The final gentleman

Chapter 234 Sensory Bias

At the entrance of Sunshine Hospital, a large number of survivors from the hotel were welcomed.

The group was greeted warmly by the apprentices before they even entered the hospital, which seemed completely untouched by death.

On the rooftop.

'Hervoye (Baron and Lotson)' stood with hands behind their hands and glanced at the survivors downstairs who couldn't wait to squeeze into the hospital. Their eyes could even see directly through their skin and see the neatly arranged lines in their bodies. Clothed blood vessels and a heart beating rapidly due to tension.

It was as if he was watching bags of fresh blood bags walking into his own warehouse.

It's a pity that it's just an ordinary blood pack, and there is no physical body he really wants.

"Where did William Behrens go? The erosion of death has spread to every corner of the city. All the gentlemen are fleeing. Logically speaking, he should come to the hospital to meet us as soon as possible.

Did he really die on the way? "

"Probably not. A guy who can control two monster-level teammates will definitely not die here easily. Just wait a little longer, he will definitely come.

Why don't we go down and taste these blood bags first? Maybe there's something good mixed in them. "

【Sunshine Hotel】

In the high-end guest room in the corner of the top floor, six gentlemen who have reached their limit are crowded together in a circle, each looking in one direction and maintaining physical contact at all times. The materials of each other's gentleman's clothes are even intertwined.

At the same time, everyone is still counting from 1 to 6 without interruption.

In this case, if anyone makes a big move, others will know about it.

But only two minutes have passed,

1, 2,

But the number 3 has not yet appeared.

When everyone looked around, fear instantly overflowed, and some people's legs even began to shake.

The circle originally formed by six people now turned into five people. The intellectual gentleman named Joseph who was good at fire magic disappeared as if he had been wiped out.

What's even more exaggerated is that the gentlemen on Joseph's left and right sides are actually leaning against each other, and they don't feel anything at all.

"How can it be!"

Facing the incomprehensible unknown, everyone panicked, and their psychological defenses almost collapsed.

Even Yi Chen's expression was squeezed into a ball, unable to understand how everything happened in front of him. However, he was not afraid or panicked. Instead, he fell into an extremely excited state of mind.

Being in an orphanage during his lifetime, and subsequently entering society as a dead person,

Yi Chen has also encountered various incomprehensible situations, but as long as he calms down and thinks about them, he can always find clues and gradually find a way to break the situation.

This process is dangerous but very interesting.

The feeling of having the unknown trampled under his feet made Yi Chen unable to stop.

Buzz! At the back of the head, the book emblem symbolizing [Student Occupation] begins to 'turn the book' under the activity of brain tissue.

The improvement of thinking brought about by reaching the limit of intelligence can quickly integrate some details from the personal disappearance to the present, and launch an extremely comprehensive analysis.

"At the beginning, the people who are far away from the team, on the outermost edge or walking at the end disappear. To achieve this kind of disappearance, there are many methods available.

For example, moving people away by stopping time, or taking people away at a fast enough speed.

But for the last time, everyone was wary and gathered in a circle, while still maintaining the "connectivity" between gentleman's clothes.

If you want to take people away quietly, you must destroy this "connectivity" and cut off the gentleman's skin. This is the material produced by the old world that is deeply bound to each of us.

As long as there is cutting behavior, everyone will definitely feel it.


The smoking brain discovered the key to the problem at this moment.

"Unless the other party can also control the Gentleman's Skin, and the basic parameters such as proficiency and skin content are higher than ours.

Could it be that there is a [gentleman deceased] in the hotel whose skin content far exceeds ours, and has even exceeded the limit! No, if there were any, they would have prevented us from clearing away the dead in the hotel before, and they must have just arrived. 』

"Everyone holds hands and goes to the rooftop. We need to fight in an open and empty environment."

Because Yi Chen has established enough prestige in everyone's hearts, when he shouted these words, everyone's relatively panicked mood was stabilized again.

Boom! Windows broken.

Everyone also followed the request and climbed out of the window together while holding hands.

We are currently on the top floor, and we only need to climb up one level to reach the open rooftop area... The open area allows the perception to spread out, and perhaps we can discover the other party's 'stealing methods'.

But in the process of climbing through the window and climbing the stairs, the team was once again reduced by one person.

But this time he is not missing, but a thirty-year-old boy named Cliff. His "coordination" has reached the limit and he has animal characteristics such as gliding and buffering.

Instead of believing that Yi Chen went to the rooftop, he believed that if he could escape from the hotel, he would have a greater chance of surviving.

On the way to climb over the window, he kicked his legs and made a perfect leap of faith.

His armpits immediately grew bat-like wing membranes, and he began to glide in the air, trying to use the height of the hotel to fly directly to a hospital not too far away.

After gliding for a certain distance, he even turned to look at his temporary partner on the rooftop.

"Everyone, once I successfully arrive at Sunshine Hospital, I will report the hotel's intelligence there and try to call in support troops. You must..."

The words are not finished yet.

Cliff, who was gliding normally, suddenly looked dull, as if his senses had been stripped away, and he was falling freely with his head downwards... Bang! Another dead body sign was placed in the street.

Even though Yi Chen was blindfolded, he could tell what was going on just by analyzing the other person's sudden stop of words and the sound of his head breaking.

Only four people were left in the nine-man team, and only twenty minutes had passed.

The survivors include Yi Chen, Barry, Maliti (a thirty-year-old woman who carries a curved sword and wears mechanical glasses), and Walter Rudd (who wears a light blue robe-like outfit and can provide rapid healing and water-based attacks). middle-aged scumbag uncle)

Uncle Waterlard said helplessly, "It seems that our wanton cure of diseases in the hotel has successfully angered the source of death hidden deep in the city.

Although I never thought about dying, I still felt scared when the actual death came.

I really want to live. How exciting it is to be able to eat meat pies made by Miss Shelley on the street every day. "

Maridy, who was carrying a large curved sword, also left her last words: "I thought I would be able to return to Zion if I persisted in Levenholm for a few more years, but I didn't expect that I would never have the chance to go back. I really want to see the scene behind the limit. Ah…isn’t your talent enough?”

Only Barry did not express his last words;

Yi Chen also tasted the sense of dissonance. We are all gentlemen who have reached their limit. Even if they have not yet broken through, they must have experienced the moment of life and death.

Even if he is facing a completely unknown death predicament, he will not be in a hurry to express his last words.

The heroic character of a gentleman should be inspired in this situation, and he should focus on fighting instead of talking nonsense that is useless and may even disturb the mentality of his teammates.

As Yi Chen took this sense of dissonance into consideration, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.


Yi Chen immediately shifted his attention and focused on the [examination] of his brain. As expected, he discovered that there was a looming thread connected deep in his brain.

Bang~ Immediately control the iron chain in the body to swim to the brain area and cut the thread.

Snapped! The thread breaks.

The sound of the wind on the rooftop, the sound of teammates breathing, the touch of bodies touching each other, and the smell coming from everyone all disappeared.

In exchange, there was the sound of water dripping and the unique smell of the bathroom.

"This is!"

Yi Chen immediately took off his blindfold,

He was no longer on the rooftop at all, but standing in the guest bathroom! The mirror reflected his pale, dead face, and time seemed to go back to the moment when Barry said he looked very bad.

Yi Chen has not left the bathroom since he entered it.

The reason why I felt like I was leaving, interacting with Barry and his teammates, and the teammates disappearing one by one...all the tactile, auditory and olfactory feedback were forged, and they were all false information transmitted to the brain by the thin line just now.

When he pushed the door open and walked out of the bathroom, Barry and his other teammates were already gone.

The moment he left the guest room, an extremely dangerous aura came from the end of the passage. This aura was far superior to all the dead gentlemen Yi Chen had killed.

The end of the passage,

A handsome man walked slowly with silk threads fluttering between his fingers. The gentleman's clothes on his body were badly damaged, and the breath of death was exhaling from his mouth. There were even ulcers on his scalp, and his skull could be seen.

"This is Vice Dean Aiwat!"

"You can actually find the "sensory line" hidden in my brain. I originally planned to take care of the others and then bring you back to the adults directly. It will take more time now..."

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