The final gentleman

Chapter 226 Speeding up Death

Early next morning.

Barry woke himself up with a loud snoring. When he sat up on the big bed, he caught a glimpse of Yi Chen who was meditating on the sofa, and he was in a very strange state.

Metal needle structures grew all over his body, as if the needles were part of Yi Chen.

Just looking at it made Barry feel a vague sting, and he never wanted to touch the needles on it.

At this moment, the needle was slowly withdrawn, and Yi Chen opened his clear and transparent eyes.

"Barry, are you awake? Let's go downstairs and have a meal and then head out."

"Okay." Barry stood up and put on the armor, still a little concerned about the needle pricks just now, "William, what's going on with those metal needles growing in your body? I remember that when I fought you, I didn't feel this kind of thing in your body at all. .”

"Something I just got in the old world not long ago."

"In addition to the relics, are there any additional physical gains?"

As soon as these words were spoken, Barry instantly felt that the gap between him and Yi Chen had widened a lot.

"By the way, nothing happened last night, right?"

When Barry asked this question, Yi Chen glanced at the hammer emblem between the big shield and said, "Nothing's wrong."

When taking the elevator to the restaurant on the second floor.

Yi Chen found that the gentlemen who were eating here all looked gloomy and had no energy at all. They were completely different from the energetic young people in Zion.

Barry said from the side:

"These were not able to stay in Zion, but were assigned to cities under the organization, which basically means there is no future at all. Of course, except for clinic apprentices and some special staff.

These gentlemen are often past the age of best breakthrough and have limited potential. The [Relic Incident] newly discovered by the organization will not be their turn at all, unless they can make a contribution that impresses the organization in the place where they are stationed.

Of course, no matter what, it is much better than ordinary people.

Hey~ I have to work hard. If I still can't make a breakthrough in another two years, the organization will give up on cultivating me. Even if I can stay in Zion with the help of family power, there is basically no hope of breakthrough. "

Yi Chen gently patted Barry on the shoulder, "This incident is a great opportunity. As long as we can go back smoothly, the organization should arrange the relic incident for you."

"Yes, I have to work harder."

Barry stuffed three croissants into his mouth and looked ready to go.

Barry, who had eaten breakfast for three people, looked around: "Speaking of which, there seem to be some gentlemen here who have reached their limit, are experienced and familiar with the urban area. How about recruiting them to join us?"

Yi Chen, who was slurping meat sauce noodles, quickly shook his head. Next to his plate were the city map and sewer route map of Levenholm.

“In the face of the unknown, people like us who are not familiar with the city need to find problems more easily. Moreover, these people have no fighting spirit, and calling them will only hinder us.

If death is inevitable, it will only be the two of us, so as not to drag others down. "

Barry's heart skipped a beat when he heard these words. He always felt like he was working with a madman.

When the comfortable breakfast time was over and the two were preparing to set off, they saw a panicked hotel staff walking quickly to the center of the restaurant and conveying important information loudly:

"Gentlemen, please pay attention! We have just received news from the team stationed in the Dome River. More than 900 civilians committed suicide by throwing themselves into the lake on a rainy night last night. Their bodies are currently floating on the lake. A large number of residents in other neighborhoods have also died.

Gentlemen who have reached [the limit] should immediately go to the Dome River to gather and help salvage and load the bodies. "

These words caused an uproar in the cafeteria.

You must know that the previous deaths were all 'sneaky' deaths. This was the first time we saw such a collective death, and an uneasy atmosphere permeated the entire cafeteria.

Yi Chen frowned and thought in his mind:

"After the [pattern] transmitted by death was unearthed by the hospital, and I captured a deceased person alive, are the guys hiding in the dark ready to make big moves?" 』

At this moment, a frightened young gentleman in the cafeteria said:

"I...many of us have not reached our limit and cannot be of much help. We can only use public resources temporarily if we stay in the hotel. It is better for us to evacuate the city in advance to reduce the burden."

However, the person in charge responded with a serious face: "Zion has issued a notice. In order to avoid the leakage and infection of death factors, no one is allowed to leave until the exact source of infection and its nature are identified, or a unified evacuation instruction is received. Levenholm.

Once someone evacuates without permission, he will be regarded as a "defector". "

As soon as these words came out, panic spread in the restaurant.

"Gentlemen who have reached the limit, please bring your equipment and props, gather in the lobby within five minutes, and head to the Dome River together."

Yi Chen stood up immediately and snapped his fingers in front of the stunned Barry, "Let's go!"

The Dom, an inner city river that runs through Levenholm from west to east.

Due to heavy rain last night, the water level has risen almost to the shore.

Soaked and swollen corpses, face down, were crowded on the lake. The gentlemen are using their own abilities to put the body in a body bag with isolation effect, and then carefully fish it ashore.

Yi Chen, who arrived, did not participate in the salvage work, but stood on an arch bridge and carefully observed the corpses on the lake, quite puzzled.

The gentlemen nearby could not help but regard Yi Chen's behavior as "idleness", and occasionally cast disdainful glances at him.

Until a palm gently placed on Yi Chen's shoulder, the gentlemen around him who cast strange glances immediately turned their heads with shock on their faces.

Dark skinned bald head, sun structured back decoration.

Dean Dis actually took the initiative to walk onto the arch bridge and put a hand on Yi Chen's shoulder, "William Behrens, you seem to have some doubts about this [mass suicide]?"

Even though he felt the dean's arrival, Yi Chen was still focused on the lake and did not look back.

"The other party obviously wanted to speed up the rate of death invasion because we discovered the [Death Symbol] and captured the dead alive. They took advantage of last night's heavy rain to directly affect a large number of civilians and directly carried out such a mass suicide.

But last night, heavy rain clearly enveloped the entire urban area. Why did residents along the river choose to commit suicide by drowning instead of solving the problem at home?

If I remember correctly, most of the gentlemen who have committed suicide were found in rivers and bridges.

If it is just suicide, it can be done anywhere. If you choose a river, it means that the other party wants to get something from the suicide that happened in the Dome River.

By the way, Dean Dis, did you get any conclusions from the samples of the deceased yesterday? "

"Currently, it is only known that the black liquid in the patient's body can connect the corpses of various creatures together, pretending to be the appearance of the deceased, and completely inheriting the memory.

Once these liquids are separated from their attachments, they will quickly evaporate into colorless and invisible gases.

More conclusions are still under investigation by Mr. Hervoye Sr. "

"A colorless, invisible gas that carries memories, connections, and..."

Yi Chen vaguely noticed something,

"If I guess correctly, after death, these suicides will pass on a 'thing' that carries their memories, and then invade the corpses of other animals to construct the dead body and disguise it as they were in life.

So many people died in the Dome that the 'stuff' passed from their bodies threatened to settle below the river bed.

I recommend targeting the sewer area near the River Dome. "

"Yes, it's just as I thought... The Church of the Sun under my command is already on the way. Do you want to go?"

"Okay, Barry and I will join in."

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