The final gentleman

Chapter 198 Freedom

Director Cao originally thought that by saving Yi Chen's life, taking the opportunity to confess his life experience and giving him enough tenderness, he could completely change his personality and make him willing to stay in the orphanage forever and inherit his mantle.

As everyone knows,

Yi Chen, who was lying in bed at night, not only did not have any thoughts, but closed his eyes and reviewed tonight's escape, re-analyzed the high wall structure outside the orphanage, and began to plan his fourth escape.

Yi Chen would vomit every time he thought about Director Cao's 'ingredients' mixed in his body.

Memories continue

Memories about the [Fourth Escape] are being rediscovered,

The hidden depth of this memory is even deeper than the "issue of life experience". It is a memory that is locked deep in Yi Chen's brain and is directly related to the hidden "attribute of death".

Even the old businessman Duke Gallison could not dig out this memory.

Currently, the pores of Yi Chen's body, which was contained in the Duke's flesh cavity, were slightly opened, and traces of black threads representing death began to flow out.

The Duke also took out his favorite snacks, ready to appreciate this hidden memory related to the attribute of death.

"Have you already begun to release death before the memories have officially started? If the [original deceased] knew that there was a little guy like you, he might have directly snatched your ownership from me regardless of his identity."

It was pouring rain and it was a dark night.

Yi Chen, who happened to be ten years old, left bed independently and easily walked around the blind spots of various monitors. With his footsteps matching the impact of raindrops, he easily walked around to the monitoring room of the orphanage.

This was a dangerous behavior that he had not done in the three previous escapes. He chose to kill the security guards in the control room and seize the firearms.

This time,

Yi Chen has made up his mind to either escape or die here.

Yi Chen successfully escaped from the orphanage building before the shooting incident in the monitoring room was exposed.

Now there is only one last problem left, how to climb out of this heavily guarded wall.

Several well-trained armed officers patrol the high black wall surrounding the orphanage 24 hours a day.

Reflect on the third failure.

Yi Chen is like a dancer in the dark, walking perfectly at the intersection of searchlights and hiding in the darkness. Finally, taking advantage of the short gap between shifts, the biological instinct burst out and climbed directly up the ten-meter high black wall.


When Yi Chen successfully climbed over the high wall, there were no lights or cityscapes in front of him. There was only one road at the door that stretched endlessly toward the horizon.

[Black Mountain Orphanage] is actually built in an uninhabited land.

But Yi Chen couldn't control so much anymore, so he had to go to the nearest city even if he had to leave.

At this time, the night shift teacher in charge of the inspection and the security guard in the monitoring room reported that someone had escaped at almost the same time, and determined that the escapee was Yi Chen.

Due to the special environment of the no-man's land, Yi Chen can be captured quickly by calculating the individual's maximum movement range based on the escape time, and then dispatching enough vehicles to conduct a search.

But the orphanage did not do this, or someone vetoed the proposal.

Yi Chen ran wildly along the road for a full hour, draining the remaining energy from the cells in his body. He still couldn't see the end of the road, couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of the city, and couldn't smell the breath of freedom.

It even felt like this road was part of the orphanage, and his feet were still shackled.

Click~ His already overloaded knees made a crisp sound and he fell to the ground.

Yi Chen did not give up. He stretched out his hands, dug his fingers into the cracks in the road, and continued to drag his body forward...

This crawling did not last long,

Ta-ta-ta~ A clear sound of high-heeled shoes came from behind.

Yi Chen had already anticipated this outcome and did not panic. Instead, he showed a relieved smile that was not belonging to a ten-year-old child.

No more crawling,

Instead, he propped himself up and sat in the middle of the road.


The safety was loaded, and the gun was pointed at Director Cao, who slowly walked out of the darkness, filled with grief and anger.

Facing the black muzzle,

Director Cao, a monster that has surpassed humans, was completely unafraid. She squatted in front of Yi Chen, put her forehead against the muzzle of the gun, and asked the last question:



When Yi Chen heard this question, he couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

"I thought you were smart enough, Director Cao, but I didn't expect to ask such a stupid question.

Can't you really see that I want to kill everyone in the orphanage at any time? I want to tear off the disgusting mask on your face, especially your face.

Living with trash like you makes me sick to my stomach every day. "

"Do you think you can do it with a gun?"

Yi Chen smiled and shook his head.

"No, of course I don't think so.

Four heavily armed soldiers were killed instantly by you. How could I pose a threat to you with a gun?

I lost~ I didn't expect the orphanage to be built in such a remote place.

The whistles and the voices of passers-by that I occasionally hear outside the window are all recorded in advance, right? The external scenes occasionally seen through the small window are all deliberately set as holographic images outside the window, right?

If you are not as skilled as others, you are willing to admit defeat. "

The muzzle of the gun instantly turned 180° and the trigger was pulled.

Even if Director Cao responded quickly, he could not stop this behavior.


The spiral bullet penetrated the skull, and the pink brain residue penetrated through the back of the head.

He spread his hands and fell to the ground.

There was a self-deprecating smile on his face.

Yi Chen's purpose of snatching the gun from the control room was never to deal with the difficult situation, it was just to leave a way out for himself.


Director Cao's screams echoed in the no man's land.

【Old World】

Seeing this scene, the Duke couldn't help but shake off a lot of snacks. He himself didn't expect that Yi Chen was really dead. It was impossible to save him according to the background setting in his memory.


The memory screen continues to play,

It's just that the picture changes from color to black and white, accompanied by frame skipping and signal interference.

Director Cao did not give up. She grew centipede-like appendages and sprinted towards the orphanage at an even faster speed.

Unfortunately, the journey still took six minutes, and a large number of brain cells were dead, not to mention that the bullet penetrated the brain. Even the most skilled doctor in the orphanage was unable to do anything.

Director Cao injected various self-developed heart-stimulating and brain-stimulating injections into Yi Chen, but there was still no reaction.

"Declared dead"

Yi Chen was put on a special trolley, or a trolley that only corpses would lie on.

Director Cao could not accept this situation. He pointed at the corpse cart and cursed wildly, but his voice could not be transmitted into the black and white screen and gradually faded away.

Gradually, only the staff handling the corpses and the occasional peeping tom, Teacher Fang, appear in the corner. Fang Qiong's tear-filled eyes and tear stains on her cheeks can be seen from part of the freeze-frame.

The output of corpses in the orphanage is astonishing. If a cemetery were to be planned, it would take more than ten years for this no-man's land to become a 'people' area.

Therefore, there is a deep pit under the orphanage specifically for piles of corpses, which is burned once a month.

It is now the 20th of this month, and quite a few corpses have been piled up inside, most of which are inhuman shape and broken.

Yi Chen's head-shot corpse was considered the most complete.

The cart tilted, and the body fell right on top of the pile.

Perhaps due to Yi Chen's death, Director Cao's temperament has changed drastically recently, and he went on a killing spree in the orphanage. Various experiments also used the most dangerous and maximum dose coercive mode, and the number of dead increased to 3 to 4 times the usual number.

Time soon came to the end of the month, and the corpse pit was completely filled.

Strangely, Yi Chen's body is still at the top.

Just when the staff opened the valve to prepare for a large-scale incineration, due to too many corpses, the top seal could not be closed. They had to move the top corpse out first and conduct a second incineration process later.

Yi Chen, who was at the top, was naturally temporarily removed.

The staff did not notice that the other corpses in the pit felt more or less like they had been sucked dry.

While waiting for the incineration, the staff couldn't help but glance at Yi Chen, a well-preserved boy with almost no decay, and made a plan in his mind.

He'll have the chance to leave the orphanage next week and ride into the city to collect goods.

His family was originally in the funeral business. He knew very well that such a young, handsome and well-preserved corpse could be sold for a very high price, so he secretly preserved the corpse.

They even put on "death makeup" in advance - white background and red lips. They used a special white paint to ensure the freshness of the corpse, covered up the bullet holes in the head, and labeled it "corpse specimen".

In this way, Yi Chen's body was put on the truck as a "specimen" and drove to the city.

When the truck arrived at its destination, when the rear door was opened, the body was missing.

Since the body was illegally transferred by him, he naturally did not dare to pursue the case.

In some corner of the city,

Yi Chen, who was wearing dead makeup, picked up a suit that had been thrown away due to size issues at a garbage station in a wealthy area.

Change into clothing and wear a hat that conceals your appearance.

With her red lips slightly curled up, she suppressed her inner excitement and walked into the bustling crowd...

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