The final gentleman

Chapter 232 Homologous Induction

【Sunshine Hotel】

About 70% of the gentlemen in the entire urban area who have not exceeded their limits are concentrated in this hotel. Yi Chen and Barry also spent the night here last night and had a sumptuous breakfast for free in the morning.

The gentleman who committed suicide by jumping from the building fell upside down and turned into a "dead sign" at the crossroads.

Following the direction and looking towards the hotel door, I could see relatively intense flashes of light and shadow and swaying figures, as if there was a fierce battle going on.

At the same time, sounds could be heard from different floors, even mixed with some screams, which meant that the hotel had been invaded by death from within, and many gentlemen might even have turned into the dead.

If what is happening is an ordinary and common disease erosion, Yi Chen will not hesitate to step forward to help. But now the death sweeping the city is expanding rapidly. Every time a human dies, a dead person is born.

The safest course of action is to return to Sunshine Hospital and meet up with Mr. Helvoye. With the Beyonder at his command, it will be much easier to resist death.

Staring at the hotel building in front of him, Yi Chen recalled the gentleman's course he took in Zion for more than a year and felt the gentleman's clothes on his body.

He is always reminded of the basic character that a gentleman should possess.

Barry, who was a knight next to him, instinctively walked to the hotel.


Yi Chen shouted and made Barry stop.

“If we had chosen a hotel, we would have been stuck there for a long time and would not have been able to meet Mr. Hervoye at the hospital.

Once Dean Dis fails in his battle with the source of death, without the protection of the 'Transcendent', we will most likely die here.

Barry, you have to think about it! "

Barry, who has always been funny and even regretted coming here many times, has become extremely serious now.

"We must rush to the hotel, our companions need our help!"

At this time, another team of gentlemen arrived at the intersection and noticed the anomalies in the hotel and Yi Chen and Barry across the street.

"Please come with us to the hotel and help!"

The invitation has been sent,

Even if Yi Chen doesn't consider the gentleman's character, he still has to consider the gentleman present.

If he still chooses to leave, the higher-ups will definitely know about it when the death incident subsides.

It is possible that the organization will re-examine Yi Chen's nature, and may even significantly reduce resource supply and no longer provide "gentleman's skin".

After all, in a world infected by epidemics, individuals who lack character and lose their humanity may be more dangerous than some patients.

Yi Chen stepped forward and patted Barry on the back.

"Let's go to the hotel with them, but I have one request.

When the two of us accepted the mission, the mission information clearly reminded us that if the danger in Levenholm is higher than the mission estimate, we can evacuate at any time without being held responsible for anything.

When the danger in the hotel exceeds what we can bear, once I say leave, Barry, you must follow me and evacuate decisively. "


Yi Chen also gritted his teeth and clenched the weapons in his hands, preparing to show his true strength in the hotel and eliminate the threat as quickly as possible.

When crossing the intersection to meet up with another team,

When one of the other party saw Yi Chen, who was blindfolded with black cloth and slightly stooped, he was frightened and took two steps back. When he was studying at the academy ten years ago, he had an encounter with Hogni Zed because he was fined for helping transport corpses in the teaching building due to violation of regulations, which left a psychological shadow from then on.

But if you take a closer look, you will see that the young man in front of you is different in appearance and age, but his expression is somewhat similar.

When everyone rushed to the hotel door as quickly as possible, they happened to witness a terrifying scene.

A gentleman with tattered clothes, facial skin full of holes, and a black air of death emanating from the outside was grabbing another gentleman by the neck and lifting him up in the air.

The fingers penetrated the neck, and the skin nearby was aging rapidly and was in danger.


The mithril hammer in Barry's hand was still thrown immediately.

Snapped! The flesh is broken.

But the deceased gentleman in front of him was obviously different from ordinary citizens.

The mithril hammer only shattered the arm used for blocking, and the remaining power only knocked the opponent away and rolled to the corner of the hall.

The gentleman who was strangled in the air was barely rescued, and an injection was immediately given to his neck.

Barry looked at the dead gentleman who was smashed away, "Huh? I was hit in the front, but only his arm was broken... Has the physical strength of the dead been improved after being transformed? It's completely different compared to the citizens. Please be careful. point."

Just when he said these words, Yi Chen had already rushed out.

Lift your left hand, switch ammo types... and pull the trigger!


A single-head bullet was fired, opening a large hole in the deceased's abdomen and crashing into it... The diseased bullet quickly absorbed the iron content in the deceased's body, making the victim's body soft and weak.

When he failed to get up, the blindfolded young man had already killed him.


The moonlight has faded and the silver rats have devoured it.

Just when the rats were about to devour all the filth...pop~pop~pop! The Moonlight Rats actually exploded one after another.

Facing the abnormality, Yi Chen not only did not retreat, but leaned forward slightly.

【Homologous induction】

At the moment when the Moonlight Rat exploded, Yi Chen's own death characteristics actually occurred.

Even if his eyes are blindfolded, he can still clearly feel a breath from the old world. Although it is very thin, it is directly related to death.

"Barry, and others, please don't come over for now..."

After confirming that no one is approaching,

Yi Chen got close to the corpse and reached out to touch the remaining body fragments.

Just like magnets attract each other, or Yi Chen himself is a magnet,

As soon as he touched it, he immediately sucked out the most important "Breath of Death", and a wisp of dark black silk thread like liquid flowed into Yi Chen's body.

The body of the deceased gentleman immediately disintegrated and turned into a puddle of filth.

Buzz! Tinnitus sounded in my head.

Yi Chen's consciousness seemed to be taken to the depths of the old world. There were tunnels, caves and various buildings built with skulls as the basic building materials. It seemed that a certain [Kingdom of the Dead] was hidden deep in the depths.

What's being glimpsed so far isn't even the tip of the iceberg.

When consciousness returns,

The trace amount of "Breath of Death" that was absorbed just now has turned into [nutrient] for Yi Chen's own death system.

"Good stuff! If I can absorb more of this breath, I may be able to further develop and control the death characteristics in my body, laying the foundation for the upcoming limit breakthrough."

When Yi Chen turned around,

Except for Barry, the other gentlemen looked at him with vigilant eyes and even fought against each other.

In order to prove that he was not infected by the deadly epidemic, he also took his own selfish motives into consideration.

Yi Chen took out a doctor's business card that had been stored for a long time from his backpack - [Andre Vesalius], the deputy director of Hippocrates Hospital and one of the heads of the Secret Medicine Review Department.

He once became acquainted with Yi Chen because of the Twilight Clinic. He always wears the iconic beak mask and is a rare death doctor.

"I inherited the secret art of death from Doctor Vesalius,

Through the beheading and examination just now, we can draw an important conclusion: there is an essential difference between the deceased gentleman and the deceased citizen.

A certain gaseous substance from the old world is the key to the formation of the "gentlemen dead", and can even integrate their professional characteristics during life to make them more powerful.

Next, everyone must work together to fight against the gentleman dead, and must not be left alone.

Once your attacks break or crack the [Gentleman Dead]'s body, I will immediately suck out the old world atmosphere from their bodies. "

Seeing this genuine doctor's business card and the scene of Yi Chen absorbing the breath of death, everyone was convinced.

The team immediately launched a comprehensive cleanup of the hotel with Yi Chen as the center.

More and more "Breath of Death Plague" is absorbed by Yi Chen as nourishment.

During this process, Yi Chen's skin became paler, even pale, getting closer to the form of the deceased.

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