The final gentleman

Chapter 203 The Moon in the Water

The lower body was cut off,

This brought Yi Chen, who was already weak, to the edge of coma instantly, and his consciousness gradually faded.

If it weren't for the umbilical cord struggling to support himself in the body, Yi Chen would have fainted the moment he returned to reality.

Staring at the three monks in front of him, he also recalled the Duke's previous warning about the iron chains in his mind. He didn't expect that he would be approached by them on his way back to the city.

Not to mention whether the other party’s ‘invitation’ is friendly or not,

Yi Chen has stayed in the old world for far longer than expected, and he must go back immediately.

As the injury worsened.

Due to being bitten by a snake-shaped iron chain, although the lower body has been removed, a small amount of severe pain and poison still spread to the upper body.

Little Grape tried to secrete river saliva to resist, but couldn't stop it at all.

"Little Putao, remove the disguise from the right half of your body...otherwise you will also be dragged into the water." 』

"I have awakened the memory of the first corpse. Witchcraft may be able to resist it. 』

"Release~quickly!" Otherwise we all have to die. 』

Because Little Grape was responsible for Yi Chen's right half, it was also very uncomfortable due to the destruction of its lower body and the invasion of death... not to mention having to block the painful toxins.

Feeling Yi Chen's strong obsession, it finally chose to compromise.

Mimicry is lifted,

A black fur ball landed on Yi Chen's other shoulder, and he had even made plans to take Yi Chen's body back to the Seven Days Cemetery for burial.

At this time, Yi Chen was also on the verge of collapse.

The remaining left half of his body couldn't hold on at all, and his life might be in danger at any time. He leaned against Yuehen's ear and said the last words:

"If it doesn't work, just throw my left half here... They guys will definitely take me to the so-called monastery, and maybe there will be a glimmer of hope."


Yuehen decisively refused, "Have a good rest, I will find a way."

Yi Chen couldn't hold on any longer. Just when his consciousness was sinking, he suddenly felt a cold feeling flashing across his neck.

On the dunes.

The upper left half of Yi Chen's body was thrown to the ground, and his entire head had been cut off.

With a look of disgust on his face, Lorian handed his head to the nurse sister whose face was covered with bandages to store it in a sterile refrigerator.

Similarly, the female doctor's head was also included in it, retreating into the moonlight.

After unloading the burden, Lorian began to do preparatory exercises, moved his cervical vertebrae, and looked down at the three people on the sand dune.

Something is coming!

Similar to the method used to restrain Yi Chen's lower body before, the snake-shaped chains came out from under his feet, quickly and silently.

Lorian put his hands in his pockets, jumped up to a height of tens of meters, and then performed a volley on the moon, as if he was stepping on a full moon under his feet.

Reach higher positions through this "double jump".

A hundred meters above the ground.

Thinking that this height was safe enough, Lorian also prepared to take the opportunity to summon the moon.

Who knows,

The strong man with hammer-shaped iron chains hanging on his upper body relied on the purest brute force, bent his knees and kicked... Buzz! He jumped like a rocket and reached the same height instantly.


Lorian quickly took out his hands from his pockets and stretched them out in front of him.


A moon-shaped prism formed in front of him, trying to buy himself time to escape with the help of illusion induction and the prism's own defense.

Boom! The mirror is broken!

Because this male monk wears the Iron Maiden, his brain is constantly experiencing pain, and he can completely ignore the illusion effects produced by prism refraction.

When the arms are accumulating strength, various thick iron chains grow out of the pores, entangled layer by layer, and even the space is slightly bent!

Hold your fist and hammer hard!

The power of this blow was beyond imagination, and the moonlight prism was directly destroyed.

Lorian, who was hiding behind, couldn't believe it. He could only twist his body as much as possible to try to relieve the pressure.

Snapped! A circle of air waves exploded in the air.

The curved moon mark fell diagonally, so fast that it could not be seen clearly with the naked eye.

boom! The impact on the sand caused a large amount of sand particles to splash up. Lorian sprayed silver blood from his mouth after suffering this heavy blow. The liquid in the copper frame on his head was reduced by 1/3.

Just when he was about to get up and adjust his condition... click! Some mechanism was triggered.

A spiked structure shaped like a black obelisk instantly penetrated Lorian's body, and the penetrated part spread out like an umbrella, further fixing it and making it impossible to remove.

Immediately afterwards, more small obelisks grew from the ground,

It penetrated his neck, mouth, and limbs, completely immobilizing him so that he could not move at all.

A stream of painful energy from the obelisk was injected instantly,

Luo Li'an's body tensed up, blood spurted out from all his orifices, and he twitched wildly... The moonlight liquid between the frames on his head continued to decrease in the process.

The leader of the three, the monk who wore his skin turned out like a fashionable coat and turned up his collar, slowly rose up from the trap.

He was given the title "The Detainer" in the monastery. His iron chain has been completely alienated and can create all kinds of extremely dangerous traps. Once people of the same level fall into the trap, it is almost impossible to escape.

The stitched mouth under the collar made a strange sound:

"Hand over that guy's brain and I will stop the instillation of pain and grant you a generous death immediately."

Even though his whole body was spurting blood and twisting in pain, Lorian still firmly rejected: "No."

The detainee shook his head in disappointment, "It's always like this. Before the pain reaches the critical level, most people will make decisions that they regret... It's really disappointing. Is this a patient born with the help of the outside world? ?”

He slowly raised his fleshy palm, whose skin had been cut open, and there was some ancient inscription embedded in the palm.

for a time,

The obelisk that penetrated Lorian's body began to rotate, increasing the infusion of pain, and the copper frame of the open source patient began to show cracks.

Violent screams echoed in the desert area.


The liquid ran out and the copper frame shattered.

The so-called critical value has arrived, and the great pain has almost completely destroyed Lorian's will. The seemingly unruly silver-haired young man stared at his eyeballs that almost burst out of his sockets, begging for mercy again and again.

"Ah~ah! I can't bear it! Please kill... me! As long as I die, William's brain will fall out of the moonlight.

Kill me quickly~! Sorry, I'd do anything! "


Faced with this situation of begging for mercy, it is generally normal. Most people will do this when the critical point is reached.

However, the detainee felt a trace of 'violation'. As this sense of violation slowly dissipated in his heart, he felt more and more something was wrong.

"Could it be..."

The detainee's arms quickly grew chains,

These iron chains showed clear rectangular features, with obelisk-like structures at the joints, and began to whip their bodies violently.

Flushing the body with self-blood and awakening the brain with severe pain.

Buzz! There was a flash of moonlight.

The scenes of battle, detention, and torture in front of him all disappeared.

He still stayed at the position where he first appeared, without moving a step.

The hollow in the sand where the three of them were standing was filled with ice-cold water, and the reflection of the moon was reflected in the water.

What's even more strange is that there is no moon in the sky.

Although the prisoner breaks free from the deep illusion,

But his two companions were still staring at the reflection in the water with dull eyes, stuck in it and unable to extricate themselves.

Emotions such as humiliation, anger, and incompetence were intertwined in his heart. He could only continue to beat his body to vent his emotions and try to atone for his sins.

At this moment, Yuehen has arrived at the stone temple where the [passage] is located.

The corners of his mouth kept twitching,

Being in the Duke's gambling game was already frustrating enough. In the situation just now, Lorian wanted to make full use of his abilities. Even if he couldn't kill the three people, he still wanted to make them worse than death.

But Yi Chen's condition is indeed bad, and he may really die if he delays.

"Really~ You have to give up such a good fighting opportunity, how can you repay me~ William."

Lorian slowly adjusted his emotions and climbed into the passage between the stone temples.

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