The final gentleman

Chapter 222 Commendation

Looking at the filth in the isolation container, the atmosphere was really awkward.

Those who didn't know better thought that Yi Chen and Barry had gone insane, so they went to the sewer to salvage a pile of filth, saying that they were death-related patients.

But Dean Dis could determine at a glance that these filths were unusual, or that there was something hidden among the filths. Perhaps it was these things that 'connected' the various filths together to form the original image of the old lady.

After getting rid of the shackles of the gentleman's skin,

The black liquid between these filths slowly activated and turned into liquid threads that connected different filths. She was not returning to the original old lady, but preparing to build something else.


A kind of series of various animal carcasses, a suspected cross structure is about to be formed.

Dean Dis suddenly dug out his right eye. This behavior immediately aroused a strong interest in the little grape in Yi Chen's body, but he immediately became disappointed. It seemed that the thing was not exactly a grape.

The gouged eyeballs were stained with golden liquid. There were no nerve connections at the tail, and they were in a perfect spherical shape.

The eyeball seemed to be an independent entity, flying out of Dean Yu's palm and hanging at the top of the containment chamber.


With the dean's snap of his fingers,

This eyeball instantly burst into dazzling light, like a miniature sun.


Zizzi~ The irradiated black liquid made a terrifying scream, no longer forming a cross, and quickly dismantled into multiple different parts, hiding among various filth to avoid direct sunlight.

The difference is that

When Yi Chen and others felt the sunlight, their bodies felt as if they were being injected with energy. The iron chains integrated with plant attributes even became active under such sunlight, as if they were performing an alternative form of photosynthesis.

"well done!"

Dean Dis' palm gently patted the shoulders of the two men, and the right eye that had just been removed had fully recovered.

Yi Chen explained humbly: "It's just luck. On the way back, I happened to find that the house that was supposed to be empty had the lights on unexpectedly, and I happened to see someone moving.

I estimate that there are many similar situations in the city. We can send people to search the residential houses where people have died, and maybe we can find similar patients. "

Dean Dis cast an appreciative look, "You have a very high level of insight~ It is impossible for ordinary people to notice this situation during ordinary inspections.

You should have a dedicated tutor or instructor in Zion, right? "

“Professor Chamberson was my number one mentor.”

"Bai Xiao? No wonder you have such good eyesight... Have you considered becoming a doctor in the future? If you have this idea, you can come to me directly after this incident.

I can help you skip the apprenticeship stage and start directly as a doctor. "

"Thank you, Dean, for your appreciation. I am more inclined to go in the direction of [Monitor]."

"...Oh, what a pity."

Dean Dis did not force it and moved to another topic, "This contribution you have made will greatly speed up the investigation of death. Next, as we touch the pathogen, the real danger may appear directly.

I can write you a letter of praise related to the mission right now. With this letter, you can return to Zion to submit the mission. "

Yi Chen immediately waved his hand and refused. He was not here solely for the mission rewards. The fun has just begun, and the most interesting time is next.

"I still want to stay here and continue to assist in the investigation, Barry... do you want to go back?"

Yi Chen could see that Knight Barry regretted coming here and was not very good at dealing with such incidents, so it was just right to take this opportunity to let him go back.

"Let's investigate together."

Although he seemed to be answering firmly, his expression was actually contorted under Barry's bucket mask.

I don't know why, but a certain impulse that suddenly surged out of his body completely suppressed his timidity. If he wanted to continue to cooperate with Yi Chen, he had to at least show a relevant 'effect'.

After only one day of cooperation, Barry realized that Yi Chen was an absolute monster and would completely surpass him in just a few months.

Currently, this is the only opportunity for cooperation, and he wants to cherish this opportunity.

Seeing that the two were so determined, Dean Dis said nothing more and took out the sun badge from his pocket and handed it to the two.

"After putting it on, you will have the permissions of [Sun Church], and you can directly enter some forbidden areas in the city. It may also save your life in critical moments, but of course, it mainly depends on you."

"Thank you, Dean."

"I hope you can make breakthrough discoveries... By the way~ This is the 'pattern' extracted by Mr. Hervoye. You should avoid visual contact with such symbols during the investigation."

"Hmm! Have you confirmed that it is a visual transmission?"

Yi Chen took the paper and returned it immediately after roughly knowing the pattern. He had no knowledge of this pattern with a small circle on the cross and had never seen it before.

The dean patted his shoulder again, "It's getting late tonight. You can go to the nearest concentration camp to rest for the night. With the badges on your body, the people there will arrange good rooms for you."


Yi Chen did not refuse this proposal. Faced with this unknown mental illness, it was very important to have a good rest.

But there was one more thing he needed to do before heading to the concentration camp.

When he walked out of the isolation room, a hand suddenly put his shoulder from behind. It was the white-haired Lotson.

"William, I knew you would be able to make a breakthrough investigation~ Great! In this way, we may be able to end the mission early and go back to receive the organization's awards.

I will also work hard to assist Mr. Hervoye in making an anatomical breakthrough. "

Lotson still narrowed his eyes, and his words made Yi Chen very uncomfortable.

"Well, I hope nothing goes wrong."

Yi Chen also deliberately said this to the other party.

"Don't worry, this is the Sunshine Clinic. Mr. Hervoye is a strong man who breaks through the limits. What can go wrong with him here? Good night, go to the concentration camp and have a good rest."

Still using his signature waving gesture, he watched Yi Chen and the others leave.

A carriage was even prepared outside the hospital door to take the two to the concentration camp, but Yi Chen politely refused because it was not too late and he wanted to familiarize himself with the city on foot.

Moreover, the nearest concentration camp is a large hotel, which is less than a kilometer away from the hospital and can be walked in a few minutes.


Just when he was about to reach the hotel, Yi Chen suddenly turned into another street.

"William, where are you going? Isn't the hotel right in front?"

"It's still early, it would be too wasteful to go back and rest now. Since you have received the status given by the dean, you should seize the opportunity and make full use of it.

I'm going to go to the cemetery area. Barry, will you come? "

"Wai Ri~ Haven't you already concluded that you are easily targeted by death if you are alone? Can I still refuse?"

"Then let's go."

Half an hour later,

In a street without any residential buildings and all street lights turned off, the fog flooded the entire street like a river. Even with the kerosene lamp in hand, the visibility could not exceed three meters.

Barry, who was wearing heavy armor, was a little scared. He always stayed close to Yi Chen, making sure that the armor was in constant contact with the other person's clothes.

I don’t know how long it has passed,

Yi Chen suddenly turned around, adjusted the brightness of the kerosene lamp to the maximum, and stretched it forward.

The majestic and gloomy black door is revealed in the mist,

A gargoyle squatting on top of the gate suddenly opened its eyes, its crimson eyes staring at the two strange outsiders~Click! The rock formations covering it began to loosen and seemed to be coming to life.

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