monitors.

The watcher himself remained in front of the statue of the Virgin,

It can even be clearly seen that a little gray matter left by the Virgin's head was sucked into the body as 'food' by the monitor, which is consistent with the rumors.

After a brief stroll, Yi Chen returned to the room honestly, checked the doors and windows blocked by plants again, and then fell asleep.

The gentleman's clothing also switched to "sleep mode" very cooperatively, turning into a fully enclosed sleeping bag to wrap Yi Chen in it.

It's quiet at night.

Under the door panel that should have been blocked by plants, a yellow cloth strip spreads in...

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