The final gentleman

Chapter 215 The Dead City

A high-end carriage is waiting outside the door of the Gentlemen's Hall.

Everyone also gave priority to Mr. Hervoye to get on the bus.

The old man who was born as a coroner has wrapped himself almost airtight,

Old-style round hat, light brown stand-collar windbreaker, dark red tie and white shirt with vertical lines.

A pair of well-fitting rain boots were tied under his suit trousers, or rather his unique kind of footwear.

Both hands are also wearing black gloves made of rubber-like material.

Only the hooked nose and surrounding wrinkle lines can be seen on the face.

Being able to work in Zion until retirement, and breaking the limits can increase human lifespan, it is estimated that this old gentleman is about a hundred years old.

Everyone seemed more reserved after getting on the bus, until the old gentleman took off his round hat, revealing his long gray hair. His eagle-like eyes seemed to be able to see through everyone's physical condition, and even conduct 'anatomy' through his eyes.

After scanning his teammates in the car, the old man spoke first:

"Being able to pass Aggie's review shows that you three young people are quite capable.

First of all, let me explain our primary task of going to Levenholm this time, and work with the local gentlemen to deal with the excess civilian corpses. I will select some special and valuable corpses for autopsy.

In addition, I may need an assistant to help me document, bag, and deliver tools during the autopsy, and to assist with the dissection when necessary.

Do you have any experience with autopsies or simple disposal of corpses? "

When Yi Chen was about to raise his hand, the white-robed Lotson on the side said first:

"The ancient magic that I am proficient in is related to the physical body. My father gave me anatomy training when I was a child. I am familiar with the regular anatomical procedures and am particularly good at handling [blood]."

"Ancient magic, the bloodline inherited from the family? If I guessed correctly, it should be "blood magic", right? "

"That's right."

"Well, I'll let you be my assistant for the time being."

"I will do my best to assist Mr. Hervoye."

Seeing that there seemed to be only one assistant, and that Lotson had received professional training, Yi Chen stopped competing for the assistant position.

Rather than being confined to the old man's side to assist in the autopsy, Yi Chen wanted to find an opportunity to investigate this mysterious death on his own.

However, there is a very important point in the conversation just now.

The ancient magic that the white-robed Lotson is proficient in is actually related to blood. This explains the last relic incident and why Lotson chose the [Baron Route] with unknown difficulty and uncontrollable risks, but also related to blood.

Yi Chen even suspected that Lotson and his team had not eradicated the mysterious Baron.

Even the Baron was not dead at all, but through some form of curse transfer and disease grafting, his consciousness was combined with Lotson's blood and even his brain, which had an invisible influence on him.

It was precisely because of the Baron's influence that Yi Chen felt this sense of dissonance.

But it could also be something else. Yi Chen would not make a conclusion easily without definite evidence.

As the white-robed Lotson and the old gentleman began to have some anatomical exchanges, the heavily armored knight Barry also slowly approached Yi Chen and asked in a low voice:

"William, how did you gain from the last incident? Did you get any suitable relics?"

"Yeah." Yi Chen pointed to his abdomen, indicating that the relics were there.

"Congratulations! What about the two teammates around you who are almost abnormal in strength? Are you also a temporary team?"

"That's not true. Jin is still in the old world. Reagan is retreating in the power station and may break through human limits at any time."

Such an answer puzzled the honest-looking Barry, "You actually got two relics that fit your own attributes at once, but Miss Jin got lost while exploring the old world. What happened?"

"No, the three of us chose to split up as soon as we arrived in the old world to maximize the use of time."

"Split up!? Wow~ You monsters don't give civilians like us a chance to catch up."

Now that the topic has been opened, Yi Chen also started to ask some questions that he was curious about.

He asked about Barry's knight family and related characteristics, and even touched this unique "armor costume".

According to Barry, if he can break through the limit and the leather content of the armor reaches more than 50%, he can make the armor form an independent individual and turn into an armored knight to fight alongside him.

When combined, they can even grow "Wings of Heaven", greatly increasing their overall combat power.

The history of the Barry family can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Generations of ancestors have been brave and skilled knights. The inherited bloodline gives Barry an innate physique and spirit.

The spirit of chivalry can be released in the form of a halo, providing an increase for all members of the team.

Barry's aura, called "Heavy Aura," increases the team members' defense against physical attacks. Under the influence of the aura, the team members' clothing will even have a metal structure similar to knight's armor.

Gray clouds over the city

The carriage was driving on the open road, and everyone could already glimpse the city outline of [Levenholm] through the car windows. However, compared to the surrounding countryside, the fog over the city was obviously thicker.

Some of the fog has even settled on the streets, giving it a "fog city" feel.

Yi Chen tried to use Little Putao's vision to see through the clouds, but the effect was not good... Even at night, the moon may not be visible.

"William, after you finish the relevant matters, if you have time, go to the cemetery here. I can smell a strong smell of the cemetery from such a distance. The cemetery of the third largest city under this kind of organization must be different.

The size and number of buried corpses are probably several times that of the Seven Days Cemetery. 』

"Well, if you have some free time, I'll take a look. 』

The carriage drove along the avenue into the city,

Even through the car window, you can intuitively feel the sense of death. There is no one on the street, and every house has a seal. Occasionally, a pair of eyes will peek out from the closed curtains to observe the passing vehicles.

When passing by open spaces, squares or parks, you can see a temporary "morgue" built using special steel plates and tents.

Some gentlemen wrapped in coats and wearing breathing masks were transporting the corpses. All corpses were sealed in black cloth bags to prevent possible death factors in their bodies from leaking out.

Horse-drawn carriages travel through the city,

If you put aside the fog and the sense of death, the whole city is actually quite normal. The streets and buildings give people a very clean feeling.

at this time,

Yi Chen accidentally caught a group of rats emerging from the sewers, but they didn't look like they were out looking for food, but instead ran regularly.

They seemed to feel the vision on the carriage, and their running speed became consistent with the carriage, and the two were relatively stationary.

Following Yi Chen's gaze, the rats actually began to change their formation.

At this moment, a voice came: "William, what are you looking at?"

The white-haired Lotson suddenly squeezed over, moved his head to the car window, and looked out the window together.

The mice that were originally running with the carriage stopped immediately and dispersed quickly.

"So you are looking at these little creatures~ Indeed, in a city haunted by death, any creature may be affected. Is there anything wrong with these rats?"

"Not yet."

The carriage finally stopped at the city hall,

The administrators of Lewenholm were already in a state of panic and did not care about Yi Chen and the group of students who came to do the task. It was only because of Mr. Hervoye's identity that they received temporary friendly reception.

Only Helvoye was invited into the mayor's office, while Yi Chen and the other three were waiting outside.

About half an hour passed,

Helvoye lowered the brim of his hat to block his unsightly expression, "I have obtained the [autopsy certificate] and can conduct testing in any morgue. Come with me~ Let's start with the oldest deceased first. I hope there will be no Too late."

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