The final gentleman

Chapter 207 Secret Room

O'Falostik College, Chamberson's Office.

A small treasure chest made of old world gold was placed on the table, and Chamberson tried to open the lock by pouring controllable wind into it.

As a result, as soon as the breeze poured in, a large amount of gold liquid overflowed from the keyhole and blocked it directly.

"This kind of thing can never exist on the surface of the old world. William, have you gone to the depths? Even I have never seen this kind of gold processing method in the old world. It is too clever."

"This is probably what happened..."

Teacher Chamberson is absolutely trustworthy. Yi Chen did not hide anything and told him in detail about his chance encounter with the [Businessman of the Old World] and his gambling.

"I didn't expect you to have such an opportunity. Maybe it was the good luck that staying with Patient Zero brought you."

For a moment, Chamberson's "owl's eyes" seemed to be able to see endless possibilities in Yi Chen.

"Professor, do you want to see this relic?"

"This is yours, you can show it to me if you want."

Yi Chen took out the golden key from his body and inserted it into the keyhole.

An alien Rubik's Cube with a 'maze-shaped' brain sulcus circuit engraved on its surface appeared. Its unique structure allowed Chamberson to quickly immerse himself in it, and he could even spy some indescribable strange phenomena.

“There are such exquisite relics!

Relics are often by-products of life in the old world after they have completed an important stage of growth.

This by-product records its growth process and the remaining essential essence. Most of them are very intuitive, and their specific categories and functions can be determined at a glance, such as the umbilical cord you first got.

This Rubik's Cube is completely different. It hides its characteristics inside.

If you want to truly make use of this relic and use it to break through the "limits of man", you must first decipher it.

It may take a long time, and unknown pathogenic substances may be produced during the decryption process, or even cause some pathological abnormalities.

That’s great! I will arrange a secret room with a seal on the lower street. When you are free, you can go there to decipher the Rubik's Cube. "

"Thank you, Professor."

"In addition, due to the special circumstances of the "Relic Incident", there should be some cursory questioning and psychological examination conducted by the staff of the Gentlemen's Hall on you later.

If you are asked about obtaining relics, this is your private matter and you may choose not to answer.

If you encounter a more troublesome situation, you can disclose the "black umbilical cord", but things about the Rubik's Cube must not be exposed in Zion.

The value of the three-attribute relic is immeasurable. It will bring out the greed hidden deep in the human heart and will inevitably lead to trouble. "


"I'm going to prepare the [Secret Room] now, and I'll let you know when it's ready.

It's best to go see Instructor Bailey in the remaining time. Her student failed to come back with you. As the temporary captain, you need to give her an explanation. "


When Chamberson left, he patted Yi Chen's shoulder heavily with his palm.


In an office filled with finger display cases,

The long black legs were crossed on the table. Hearing Yi Chen tell the story of the incident,

"If Jin follows the direction of Honglian's growth and explores, there should be no problem. She will not die. The worst case scenario is that she cannot be defined as a [human] and cannot return to the organization.

She had never considered Zion her home anyway, so it didn't matter.

Let her be~"

When talking about this, Yi Chen happened to have a question: "I have heard her talk about Jin's disease characteristics - [Red Lotus] before, and it seems to be related to 'father'... What does the specific disease correspond to?"

"It is one of the most dangerous "cancer diseases" and is almost the overlord among physical diseases. Since the development of the organization, there are only a handful of gentlemen who can control cancer.

This is related to Jin's tragic childhood experience. You need to understand the details yourself, provided that she can still come back. "

"Well, I do believe Jin will come back."

"Are you so sure? It seems that this trip has brought you two closer~"

At this point, Instructor Bailey seemed to want to discuss some personal matters with Yi Chen and used the same tactics as before.

The soles of feet covered with black stockings appeared in a flash,

He clamped Yi Chen's tie and tried to drag him to the desk.

But this time it's different,

Instructor Bailey received a very intuitive feedback - [Heavy].

Compared to before, this time it felt like she was dragging ten Yi Chen's weight, which almost made her toes cramp.

"Why have you become so heavy? It's not exactly a matter of weight gain, it's more of a physical calmness... If you don't give me a quick rub, it almost gives me a leg cramp."

Yi Chen, who was dragged to the desk, couldn't refuse, so he could only pinch his calf with both hands and rub it slowly.

"Your physique should be reaching its limit soon, right? And even if it reaches its limit, it shouldn't be so heavy... Has your body fundamentally changed during your journey to the old world?"


"What changes, show me."

Yi Chen didn't hide it either. After all, instructor Bailey was half his mentor.

One hand is still rubbing the leg,

On the other hand, an iron chain with needles grew from the palm of the hand.

The moment the chain appeared, Bailey jumped back instinctively, and pulled out a special length-changing blade from under the desk.

If it were not Yi Chen, but a strange gentleman, Bailey might directly cut his throat and behead him.

The concentration of disease emitted by the acupuncture iron chain far exceeds the conventional standards. Only in the old world can such alienated chain characteristics be seen.

Yi Chen hurriedly explained, "Instructor Bailey, the original plant disease in my body eventually turned into such an iron chain after being infected by old world substances."

"Pain...this kind of chain will cause pain, right?"


"It's true! If you were to contain this kind of thing in your body, other gentlemen would have died hundreds of times. I'm afraid only Zed and you have physiques like Zed that can tolerate this disease.

What you gained this time is really amazing. I can’t even imagine the specific state you can achieve after breaking through your limits.

Originally, I was thinking about having a discussion with you, but I’d better forget it now. Being hit by this thing is enough to hurt me for days and nights. You’d better go back and have a good ‘communication’ with Zed. "


"When you are ready to make a breakthrough, if you are willing to show it publicly, remember to let me know."

"Do you still need to rub your legs?"

Instructor Bailey bent down and poked his calf, "Don't... I don't want to have my calf pierced by a steel needle. You should have a lot of things to deal with just after you returned to the city, so go do other things quickly."


Farewell to the instructor,

Yi Chen immediately went to the power station to meet with Regan to see what relic the other party had obtained.

After arriving, he was told that Reagan was in an important stage of retreat and was in the deepest [charge area] of the power station, which was personally approved by the director.

If you want to meet, you will probably have to wait until Reagan breaks through.

When Yi Chen came out of the power station and was about to go back to school to meet with Zed,


In the blink of an eye, a white owl stood on Yi Chen's shoulder, guiding him to the 'decryption chamber' prepared by Chamberson.

The secret room is located next to the nameless clothing store, a remote store that has been unrented for many years.

If there is a big change during the deciphering process, Ivan, the owner of the clothing store, can come out to smooth things over.

The shop full of spider webs is filled with weird models that Chamberson borrowed from the clothing store, and has a rusty signboard - "Unnamed Warehouse", pretending to be a clothing store rented to store excess models. Compartment warehouse.

Passing through the mannequin and touching the hidden button between the floor tiles, a secret passage to the basement opens.

The basement that had been buried for several years and had not been used had been simply tidied up by Chamberson using wind magic.

There are seals between the walls and the cracks in the floor, and the sound of wind lingering in the ears means that the barrier has been established.

"Ivan will handle some superficial problems. If the wind barrier is destroyed, I will come over as soon as possible.

Just feel free to do the deciphering work here. "

"Thank you, Professor."

"Continue to maintain this state and reach a level that exceeds our expectations."

After Chamberson left, Yi Chen found a chair and sat in the middle of the basement.

With the kerosene lamp hanging overhead, the first decipherment of the relics began.

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